Hijab and Somali girls


Engineer of Qandala
If the girl doesn’t want to wear it, the parents shouldn’t control her.

Somalis have a weird habit of forcing their girls to were a hijab at a very young age. A girl should were the hijab after she reaches puberty and should be able to decide if she wants to.

A parent is allowed to raise their kids according to their religion, after the kid is an adult and out of the house, its their choice whatever they want to do.


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
If the girl doesn’t want to wear it, the parents shouldn’t control her.

Somalis have a weird habit of forcing their girls to were a hijab at a very young age. A girl should were the hijab after she reaches puberty and should be able to decide if she wants to.

Sexualising this is very perverted, some users here are quite odd!
How? We should make our children be used to wearing modest clothes. Western norm shouldn’t stop us from practicing our deen. Do you complain about Christian woman such as a nun wearing modest clothing which covers her head and body?
I've seen 5 year old western Somali girls at the beach. Some of them wear jilbaabs too and most of them wear some version of the hijab where that's huge.

This kid is frolicking at the edge of the beautiful ocean on what looks like a black wet plastic bag. Why can't they just wear something normal that covers most of their body instead of a huge bac? I felt embarrassed sharing the same ethnicity with these people:ohlord:
why are you looking at kids?

Lord of Warshiekh

Friend of a Selected few, The Rt.Hon.
How? We should make our children be used to wearing modest clothes. Western norm shouldn’t stop us from practicing our deen. Do you complain about Christian woman such as a nun wearing modest clothing which covers her head and body?
I meant that some users here were talking about the bodies of young girls in a sexualising manner. I wasn’t talking about the deen


There's no need to wear the hijab at such a young age. Let kids be kids, what "modesty" does a 5-year-old need to learn?
Girls should wear the hijab when they hit puberty. A 5 year old does not need to wear it, but she can if she wants to or is okay with it. Forcing a little girl to wear it is wrong, and that is why so many Somali girls take off their hijabs when they get older
Alxamdulillah, that's how it should be everywhere:rejoice:

Nothing wrong with kids wearing baby hijabs. Jilbabs are crazy though, how is a little kid going to run around? They need space, freedom of movement and safe garments at that age.

This is definitely only a Somali issue. I've worked in middle eastern schools in very conservative areas and little 5 yr olds at most if they do wear hijab wear a baby one, and the rest have their hair out.

At that age, their hair isn't even awra. Nothing wrong with you encouraging them to wear a little hijab from time to time to make them feel comfortable in wearing them for when they reach puberty.
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I think maybe they (the parents) want the kids to get used to it so when it becomes waajib it won't be difficult for them to adopt

Check this link out
When should a girl observe hijab?

"But the parent or guardian of a girl has to make her get used to doing the obligatory duties and avoiding haraam things before puberty, so that she will grow up with that and it will not be too hard for her to adhere to that after she reaches puberty."
:samwelcome:Your welcome

So if a girl is approaching puberty, there is the fear that her not wearing hijab may
cause young men to be tempted by her or her by them. Hence in this situation her parent or guardian has to make her wear hijab so as to prevent means that may lead to evil or immorality.

The same fatwa makes it clear that is the case if she is about to approach puberty. Not 4 yr olds.

Also, we are talking about jilbabs NOT small baby hijabs.

Samaalic Era

Nothing wrong with kids wearing baby hijabs. Jilbabs are crazy though, how is a little kid going to run around? They need space, freedom of movement and safe garments at that age.

This is definitely only a Somali issue. I've worked in middle eastern schools in very conservative areas and little 5 yr olds at most if they do wear hijab wear a baby one, and the rest have their hair out.

At that age, their hair isn't even awra. Nothing wrong with you encouraging them to wear a little hijab from time to time to make them feel comfortable in wearing them for when they reach puberty.
Islam is not based on geographical location. If you do not teach hijab from a young age, they will not wear when they grow older. The early years are the most important
Islam is not based on geographical location. If you do not teach hijab from a young age, they will not wear when they grow older. The early years are the most important

Not Jilbab.

Most girls in Khaleeji countries, especially in conservative areas all wear hijab when they hit puberty. So you don't need to force a poor child to drag material that is heavier than them. There is literally no point at that age.

A baby and young child's hair is NOT awra. How are they going to play and run around with such restrictions? What about a child's safety? They are pretty clumsy at that age, and a big material is going to weigh them down.Come on, some Somalis are making their 4 yr old girls who are babies, wear a jilbab.

Like I said, this is an issue only known amongst Somalis. Other groups do not make their little kids wear massive pieces of fabric, yet their women when adults wear hijab. How about we allow little girls to have a childhood?
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Lol it’s hard to follow the logic of the hijab.

So we are told it’s to cover a woman’s beauty from the male gaze

But by asking a 5 year old to wear one- aren’t we sexually objectifying them?

A lot of people on this thread seem to be brainwashed.
So if a girl is approaching puberty, there is the fear that her not wearing hijab may cause young men to be tempted by her or her by them. Hence in this situation her parent or guardian has to make her wear hijab so as to prevent means that may lead to evil or immorality.

The same fatwa makes it clear that is the case if she is about to approach puberty. Not 4 yr olds.

Also, we are talking about jilbabs NOT small baby hijabs.
I agree with you that they shouldn't be wearing it at that early age.

