Guess this guys ethnicity

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And yellow palms
Somalis tend to have softer, smoother skin.You still have a lot of guys in the West looking like they have been living in the Sahara desert because they don’t drink enough water, eat good food or moisturise their skin properly.

#Buy some Vaseline
#Invest in Nivea
#Cocoa butter
#Baby Oil


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Somalis tend to have softer, smoother skin.You still have a lot of guys in the West looking like they have been living in the Sahara desert because they don’t drink enough water, eat good food or moisturise their skin properly.

#Buy some Vaseline
#Invest in Nivea
#Cocoa butter
#Baby Oil
True. I hate seeing dusty and ashed skin, especially in the winter...
True. I hate seeing dusty and ashed skin, especially in the winter...
We have a lot smokers as well so that even makes it worse. The black drug dealer kids always carry a comb and Vaseline in their drug pouches...Meanwhile, skinny Faraxs are running around looking like the opening scene of Mad Max:

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