Girl I’m talking to went to korea before with friends

You know what make sure you wife that girl you won't find a better one then one who has done pilgrimage to soeul. I take back all the things I have said in this thread thanks to @Angelina wise logical words of wisdom on the topic of somali girls in Korea.
Lmaoo angelina has done hijra to korea for femboys I can tell.
Thats a myth pushed by feminist who got there clit cut off. My my guy friends are out pacing girls, religiously, financially, culturally. You guys just show off and we just lowkey baby and bring that cash home.

the concept of wali will never be apart of Somali culture , most Somali woman work especially in Somalia and can’t rely on a man for anything 🤷‍♀️
If I had friends I would want to go on a world trip with them. Why men have general distrust in women, I would never marry a man whose has concerns like this. I prefer death over this. Like I am enjoying my time with my friends doesn’t equal I am cheating. Are we animals to you? All girls are not angels and some do cheat and stuff, but if you have good observation skills you would notice whose the good person and whose not, the same goes with men they are not angels too. And we deserve to enjoy life.
No troll saxib. This is true 100%, We are texting.

So you havent even met her but your trying to cuff lol

but in all seriousness, I wouldnt be alarmed however i wouldn't look kindly to my sisters going on a trip with other females to another country. but like i said dont trip it's prob not a big deal
If I had friends I would want to go on a world trip with them. Why men have general distrust in women, I would never marry a man whose has concerns like this. I prefer death over this. Like I am enjoying my time with my friends doesn’t equal I am cheating. Are we animals to you? All girls are not angels and some do cheat and stuff, but if you have good observation skills you would notice whose the good person and whose not, the same goes with men they are not angels too. And we deserve to enjoy life.
This isn't really about men and women because if your a practicing Muslim then you would know women can not go traveling around the world without a mahram. Plus a man who has no concerns about the wellbeing of his female close relatives is a dayuuth and the punishment the dayuuth receives on behalf of the actions of his womenfolk is severe I personally have no interest in becoming a dayuuth because my potential wife wants to go Korea without me
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This isn't really about men and women because if your a practicing Muslim then you would know women can not go traveling around the world without a mahram. Plus a man who has no concerns about the wellbeing of his female close relatives is a dayuuth and the punishment the dayuuth receives on behalf of the actions of his womenfolk is severe I personally have no interest in becoming a dayuuth
Somali woman have always travelled around the world without being accompanied by a man

And it will never be apart of Somali culture for obvious reasons 🤣
Yes, OLD out of shape and probably unattractive. No young, beautiful woman is going to another country for men.

Men are thirsty everywhere and there is enough thirsty men where a woman lives.

Call me old fashioned, but the idea just seems ridiculous. Men are the ones that would travel to 3rd world countries for women cheaply, NOT women.

Women don't engage in overt sex tourism anywhere (aside from a miniscule number of old hyper liberal cadaan women), but you're being naive if you think women don't travel to destinations for men
Yes, OLD out of shape and probably unattractive. No young, beautiful woman is going to another country for men.

Men are thirsty everywhere and there is enough thirsty men where a woman lives.

Call me old fashioned, but the idea just seems ridiculous. Men are the ones that would travel to 3rd world countries for women cheaply, NOT women.
Idk where your from but a lot of girls in the UK go to Spain/Portugal and come back with their body count trippled, I doubt girls go on holidays for the sole reason to sleep around as some guys do, but it doesn't mean it wont happen whilst there out there or that its not one of their reasons for going on holiday, this isn't me agreeing with the premise of this thread btw, I still doubt that Halimos are going to Korea for sex but a lot of women do go on holiday partially to sleep around without consequences (social stigma of being promiscuous is the main one).
Women don't engage in overt sex tourism anywhere (aside from a miniscule number of old hyper liberal cadaan women), but you're being naive if you think women don't travel to destinations for men
Generally speaking, women do not travel in groups to sleep with men. That is what men do.

Men and women are not the same. Don't allow your insecurities or projection cloud reality.

Do some women engage in immoral behavior whilst aboard? Yes.

But some men will literally travel to a poor country so that they can gain access to women.


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