Her majesty the Queen is the direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad

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Is Queen Elizabeth descended from the Prophet Muhammad?
New study revives old claims tracing the British monarch's lineage back 43 generations to the founder of Islam
By TOI STAFF7 Apr 2018, 10:11 am 15

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, June 16, 2015. (AFP/BEN STANSALL)

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Church of England, but she might also be able to claim a role in Islam after a recent study asserted she is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

A March report by the Moroccan newspaper Al-Ousboue traced her lineage back 43 generations to the founder of Islam, sparking widespread interest across the Middle East.

“It builds a bridge between our two religions and kingdoms,” Abdelhamid Al-Aouni said, according to The Daily Mail.

The claim is not new, and was originally published in 1986 by Burke’s Peerage, the noted guide to royal genealogy. The link was also reportedly verified by Ali Gomaa, the former grand mufti of Egypt, which would make Elizabeth a distant cousin of fellow monarchs King Abdullah II of Jordan and Mohammed VI of Morocco.


Britain’s Queen Elizabeth meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah, in Buckingham Palace London Tuesday November 15, 2011.(AP Photo/ Lewis Whyld/Pool)
According to the family tree, she is descendant from the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima.

According to the Economist, much of the purported link revolves around a Muslim princess called Zaida, who fled an attack on Seville in Muslim Spain in the 11th century and found refuge in the court of Alfonso VI of Castille.

There, “she changed her name to Isabella, converted to Christianity and bore Alfonso a son, Sancho, one of whose descendants later married the Earl of Cambridge,” the Economist said.

However, the report notes that Zaida’s own origins are not without debate.

“Some make her the daughter of Muatamid bin Abbad, a wine-drinking caliph descended from the Prophet. Others say she married into his family,” the report said.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Is Queen Elizabeth descended from the Prophet Muhammad?
New study revives old claims tracing the British monarch's lineage back 43 generations to the founder of Islam
By TOI STAFF7 Apr 2018, 10:11 am 15

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, June 16, 2015. (AFP/BEN STANSALL)

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the Church of England, but she might also be able to claim a role in Islam after a recent study asserted she is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

A March report by the Moroccan newspaper Al-Ousboue traced her lineage back 43 generations to the founder of Islam, sparking widespread interest across the Middle East.

“It builds a bridge between our two religions and kingdoms,” Abdelhamid Al-Aouni said, according to The Daily Mail.

The claim is not new, and was originally published in 1986 by Burke’s Peerage, the noted guide to royal genealogy. The link was also reportedly verified by Ali Gomaa, the former grand mufti of Egypt, which would make Elizabeth a distant cousin of fellow monarchs King Abdullah II of Jordan and Mohammed VI of Morocco.


Britain’s Queen Elizabeth meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah, in Buckingham Palace London Tuesday November 15, 2011.(AP Photo/ Lewis Whyld/Pool)
According to the family tree, she is descendant from the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima.

According to the Economist, much of the purported link revolves around a Muslim princess called Zaida, who fled an attack on Seville in Muslim Spain in the 11th century and found refuge in the court of Alfonso VI of Castille.

There, “she changed her name to Isabella, converted to Christianity and bore Alfonso a son, Sancho, one of whose descendants later married the Earl of Cambridge,” the Economist said.

However, the report notes that Zaida’s own origins are not without debate.

“Some make her the daughter of Muatamid bin Abbad, a wine-drinking caliph descended from the Prophet. Others say she married into his family,” the report said.

Glad to know the arabs have low self esteem and run after the British aristocracy like me. What happened to Anaa Quraiishiiaa pride???

Arabs begging English to join their hairy and extremist family line. I've seen it all now these desert monkeys actually believe that the British have low enough self esteem to leave behind their rich history, in favour of joining the wahabbi terrorist goat fucking blood line.

Arabs begging English to join their hairy and extremist family line. I've seen it all now these desert monkeys actually believe that the British have low enough self esteem to leave behind their rich history, in favour of joining the wahabbi terrorist goat fucking blood line.


English had nothing. When Islamic sultanates were around Brits used to take shits in the River Thames search up the "Great Stink"
English had nothing. When Islamic sultanates were around Brits used to take shits in the River Thames search up the "Great Stink"
I know they cover up the dark ages, but they still had a better culture than the arabs. The only good calaphate for the Arabs was one ruled by an Arab, that backwards thinking lead to the collapse of the ottoman empire (the last line of defence for Muslim countries). Now look at Muslim countries, there is no one to defend them all thanks to the treacherous arabs.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The British royal family are not descendants of our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh

The royal family of Britain are descendants of khazarian tribe of the caucus mountains
English had nothing. When Islamic sultanates were around Brits used to take shits in the River Thames search up the "Great Stink"

The Islamic golden age was mostly thanks to Persian theologians, philosophers and scientists. Arabs barely contributed anything, even though they get the credit for it, because in peoples mind, and even in the Arab mind, Islamic=Arab.

Abdu Hanifa, Imaam Bukhari, Imaam Al-Ghazaali, Avicenna, Al-Farabi and almost any other big name u can think of were Persian and not Arab.


Ashy Abdi Representative
Yh I heard idk if this is true but by this logic half of the world is supposedly banu hashim how many children did they have.
Yh I heard idk if this is true but by this logic half of the world is supposedly banu hashim how many children did they have.
Half of the world have blood apparently according to highly professional negrocentrics. There were talks as well about the current Jews in Israel being khazars and not real Jews.
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