Gedo Governor Bans Hamza Barre from Gedo


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

The same focker that stole the elections of Marehan MPs of Garbaharray and destroyed JL when he was head of JL commission is begging to go to Gedo now.

We dont want that tuug, Kenyan agent. Let him remain in Ugandan bunker.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Hamza should go inside Gedo forcefully with heavy SNA backing
Good luck I heard HSM is begging Abby Axmed now. Does he think Abby forgot his support for TPLF and Egypt? Chickens are coming home to roost!


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Our resident Somnet scholar gave a perfect analysis. Ethiopia and won her civil war against TPLF and Egypt who HSM was working for. Now hes in Asmara begging Afewerki for reconciliation with Abby he doesnt care about the 5k soldiers there.
Ethiopia knows Beesha MX are their friends and refused Mahad Salaad requests to take over Gedo kkkkkkk ENDF is ready to go as noose tightens on HAG and terrorist Raskambooni!

Hamza wanted to come to Gedo on his way back from Jigjiga and he tried to use Doodisho guy, "no" baa af cad lagu yidhi and don't try us unless you want a public humiliation.

Gedo has weapons, has money right now, and has our allies the ENDF.

It is a separate country to HSM government. Gedo is to HSM what Kismaayo was under KDF.

HSM is not stupid. He can't effect any change in Gedo or really Jubba at all and public asking for a show down is a losing proposition so I do not imagine it would even be in his interest to remark.

Gedo right now built a university in Beled-Xaawo and is busy building a road between Luuq to Dollow to Beled-Xaawo. Gedo is also the only region in Somalia heavily being invested in by the UN donors as their relief center dealing with the drought and potential famine declaration. They are scaling up infrastructure particularly in Dollow to Luuq to Garbahaareey. People don't understand that Xalane might be where the ambassadors sit, but Dollow is where their staff are based. Dollow is today the most modern city in Somalia. When I was there even regular dirt paths in alleys were cobblestone and and the entire town is now dhagax built by Somalia's international partners as their permanent base in Somalia and they are not even hiding like in Mogadishu. Shaax bay banaanka ku cabayaan. Beled-Xaawo is a huge target of the donors being the link in Somalia to the Mandera Triangle and connecting relief operations from southern Ethiopia, northern Kenya, and Somalia's single biggest relief center @ Dollow. Just go to Google Maps and take a look at Dollow...the UN relief center foundation is 4X bigger than Dollow town and it is basically a town with rhe best urban planning Somalia has ever seen.

Ahmed Madoobe iyo waali politics qof Gedo joogo oo u jeedo majirto. Everybody ia hustling trying to take a qandaraas as the local deegaan where the donors are putting their biggest investment into Somalia.

Every month, people still obsessed with Farmaajo remember Gedo and want her to be punished for their vengeance, but Gedo is quiet for a reason.

This is the most stabilized it has been politically and militarily since civil war started in 1991 and everyone there is busy bidding or putting together a bid for the qandaraas explosion as the main relief center of the donors in Somalia.

And we have the ENDF to make sure local spoilers bought by Mogadishu don't even raise their head unless they want it cut off.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Yet @TekNiKo you are irrelevant in the two Jubbas and your Habashi boyfriends can't do sweet F.A. about it thanks to Kenya :lol:
You are a langaab Hawadle who cant even dream of President of Somalia. You are begging other Somalis to help you fight ragtag .5 terrorists. :umad:

Car Gedo imow xabada ba futada laga gelin.
That would be good news for us ogadens. The more rer gedo behave this way the more we double down on our ogaden dominated JL idea. Keep Gedo, I'll run the country and consolidate power in JL and kismayo and you can continue hating from the barre lands of Gedo.
Good job Ahmed Bulle Gared

This will give PM Hamza an excuse to implement Ogaden dominance in the FGS

I Mean Joe Biden GIF


Bantu Liberation Movement

The same focker that stole the elections of Marehan MPs of Garbaharray and destroyed JL when he was head of JL commission is begging to go to Gedo now.

We dont want that tuug, Kenyan agent. Let him remain in Ugandan bunker.
You can get development projects like roads. Get rid of this retard governor who is always talking smack on social media. You just don't learn from history man.
Our resident Somnet scholar gave a perfect analysis. Ethiopia and won her civil war against TPLF and Egypt who HSM was working for. Now hes in Asmara begging Afewerki for reconciliation with Abby he doesnt care about the 5k soldiers there.
Ethiopia knows Beesha MX are their friends and refused Mahad Salaad requests to take over Gedo kkkkkkk ENDF is ready to go as noose tightens on HAG and terrorist Raskambooni!

Now you’re begging Ethiopians to capture kismaayo for you ? Boonta Ceeb badanaa :drakelaugh:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Where can maqaarsaar Hamza go?

Banned from PL
Banned from Gedo
Banned from KG
Banned from SL

:pachah1: :umad:
i did not know that this video was out there until Tekniko made a thread. That’s how politically irrelevant west Gedo has become

Farmaajo did not even visit the tiny village of Garbahareey why would PM Hamza waste his time there?

Michael Jordan Lol GIF