Has anybody here tried the Keto diet?

Keto can be very beneficial if you do it right & for a while , I had the best results with keto back in my gym days .

How much weight you want to loose ?
i did the ketogenic diet thing last year for like 6 months, it definitely works for weight loss because it's a lot more easier to control your appetite since your bodies become more fat-adapted and you aren't fluctuating your blood-sugar levels; i'd generally be ok eating just once or twice a day which helped keep caloric intake down.

But if you're trying to gain mass it wouldn't be a good idea to go into ketosis since you need carbs for efficient muscle building; carbs are important for muscle building because they're protein sparing, which means the body will rely more on glycogen for energy instead of breaking down muscle tissue for energy.

there's a study here if you want to read more on keto and muscle gains: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6038311/
Don't give up on keto/low carb diet as a way to gain weight. It's possible but it needs a lot of determination and constant eating. But the rewards are easy to spot specially if you hit the gym. And not to mention you will be healthy and energetic as hell. Try one month of Keto and document it for us walaal.


weight loss, its pretty much just calorie deficit

just do flexible dieting and increase water intake

add 1 refeed day per week and you're good to go