Habesha troll takes money from naive xalimos

It seems like the habeshi had been studying kpop somali girls for a while. Dude was moving smart ngl
U can see him here talking about some Kpop Indhayar


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
True, I heard in London every male rapper has had seks with a Somali/Habesha girl once, it might be an exaggeration but I wouldn’t be suprised ngl
Lol even normal bums can smash any Somalian girl. Actually to be a honest any bum could smash a girl from any background these days it's not hard but especially Somalian girls it's not quantum physics the most dhuxul ones have lowest self respect the smallest compliment can drive them nuts.