HOLLLY SHITTTT! Sweden news tv “more than half of rapist are foreigners “

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I'm not judgemental. Promise :lolbron: Just tell me

Well if you must know, I'm the illustrious NourUgaas. The great Mujahid who shook the core of Somalispot.

I was the one who created this picture that's become widespread all over the world:


Even Fox News wanted to interview me the day after I posted this
Well if you must know, I'm the illustrious NourUgaas. The great Mujahid who shook the core of Somalispot.

I was the one who created this picture that's become widespread all over the world:


Even Fox News wanted to interview me the day after I posted this
I remember you.
Well, let's just say...... I hope you changed :susp:
I remember you.
Well, let's just say...... I hope you changed :susp:

I'm a feminist now. Im not the same. 180 degree change.

I hate Somali guys. I believe that the Somali women are oppressed and need liberation from their evil Satanic counterparts. I believe that Somali men aint shytt.

This is my new ideology.


Because they view cadaan girls as inferior and cheap s. They rarely rape foreign Muslim girls, cause they only have respect for them :bell:
I find that hard to believe. Since when did they come in contact with cadaan girls before coming to the country? Just because they dress differently? I thought that was just what anti-immigrant people say.
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I find that hard to believe. Since when did they come in contact with cadaan girls before coming to the country? I thought that was just what anti-immigrant people say.
It's not just what anti-immigrant people say. Some guys use cadaan girls for sex and then go on and marry virgin girls from their own ethnicity. They label the white girls as cheap and easy- which makes them an easier prey for rape
I'm not saying every single man has this mindset of course, but it's common. And they brag about it. I wish you spoke Danish, so I could show you some videos
It's not just what anti-immigrant people say. Some guys use cadaan girls for sex and then go on and marry virgin girls from their own ethnicity. They label the white girls as cheap and easy- which makes them an easier prey for rape
I'm not saying every single man has this mindset of course, but it's common. And they brag about it. I wish you spoke Danish, so I could show you some videos
You are danish..... sorry to hear that. Plz dont tell me you live in that shit country


It's not just what anti-immigrant people say. Some guys use cadaan girls for sex and then go on and marry virgin girls from their own ethnicity. They label the white girls as cheap and easy- which makes them an easier prey for rape
I'm not saying every single man has this mindset of course, but it's common. And they brag about it. I wish you spoke Danish, so I could show you some videos
Wow, looks like I was living in a bubble then. You can have sex with a white girl but that doesn't mean you regard them as cheap and easy and rape them.


It is a sad trend and I sadly have my own anecdotes to add to the statistics.

Turns out that consent as a concept is not taught well or even at all for some of the men.

The common defensive tactic is to blame the women for wearing provocative clothes, to allege prior consent with no basis in reality often by assumption and to grossly disregard the woman's complaint during an otherwise lawful engagement of intimate relations.

Mostly the men are convicted due to violent attacks either prior or during the intimate encounter negating the consent defense, and thus some lack self-control in that respect too, @Knowles.

I remember a case in the UK where the rapist Uber driver (coincidentally Somali) tried to say a student had thrown herself at him and given him some oral sex without consent. I wonder how this must look in court, as his story seems so far fetched.

But you’re absolutely right most Somali men don’t understand rape laws and I’ve even spoken to someone here who thought blackmailing a woman in to sleeping with you wasn’t rape.

Our culture allows this because a son is only told not to get a woman pregnant when he goes out there and most of the strict parenting is focused on the girls.
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I remember a case in the UK where the rapist Uber driver (coincidentally Somali) tried to say a student had thrown herself at him and given him some oral sex without consent. I wonder how this must look in court, as it is so far fetched.

But you’re absolutely right most Somali men don’t understand rape laws and I’ve even spoken to someone here who thought blackmailing a woman in to sleeping with you wasn’t rape.

Our culture allows this because a son is only told not to get a woman pregnant when he goes out there and most of the strict parenting is focused on the girls.
Nayaa...stop the somali men lies. We are not known to lie and its not like you have to worry about somali guys. You are bigger than 90% of them
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