TRIGGER WARNING Homophobia in the Somali community

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Come get a slice of Humble Pie


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
I’m not asking people to accept homosexuality. I am asking them to simply stop judging them. No one is without sin. I say instead of wasting time judging others, increase good deeds & immerse oneself in religious acts. If Allah wants to guide the homosexuals, He will do it.

If someone finds out their relative is a homosexual, they can still disagree with it, but no need to stop loving them. If Allah exposed everyone’s sins, they would potentially be or feel embarrassed & so I say people should just leave homosexuals alone, if they’re going to be rude to them

The fact that he want us to simply overlook the gravity of what he's advocating and focuses on somalis being homophobic is quite telling and obvious. He doesn't want to understand why somalis dislike homosexuality why is that do you think ?.

By default islam is against homosexuality so anyone belonging to this group already views islam as being "homophobic", since islam is against their preferred lifestyle. No one knew his sins until he exposed it himself, on top of it all he's quite proud about it. He judges and accuses the entire somali community of being homophobic yet this somehow passed you by ? why is this ?
I agree with you but bisexuals make no sense to me, if you're attracted to women, there should be no problem no? It's not comparable to outright homosexuality.

I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay, it's unfair to tell others they can never have love and comfort with people they are attracted to...


I am NOT a federal agent
What I’d like to say to the people who have strong opinions on homosexuals is to stop being so judgemental. You never whether or not you will fall into the same sin as them. Plus, let them make love to whoever they want. Judging them isn’t going to solve poverty, war, invasions, genocide, etc. Worry about your own shortcomings & amplify the best things about yourself
If you are muslim your stance should be very clear.
Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11.11.07 PM.png


Veni Vidi Vici
You honestly came to a Somali Forum with Islamic conduct and very conservative views and expected to get showered with love and with open hand :gucciwhat:

Did you start this thread to be bombarded with Qashins, since this would have been the response you would have got. This act is vulgar and needs to be SHUNNED in our community.
Even if
Homophobia is such a funny/weird thing in Somali communities because they won’t go out to harass, insult you but do it in their private homes and with their friends. People think that being lgbtq is so bad that they won’t even talk about it in public... so my mum got a call from my aunt in Somalia and she told her, that her friends son married his boyfriend and she was first telling it as something normal and then started to cuss him out but wouldn’t say any of that to her friend.. my mum got angry because I identify as bisexual and she told her that cussing that man out will only get her closer to hell.

let’s talk about homophobia
Okay, there's a scholar named Hamza Yusuf who made a video about this very situation. He made it clear that it is a valid feeling or orientation, but one shouldn't act upon it.

You're not going to be punished for having those thoughts, you will be punished, however, for acting on them.

As a fellow Somali, it's my advice to you that you should keep such things to yourself and don't act upon it. It will likely never be accepted in Somali culture or the broader Islamic world.

So don't bother fighting a futile battle.
I am sorry OP but there is lots of mini Zakir Naiks on this site.
We're just telling him the truth of the matter if he listens, he listens.

Homophobia exists because there is something about same-sex relationships that just seems very unnatural. I can't explain, but it's just there okay.

A female-male pairing seems more symmetrical and in line with natural law.


Forza Somalia!
If my mom got a call from her sister saying that her son got married to his friend Male, she instantly end that call and immediately presume to wonder : WTH she said!!!?, and call her back to get clarification.
Such unimaginable thing the OP said. :shaq:


Forza Somalia!
I am sorry OP but there is lots of mini Zakir Naiks on this site.
Do you think that if zakir and other muslims scholars came and said homogenous is totally ok, and in somehow if it's got proven that homosexuality was ok through out Islamic history, would you think that Somalis will except that?
I used to belive it was a choise and was against it, in fakt i did not feel sorry för their suffering. But these niggas cut their balls of like its nothing :mindblown:

I think thats enough proof för me. I will never understand them but i think they deserve to live a good life just like anyone.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
Homophobia is such a funny/weird thing in Somali communities because they won’t go out to harass, insult you but do it in their private homes and with their friends. People think that being lgbtq is so bad that they won’t even talk about it in public... so my mum got a call from my aunt in Somalia and she told her, that her friends son married his boyfriend and she was first telling it as something normal and than started to cuss him out but wouldn’t say any of that to her friend.. my mum got angry because I identify as bisexual and she told her that cussing that man out will only get her closer to hell..

let’s talk about homophobia
If you're bisexual go marry a woman audhubillah. Hold your urges in. Homosexuality is unnatural as you cannot reproduce to have children which is why we have sexual nature in the first place for the survival of the fittest.

Sodomy is haram and you shouldn't practice it.

Literal proof that we're close to the end times subhan allah. If you believe homosexuality is ok, and you freely practice it then you're not muslim but you're mentally ill for believing so.
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