Halima Aden praised whilst rapper, Latto, is dragged


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I am kinda mad Halima did not pick Barbie doll. What is wrong with her?


Coping through the 1st world
This video teaches you the difference between:

Dignity vs. degradation

religion teaches us value and self respect.

Self dignify to promote your deeds.

Humility is the key.

Also what were the adults thinking laying this poor angel to promote some street chick.

Mood What GIF by NBC
Latto and these other naked female rappers act like prostitutes. No, lower than prostitutes, because prostitutes get paid for their service. "Sexual Liberation" is code for 'easy sex' for men and perverted men love this movement. They don't have to pay to see naked women and they don't even have to put in any effort to get their animalistic needs met.
Sleeping with random men is disgusting and most women don't even enjoy it. Google it, most women don't get orgasms from penetration and a lot of men don't know how to get a woman to that point. So, I ask, what is the purpose of "sexual liberation" other than to please men?!!!

Real "sexual liberation" is knowing your rights in Islam and making sure you get pleased in your marriage. Women who don't get pleased by their husbands and cannot speak up, are those who are not liberated. Physical intimacy is for a married couple, in which they can explore each other in a safe and consensual atmosphere. Muslim Women should absolutely make sure they are enjoying themselves and their husbands should learn how to please them and not be selfish.

These "sexually liberated" women are concubines for men and walking P0rn billboards.
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Latto and these other naked female rappers act like prostitutes. No, lower than prostitutes, because prostitutes get paid for their service. "Sexual Liberation" is free prostitution and perverted men love this movement. They don't have to pay to see naked women and they don't even have to put in any effort to get their animalistic needs met.

Physical intimacy is for a married couple, in which they can explore each other in a safe and consensual atmosphere. Muslim Women should absolutely make sure they are enjoying themselves and their husbands should learn how to please them and not be selfish. Islam teaches men and women how to behave in that manner.
You can’t help but feel sorry for these young girls who idolize these harlots. Leading them astray and having them be brainwashed by this toxic horrific β€œsexual liberation” movement will only have them feel discarded, bitter, and lonely
You can’t help but feel sorry for these young girls who idolize these harlots. Leading them astray and having them be brainwashed by this toxic horrific β€œsexual liberation” movement will only have them feel discarded, bitter, and lonely

It starts with the filthy demonic noise called "Music". It changes people's emotions and moods. Even water is affected by sound, imagine what that demeaning garbage called Hip Hop and Drill does to the minds of people. Young girls are brainwashed into becoming Sex Kittens and young men are brainwashed into becoming homosexual criminals who hate women. It's a pipeline straight into prison and those who escape prisons are just empty and sick shells.

Even if they don't listen to Music, Social media is also filled with crap. I've seen so much disgusting filth on twitter by accident, I cannot bear to think about how many young children are exposed to this and ruined for life. It's all by design, they'll get you via Music, social media or peer pressure.


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Alx she quit, modeling is the antithesis to modesty
Latto and these other naked female rappers act like prostitutes. No, lower than prostitutes, because prostitutes get paid for their service. "Sexual Liberation" is code for 'easy sex' for men and perverted men love this movement. They don't have to pay to see naked women and they don't even have to put in any effort to get their animalistic needs met.
Sleeping with random men is disgusting and most women don't even enjoy it. Google it, most women don't get orgasms from penetration and a lot of men don't know how to get a woman to that point. So, I ask, what is the purpose of "sexual liberation" other than to please men?!!!

Real "sexual liberation" is knowing your rights in Islam and making sure you get pleased in your marriage. Women who don't get pleased by their husbands and cannot speak up, are those who are not liberated. D Muslim Women should absolutely make sure they are enjoying themselves and their husbands should learn how to please them and not be selfish.

These "sexually liberated" women are concubines for men and walking P0rn billboards.
Cantara baqash isku dhax qaseesa.
You have no idea what you’re talking abt. You’re idealism is very cute walle.
Google it,


Compared to women..


Niggas ain’t getting laid bruh but women are.
What are you going on about?
Sexual Liberation" is code for 'easy sex' for men and perverted men love this movement. They don't have to pay to see naked women and they don't even have to put in any effort to get their animalistic needs met.
If sexual liberation is code for easy sex then why aren’t young men having more sex than before?
most women don't get orgasms from penetration and a lot of men don't know how to get a woman to that point. So, I ask, what is the purpose of "sexual liberation" other than to please men?!!!
If women aren’t really enjoying sex then why are they still having sex relatively at the same rate as in 1989?
Oh maybe they wanna have kids u might say, but abortion is higher than ever? For a group that don’t enjoy sex they are Definitely having more sex than men today. Why is that?
If sexual liberation is code for easy sex then why aren’t young men having more sex than before?

