Gonna build a house near the sea in Somalia

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King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
People who are raised in the West don't in most cases plan to have a serious stay in Somalia. Don't mistake it, I think all us want what's best. Well intentions isn't enough to prove an meaningful result from enacted action with ability!
That means engineers and technicians important jobs like that with weight supported backed and funded by well meaning political natives (non-foreign interference in influence of major decisions) with modern understandings of the world and it's needs.

For a new pride to prosper perfectly, one must nourish to flourish. . .
My family bought properties in the Jazeera beach area. Plots are still going for 20k and is a very nice investment. Mogadishu is expanding and soon it will be within the city limits.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
People who are raised in the West don't in most cases plan to have a serious stay in Somalia. Don't mistake it, I think all us want what's best. Well intentions isn't enough to prove an meaningful result from enacted action with ability!
That means engineers and technicians important jobs like that with weight supported backed and funded by well meaning political natives (non-foreign interference in influence of major decisions) with modern understandings of the world and it's needs.

For a new pride to prosper perfectly, one must nourish to flourish. . .
I might be born in Somalia but i was raised here in Sweden, i literally have no memories from somalia but i feel a longing to the place i belong.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
My family bought properties in the Jazeera beach area. Plots are still going for 20k and is a very nice investment. Mogadishu is expanding and soon it will be within the city limits.
Mogadishu is already big and it's still expanding, manshallah that's what you call a capital city
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