Gothenburg is burning and in chaos

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The problem is that they took in too many MENAs of questionable quality in a too short period of time.

As far as I am concerned, they should have only taken in Immigrants of European descent, and Asians such as Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Thai etc. They are adaptable. So are Indians.

Majority of MENAs are impossible to integrate, thats a fact.
Lol Balkans also do a lot of crime. They are probably the most responsible for organized crime organisations and import a lot of guns and drugs. Not as much now as it used to be but still. And kosovo albans and other yugoslavians are known for having the worst temper out of all the immigrant groups. Just look at Zlatan's temper :siilaanyolaugh:
Lol Balkans also do a lot of crime. They are probably the most responsible for organized crime organisations and import a lot of guns and drugs. Not as much now as it used to be but still. And kosovo albans and other yugoslavians are known for having the worst temper out of all the immigrant groups. Just look at Zlatan's temper :siilaanyolaugh:
I am glad you’re not the only one fooled by this Nazi fellow. He may have tricked few nacas with a Bantu jokes, but my eyes are wide open. He has the benefit of masquerading as a Caucasian male when shit hits the fan.Somalis and Middle Eastern people do not have those privileges. I am not cheerleading for this Nazi fellow like these alt-right fan boys who are speaking about immigrants as if their hooyo was not one. As if voting for racist parties is going to benefit their families.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
I am glad you’re not the only one fooled by this Nazi fellow. He may have tricked few nacas with a Bantu jokes, but my eyes are wide open. He has the benefit of masquerading as a Caucasian male when shit hits the fan.Somalis and Middle Eastern people do not have those privileges. I am not cheerleading for this Nazi fellow like these alt-right fan boys who are speaking about immigrants as if their hooyo was not one. As if voting for racist parties is going to benefit their families.

I'm a "nazi" for seeing thing as they are?


I'm a "nazi" for seeing thing as they are?

Mother focker, you’re actually advocating for people to vote for racist parties. Your regurgitating their racist propaganda.People on the ground suffer when these parties rise up every few decades. When shit hits the fan, you have privilege of white skin. Get outta here with your bullocks!


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Mother focker, you’re actually advocating for people to vote for racist parties. Your regurgitating their racist propaganda.People on the ground suffer when these parties rise up every few decades. When shit hits the fan, you have privilege of white skin. Get outta here with your bullocks!

I don't need to advocate for anything, the young punks that did this last night have advocated enough.

Yes, I am white skin, got a problem with that?

f*ck YOU!

I don't need to advocate for anything, the young punks that did this last night have advocated enough.

Yes, I am white skin, got a problem with that?

f*ck YOU!
You’re a second class Balkan who thinks he is better than other immigrants because of white privilege and because he brought a 1 bedroom shack. Go back 2 Stormfront, you racist xoolo. Don’t be fooled by these basement-dwelling alt-right Somali, limp-wristed cheerleaders, because real Somalis do not co-sign your racist recruitment. I wouldnt be surprised if you’re a Swedish nazi masquerading as a Bosnian. I am sure you insult Somalis behind the scenes.
You’re a second class Balkan who thinks he is better than other immigrants because of white privilege and because he brought a 1 bedroom shack. Go back 2 Stormfront, you racist xoolo. Don’t be fooled by these basement-dwelling alt-right Somali, limp-wristed cheerleaders, because real Somalis do not co-sign your racist recruitment. I wouldnt be surprised if you’re a Swedish nazi masquerading as a Bosnian. I am sure you insult Somalis behind the scenes.

Baalaha ka rif gypsiga xun


What is the trigger?

Don’t believe our blonde Peterson Larson, the incident in Brunnsparken got abolutely nothing to do with what happened last night, he is making up shidh wallahi. And he didnt even provide a source/link to this statement. Wallahi ppl love exaggarating waxkasta, I, a 14 year old looking dhoocilad run around at night time, and I live in one of these so called ”problem areas”, excatly what makes this grown up ass man scared, he even left the city move on sxb:zhqjlmx:

It is specatulated that ppl from the far rights are behind it. It was too well planned for it to be the work of ciyaalka xaafada to pull this out. They burned several places at the same time, and in another city.