If women aren’t really enjoying sex then why are they still having sex relatively at the same rate as in 1989?
Oh maybe they wanna have kids u might say, but abortion is higher than ever? For a group that don’t enjoy sex they are Definitely having more sex than men today. Why is that?

Sounds like a small number of men are having sex with a lot of these "sexually liberated" women whilst undesirable men are not. This is why attractive men who are promiscuous have very high body counts.

This also correlates with the rise in the incel and redpill movement and dirty movies addiction; which in turn causes erectile dysfunction, mental problems and the vicious cycle continues.

A lot of these redpill and MGOTW males are bitterly jealous of "CHADS" aka the small percent of men who are getting all the attention.
Sounds like a small number of men are having sex with a lot of these "sexually liberated" women whilst undesirable men are not. This is why attractive men who are promiscuous have very high body counts.

This also correlates with the rise in the incel and redpill movement and dirty movies addiction; which in turn causes erectile dysfunction, mental problems and the vicious cycle continues.

A lot of these redpill and MGOTW males are bitterly jealous of "CHADS" aka the small percent of men who are getting all the attention.
:yousmart: You’re absolutely right. The 80/20 rule.. Women in the past depended on men for provision, protecting and so on but that isn’t the case no more… they can earn their own provisions. Since the provision and the protection is taken care of by themselves or the state, the need for men isn’t there but the want IS… what kind of men do they want is the question. Not the undesirable 80% but the desirable 20…
its a rabbit hole.
Either adapt or perish no in between
Mashallah halima Aden is such a classy respectful beautiful woman. Great role model for Somali girls imo
Mashalalh she really is. What a wonderful classy modest woman and a great representatiom for Muslim women.
That other woman gave such a inappropriate answer.

When I saw the other day how they were all dragging her, I thought it was justified. So disgusting telling that to a little girl. Talking about β€œoh you’ll understand when you get older”, smh.
The difference is that halima has media training while that low level rapper doesn’t.
It starts with the filthy demonic noise called "Music". It changes people's emotions and moods. Even water is affected by sound, imagine what that demeaning garbage called Hip Hop and Drill does to the minds of people. Young girls are brainwashed into becoming Sex Kittens and young men are brainwashed into becoming homosexual criminals who hate women. It's a pipeline straight into prison and those who escape prisons are just empty and sick shells.

Even if they don't listen to Music, Social media is also filled with crap. I've seen so much disgusting filth on twitter by accident, I cannot bear to think about how many young children are exposed to this and ruined for life. It's all by design, they'll get you via Music, social media or peer pressure.
Wonderful input. I’ve had people look at me crazy when I’ve said… music can affect our mindset and therefore I don’t like to listen to modern day rap and hip hop.

Me and this other girl literally got dragged from these other Somali women for saying how disgusted we were with the cardi b song wap, and how we don’t like female rap music like that and it’s more damaging to women than they realize.

Its not liberating. Even if I wasn’t Muslim, I wouldn’t like this type of music.
It’s also negative for the chidlren and how they’ll normalize degenerates like lil nas x and cardi b.

I truly beilve sexualized female rap along with male violent rap, is pushed as an angenda to keep black folks in a warped mindset.
:yousmart: You’re absolutely right. The 80/20 rule.. Women in the past depended on men for provision, protecting and so on but that isn’t the case no more… they can earn their own provisions. Since the provision and the protection is taken care of by themselves or the state, the need for men isn’t there but the want IS… what kind of men do they want is the question. Not the undesirable 80% but the desirable 20…
its a rabbit hole.
Either adapt or perish no in between

Parents need to raise their boys to become good husbands, otherwise, more and more men will join the 80%.

Girls from birth almost, are raised to be caring, emotionally intelligent and of course, trained how to look and act 'attractive'. Meanwhile boys are ruined from early on, taught not to express themselves emotionally which means they struggle to form meaningful connections beyond their family. Then you have the patriarchal families who don't even train their boys to do basic household chores. So, what do you end up with? An emotionally repressed, lazy or incapable adult male. This is not an attractive person. Since women are no longer dependent on men for sustenance, fewer and fewer women are settling for these males.

A lot of women are not afraid to be alone, because they have social support. Men, don't tend to have as much social support, because again, this was not conditioned into them. This is why they become angry shut-ins who turn to the internet for community; because we are not designed to be alone.
Covered classy women like halima aden look 1000x better than β€˜sexually liberated’ women moving like a sket in front of 12 year olds smh. The most attractive women aren’t even the ones who do the most like a lot of these women in the industry. But at the end of the day they know that’s what sells :manny: