Happening now : Ecuadorian Civil war


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
US must maintain the status quo no central to south american nation is allowed to challenge or be prosperous under the eye of uncle sam. Bukele is on knifes edge. He doesnt have the military strength of cuba or venezuela to challenge US so hes in a bad spot
This is why I respect the president of El Salvador for liberating his country from these cartel thugs. This is the kind of treatment they all deserve.

US must maintain the status quo no central to south american nation is allowed to challenge or be prosperous under the eye of uncle sam. Bukele is on knifes edge. He doesnt have the military strength of cuba or venezuela to challenge US so hes in a bad spot
Costa Rica is a fairly prosperous country, and haven't they been ran by left/center left governments for much of the last 50 years?
These cartels “death squads” funnel their money through US and British banks and get their arms from America. These death squads were the precursor to the “terrorists” that surprisingly began plaguing the Islamic world after 9/11


They should implement Nayib Bukele’s approach. As president of El Salvador he changed from the most dangerous country in the world to one of the safest in a few short months.


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