I personally, and many other who are critical thinkers believe there is a politics agenda behind it. It is election taking place in a month. The gay parade is taking place here this weekend as well and the prime minister is comin over to boost his ego party for the election. Det är invandrarnas fel, jag svär bror:kendrickcry:

Jo jag tror SD vinner och dessa idioter bara förstör för resten av av oss. Sverige borde skicka tillbaka alla dom IMO.
Excatly how? Du är en individ. De är individer. Period. Du ska fan inte behöva gå runt och känna att andra människor förstör för dig bara för att era föräldrar kommer från samma land. Nej huuno i dhageyso, vi behöver a med det här kollektiva tänkandet, somalier eller invandrare för den delen är inte en homogen grupp som våldtar, knarkar och rövar kids. Du är en medborgare precis som vilken annan människa som helst, hur många svenskar ser du gå runt och tänka ”Ala bayeey de här jävla vita svenska medelålders männen förstör mitt liv och mitt ryckte” så fort pedofilhärvor nämns i media? Caadi iska dhiga bilaahi caleek:noneck:

Jag vägrar låta mig definieras av vad vissa människor sysslar med, det borde ni alla göra.

I've literally been sleeping at my cousins place in gårdsten for 2 weeks. Where was this war? Did i miss it. :drakewtf:
Det brann främst i Frölunda, Tynnered och Hjällbo, även andra ställen som gårdsten och Trollhättan. Över 80 bilar har blivit förstörda.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Don’t believe our blonde Peterson Larson, the incident in Brunnsparken got abolutely nothing to do with what happened last night, he is making up shidh wallahi. And he didnt even provide a source/link to this statement. Wallahi ppl love exaggarating waxkasta, I, a 14 year old looking dhoocilad run around at night time, and I live in one of these so called ”problem areas”, excatly what makes this grown up ass man scared, he even left the city move on sxb:zhqjlmx:

It is specatulated that ppl from the far rights are behind it. It was too well planned for it to be the work of ciyaalka xaafada to pull this out. They burned several places at the same time, and in another city.

I personally, and many other who are critical thinkers believe there is a politics agenda behind it. It is election taking place in a month. The gay parade is taking place here this weekend as well and the prime minister is comin over to boost his ego party for the election. Det är invandrarnas fel, jag svär bror:kendrickcry:

Excatly how? Du är en individ. De är individer. Period. Du ska fan inte behöva gå runt och känna att andra människor förstör för dig bara för att era föräldrar kommer från samma land. Nej huuno i dhageyso, vi behöver a med det här kollektiva tänkandet, somalier eller invandrare för den delen är inte en homogen grupp som våldtar, knarkar och rövar kids. Du är en medborgare precis som vilken annan människa som helst, hur många svenskar ser du gå runt och tänka ”Ala bayeey de här jävla vita svenska medelålders männen förstör mitt liv och mitt ryckte” så fort pedofilhärvor nämns i media? Caadi iska dhiga bilaahi caleek:noneck:

Jag vägrar låta mig definieras av vad vissa människor sysslar med, det borde ni alla göra.

Det brann främst i Frölunda, Tynnered och Hjällbo, även andra ställen som gårdsten och Trollhättan. Över 80 bilar har blivit förstörda.

Sa aldrig att händelsen i BP har något att göra med bränderna. Nämnde bara ett exempel.

Jag är inte heller rädd för någon. Bara trött på skiten som händer i Göteborg.

Du vet lika väl som jag att Sverige tagit in alldeles för många invandrare av tveksam kvalitet och att det inte funkar i längden. Det blir kaos, det är oundvikligt.


Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
forget gothenburg, i live 30 minutes away from Malmo, and have family there, and despite it being a beautiful city, its a hell hole, i remember a time ( 1 year ago) where 2 guys would get murdered daily for months like that

Jag håller med dig 100%..
Dem behöver fokusera sig på skolan och inte värdelösa saker
Gratis skola men de tänder eld på bilar istället Smh, tycker Sverige gjorde fel när de lät alla invandrare bosätta sig i ett område segregering skapade alla ghettos. Det kommer vara ett intressant val nu i September:bell:
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