TRIGGER WARNING Homophobia in the Somali community

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Homophobia is such a funny/weird thing in Somali communities because they won’t go out to harass, insult you but do it in their private homes and with their friends. People think that being lgbtq is so bad that they won’t even talk about it in public... so my mum got a call from my aunt in Somalia and she told her, that her friends son married his boyfriend and she was first telling it as something normal and than started to cuss him out but wouldn’t say any of that to her friend.. my mum got angry because I identify as bisexual and she told her that cussing that man out will only get her closer to hell..

let’s talk about homophobia
Homophobia is beautiful and homesexual deviants are scum. :samwelcome:
I’m sorry that you think that way but I assure you we’re not

Theirs nothing to assure here warya. Your entire lifestyle and mentality strays against what is natural and against all rationale. Filth is the only accurate way to describe it. I hope that you can reform and see the error of your ways. Its quite sad to see someone being happy degrading themselves like that.
We all know what you and many others are trying to do, stir up controversy. Homosexuality has never been apart of our culture and is a major sin in our religion, the acceptence of them has led to the down ward spiral on what is secually accepted to perhaps many more things where mosf people wouldn't bat an eye, not to mention the many diseases it brings


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Homophobia is such a funny/weird thing in Somali communities because they won’t go out to harass, insult you but do it in their private homes and with their friends. People think that being lgbtq is so bad that they won’t even talk about it in public... so my mum got a call from my aunt in Somalia and she told her, that her friends son married his boyfriend and she was first telling it as something normal and than started to cuss him out but wouldn’t say any of that to her friend.. my mum got angry because I identify as bisexual and she told her that cussing that man out will only get her closer to hell..

let’s talk about homophobia

Its a SIN huuno :(


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Ofc you should be able to voice your opinions and I do empathize with identifying as something not acceptable in the community but.....yeah don’t know what else to say 🤷🏽‍♀️


Walaahi oo bilaahi i never understood what u just typed...u r not very articulate are u?


Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
What I’d like to say to the people who have strong opinions on homosexuals is to stop being so judgemental. You never whether or not you will fall into the same sin as them. Plus, let them make love to whoever they want. Judging them isn’t going to solve poverty, war, invasions, genocide, etc. Worry about your own shortcomings & amplify the best things about yourself
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