Her majesty the Queen is the direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad

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Ashy Abdi Representative
Half of the world have blood apparently according to highly professional negrocentrics. There were talks as well about the current Jews in Israel being khazars and not real Jews.
I already know about the current jews especially the European ones they were converts from Italy I believed my African American brothers from the beginning about We wUz tHE ReAl IsRaElTtes AnD ThAt
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This is actually true:

"In 1023, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad became the ruler of Seville in al-Andalus. He was formerly a qadi (judge) appointed by the Caliph of Cordoba, but seized power and formed his own dynasty, the Abbadids. He was a descendant of Muhammad through his daughter Fatima and grandson Hasan ibn Ali.

In 1091 the Almoravids from Morocco invaded Muslim Spain, and his grandson Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad lost his throne. His daughter Zaida fled north and took refuge at the court of King Alfonso VI of Leon. She became his mistress - the king was already married, but his wife was bedridden with illness. Zaida later converted to Christianity, took the baptismal name Isabella and - once the king's previous wife died - married him, bearing him three children that we know of.

In 1352 Maria de Padilla, a descendant of Zaida and Alfonso, became the mistress of King Peter 'the Cruel' of Castille. They had four children - two of the daughters married sons of King Edward III of England. It is from Isabella of Castille and Edmund, Duke of York that the current Queen of the UK is descended."

They also claim to be descended from King Arthur though that's ironically more of a stretch.
This is actually true, one of the Portuguese kings married the daughter of one of the Taifa rulers of Muslim Spain who was descended from Fatima bint Muhammed. The British royal family intermarried with the Portuguese royal family.

They also claim to be descended from King Arthur though that's ironically more of a stretch.

King Arthur wasnt real, right?
King Arthur wasnt real, right?

Yes and no. There was a King Arthur, but his story has gotten so wrapped in myth and legend that the story of King Arthur and the actual guy are very different people.

The real Arthur was a king that the Welsh admired as a warrior and conqueror, but they also considered him a tyrant and bloodthirsty maniac, and his fall was due to his oppressive rule and people rising up against him.
The descent from Arthur is through the Tudors, who were a Welsh dynasty originally and they were the ones who really popularized the Arthurian myth.

The Tudors descended from a Welsh knight named Ednyfed Fychan who was the seneschal of the Principality of Gwynedd (the biggest Welsh principality) around the year 1200. His descendant Owain ap Maredudd ap Tewdr (anglicized as Tudor) married really well, he managed to marry the widow and queen mother of England, so his kids were given lordships and baronies and shit like that, founding the Tudor dynasty. 30 years later his grandson seized the throne of England.

Anyways the Tudors claim that Ednyfed Fychan is a distant descendant of Cadrod Calchynydd, who lived in the 6th century. This is very important because Cadrod Calchfynydd (Cadrod of the Chalk Hills) king of the Chalk Hills and son of Cynwyd ap Cynfelyn and the daughter of Amhar ap Arthur and granddaughter of King Arthur. (Amhar was apparently killed by Arthur personally for rebelling against him).

The Tudors of course claim that Cadrod is actually the son of a SON of Amhar, because the Welsh like Arabs or Somalis figure descent from the male line only.
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