Gedo Governor Bans Hamza Barre from Gedo


Do you really think you can dislodge OG from Kismaayo this time with no HG to help you? Or do you not realise that it is OG Kenyan politicians that are pushing Kenya's policy in Jubbaland? Did you really think Uhuru told his soldiers to march into Jubbaland without the involvement of Ducaale, Afey, Yusuf Haji AUN etc? Do you not realise an OG is the Kenyan defence minister? Do you not know that Madobe has a 10K plus heavily armed OG army that he has slowly been solidifying since taking control? You will need a massive army to dislodge OG from Kismayo this time sxb and you have no friends. And there is no appetite for clan wars in Somalia anymore.

I would advise you to focus on developing West Gedo and Caabudwaaq rather than fantasising about another man's land. You were President for 5 years and you have nothing to show for it except constant faan and buuq. Your biggest city in the Horn is still a joke. If you had any sense, you would have used the resources at your disposal the last 5 years to make Gedo and Caabudwaaq centres of trade and development. Instead, all you have is booto. This is embarrassing.
Your own elders agree with me, I saw a leaked video where they were saying exactly the same thing as me.

I agree with the rest of what you said, OG played huge role in Kenya invading Somalia, of course Kenya has its own interest, but people you mentioned and others even including some MX traitors welcomed the Kenyans like Abdullahi yusuf welcomed the Ethiopians.

I also agree we should develop Gedo, but Gedo development is tied into JL solution as we don't get development funding.

The same focker that stole the elections of Marehan MPs of Garbaharray and destroyed JL when he was head of JL commission is begging to go to Gedo now.

We dont want that tuug, Kenyan agent. Let him remain in Ugandan bunker.

What are you going to do about it ?

if we don’t have the power then let’s make a deal. Getting so tired of the OG bs MX wars. OG are our brothers and honourable people we just need to find common cause.

As long as that ahmed madobe leaves we should not care and just build the region.

What are you going to do about it ?

if we don’t have the power then let’s make a deal. Getting so tired of the OG bs MX wars. OG are our brothers and honourable people we just need to find common cause.

As long as that ahmed madobe leaves we should not care and just build the region.

Dude who the hell are you
Wrong Number What GIF

