Hassan Sheikh Mahamud's son flees Turkey after killing a motorcyclist

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
There is no need to expose all of this.

Somali politics is so embarrassing. HSM supporters used to do this about Farmaajo and his government and now Farmaajo supporters are doing this to HSM and his government.

Somalis love embarrassing us on the world stage for qabiil fkd points.

This is why qabiil needs to eradicated from Somali society. It’s a cancer and it needs to be aggressively treated.

What is the situation like in Turkey for you guys? Any extra heat? I read that a Somali student was recently murdered, is that true?
There is no need to expose all of this.

Somali politics is so embarrassing. HSM supporters used to do this about Farmaajo and his government and now Farmaajo supporters are doing this to HSM and his government.

Somalis love embarrassing us on the world stage for qabiil fkd points.

This is why qabiil needs to eradicated from Somali society. It’s a cancer and it needs to be aggressively treated.
In deontology, there is an antithesis of the concept 'Cura', where a rather sickly man of a preventable disease, in order to remedy the illness, chooses not to execute preventative measures, but instead: a) Only wishes to deal with the symptoms after the fact, c) Avoids remedial measures of all, and c) Suffers oneself, and thereby infecting the whole subsequently. All to hide embarrassment. Rings a bell, does it not? Would it not be right for once to refrain from corrupt wrongdoing practices.


Minister of Propaganda
In deontology, there is an antithesis of the concept 'Cura', where a rather sickly man of a preventable disease, in order to remedy the illness, chooses not to execute preventative measures, but instead: a) Only wishes to deal with the symptoms after the fact, c) Avoids remedial measures of all, and c) Suffers oneself, and thereby infecting the whole subsequently. All to hide embarrassment. Rings a bell, does it not? Would it not be right for once to refrain from corrupt wrongdoing practices.

It does and that is the fate of the Somali people. A slow death caused by too much pride to deal with their apparent ailments.


There is no need to expose all of this.

Somali politics is so embarrassing. HSM supporters used to do this about Farmaajo and his government and now Farmaajo supporters are doing this to HSM and his government.

Somalis love embarrassing us on the world stage for qabiil fkd points.

This is why qabiil needs to eradicated from Somali society. It’s a cancer and it needs to be aggressively treated.
You have to admit the cbb crew, which you yourself were apart of have the loudest voice on twitter now and did when farmaajo was president. It weren't just twitter but all platforms actually. Now here are you are talking about they are embarrassing us.


Minister of Propaganda
You have to admit the cbb crew, which you yourself were apart of have the loudest voice on twitter now and did when farmaajo was president. It weren't just twitter but all platforms actually. Now here are you are talking about they are embarrassing us.


I wasn’t a part of CBB, I used to say you were both as bad as each other and it’s true.

You have HSM supporters straight up denying this crime occurred on social media, which is also embarrassing.


Forza Somalia!
it reached Sweden