HELP: I think my brother stole my money.


Certified Pimp.
You should record his voice or videorecord him how much money it was he stole from your hooyo than ask him if he regret stealing it and if he ever feels bad about doing it

Than ask him if hes seen your small box that you stashed with your money if he says "No" than tell him you gonna play a record of him confessing to stealing from hooyo to your parents
Seems like a great idea, Imma try this one.


Certified Pimp.
You're not thinking outside the box (literally) maybe thats why you got robbed in the first place. You gotta catch him lackin when he's sleeping or something
That’s just begging to get my ass handed to me by my parents.
You're not thinking outside the box (literally) maybe thats why you got robbed in the first place. You gotta catch him lackin when he's sleeping or something
U gotta go crazy in this situation it sets a precedent that he can rob u at anytime. @Qali Get a knife and threaten this nigga sometimes u gotta out crazy niggas.
How will I differentiate between his lacag and my lacag? The blackmailing part sounds like a good idea, I’ll use that.
Count his money. If he has too much then take the amount he stole back. If he puts up a fight, tell him you'll snitch on him.


Hakuna matata
I remember my cousin stole my money, I could not believe it. No one in my family steals from eachother. If there's 1k on the table nobody will touch it. They'd only ask who does it belong too.


Certified Pimp.
I remember my cousin stole my money, I could not believe it. No one in my family steals from eachother. If there's 1k on the table nobody will touch it. They'd only ask who does it belong too.
He’s the only tuug in our house, my parents don’t know it yet, poor Hooyo.


I do something called "what I want"
@Django I have never seen you post in the generals only in the tribal council and Somali politics
He's a part time lawyer, he's been commissioned in the general sections. His main hustle is FKD.

Here's him waiting for trial
