Gays Against Feminism: Because gay people are not your property, feminists

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the amount of gay men that hate women is extremely low. the LGBT and feminism movement go hand in hand. if there ever was some animosity between them its over now:snoop:
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So you are gay?

Live in Canada or something? Where?

Its a diaspora wide thing. I would put the gay population at 8-10% (33% have had sexual relations with a man once or twice but don't identify as gay). Other ethnic communities are 5% and 25% respectively.

I have met more Somali gays in Europe than North America. I think it's because alot of the Somalis in Europe moved there alone and are spread out (there is no shame so they can easily come out and are more comfortable). Lots of Somali trannies in Europe.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance , there almost no somali gays and feminists so why be so energetic about this?

There is nothing to contribute because a somali has no stake in this, nothing to loose and nothing to gain.

Its like fretting about an earthquake that happens in Neptune or Pluto or Mars.
I’m talking in the western world in general we heterosexual males need to support gay men who are fighting gynocentrism and feminism.

There’s many Somali feminists most xalimos raised in the west are feminists @AbdiJew is a homosexual if you want him to prove it then bend over he will penetrate you with no hesitation


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
the amount of gay men that hate women is extremely low. the LGBT and feminism movement go hand in hand. if there ever was some animosity between them its over now:snoop:
No it’s just the beginning feminists see gay men as being part of the patriarchy and they feminists accuse gay men of being able to rape women if they want more gay men are possible rape offenders of women say feminists and more gay men are waging a crusade against feminism news flash gay men are coming for you and they don’t give a f*ck if you have a vagina and you can’t use the race card on them nor the vagina card
No it’s just the beginning feminists see gay men as being part of the patriarchy and they feminists accuse gay men of being able to rape women if they want more gay men are possible rape offenders of women say feminists and more gay men are waging a crusade against feminism news flash gay men are coming for you and they don’t give a f*ck if you have a vagina and you can’t use the race card on them nor the vagina card

first of all can you please use punctuation? omg :gucciwhat:

and no gay man will come for me and rape me, they're gay!?

i do agree that there may be some misogynistic gays:kanyeshrug: either way i dont care
Remember that the next time you hear about men’s inherent violence, or hear yet another radfem insist that gay men are misogynists–which they frequently do.




The above of course are just examples. There are countless other examples of feminist homophobia and racism, which can also be found right in the classic 2nd wave feminist texts. So if someone tries to tell you that hating gay men is new to feminism, it’s not.

And if they try to tell you feminism is better now, just look how feminists treat gay men who reject feminism today.

And what’s so fascinating about the racism and gay-hate that’s been part of feminism for decades is that feminists and their apologists automatically behave as if these were statistical outliers, and therefore “not real feminists.”

I’m sorry, history does not support this. Just as there were people who joined the Nazi Party (yes, I just went there) who didn’t particularly hate Jews, the misandrist assumptions of 1960s and 1970s feminism fell just as much against gay men as they do today, if not more so.

Feminism has always been a movement that treats gay men as disposable. It still is. If you’re a gay man and you refuse to suck feminist dick, there will be consequences. Those consequences can include shunning, harassment, expulsion, job loss, and more. You may even be physically attacked. If you doubt it, start asking non-feminist gay men about their experiences. You’ll hear tales of their careers being torpedoed, their work being removed from publication, physical attacks, false allegations, and more.

For that matter, start asking non-feminist lesbians about this (which is something that Robert Stacey McCain should do a better job of, hint hint Stacey). A lot of them will have stories of abuse and harassment from feminists. And yes, that includes mainstream, respected feminism, not just “radfems.” In fact, I think we should hand it to the hardcore radfems: they are fully aware of their hateful bigotry and embrace it. The non-radical feminists just, 9 times out of 10, accept bigoted feminist lies about little boys and the men they grow into without ever questioning them.

And that’s all men they lie about–which includes gay men as well as men of every single race.

And yes, my gay friends, this should be something you remember: feminism is implicitly racist. It always has been, for it is an inescapable conclusion of their “Patriarchy” theory (or their new favorite word, “intersectionality”) that not just gay men, but black men and brown men and “yellow” men often and routinely rape and brutalize women, or just laugh at the brutality and accept it–for real and not as dark humor or sarcasm or irony.

Indeed, ask a feminist some time to explain to you how “rape culture” works in the Black and Hispanic communities in North America. Watch how fast they change the subject or try to call you a racist for just asking that question.

And so now we finally see the rise of gay men who fight feminism, not just here on A Voice for Men (which has welcomed gay men from the day we opened our doors) but in the wider world, with the growing and fearless #GaysAgainstFeminism.

A smart gay man should avoid feminists like he avoids any other kind of religious bigot. It’s heartening to see more and more gay men standing up, and not just here on A Voice for Men, where they have done so for many years but out in the world at large.

Gay men owe you nothing, feminists.


And you don’t get to play the race card anymore either, honey. The smart fags and dykes don’t care what color your skin is if you’re a bigot. And more and more of them are not just starting to feel it. They’re starting to say it. Without apology.


They are finally saying it without apology, because they know: they owe no apologies for it whatsoever. And the race card won’t work any better than the vagina card.

Because feminism is a hate movement. And it doesn’t care who it hurts.


@Hades @MrKnowles @Reiko @Yusra @Basra @cinina @Slickback :sass2:
Oh my God! All of this just because you hate women???
This entire post is an L
Even the men are seeing through your act
Collect yourself


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Oh my God! All of this just because you hate women???
This entire post is an L
Even the men are seeing through your act
Collect yourself
If I support gay men who are against gynocentrism and feminism does that mean I hate women?
Why are you homophobic? Do you see gay men as a threat to gynocentrism?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Don't know what you're on about; I've always supported Faarax on Faarax lovin':ahh::banderas:.


Gay men are leading the crusade against feminism and gynocentrism bad girls bad girls what you gonna do what you gonna do when get accused of being a homophobe :russ::lolbron:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In Kautilya's Arthashastra: Book VI, "The Source of Sovereign States", he wrote:

The king who is situated anywhere immediately on the circumference of the conqueror's territory is termed the enemy.

The king who is likewise situated close to the enemy, but separated from the conqueror only by the enemy, is termed the friend (of the conqueror).
—Kautilya, Arthasastra


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

These Tweets dont make any sense. They look like rants of a schizophrenic Nomad or Aborigine


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

These Tweets dont make any sense. They look like rants of a schizophrenic Nomad or Aborigine

Gay men vs Feminism: An unexpected ally
u/raredare359Jan 30, 2015, 10:32 AM
I am a gay male who has been aware of red pill concepts for many years. It wasn't until I discovered the manosphere that everything began to click. Obviously, because I am gay, I have been able to observe and interact with female friends without any sexual undertones. Not sure why, but I grasped the concept of "sexual market values" at a very young age & had the intellect to understand that men and women placed more importance on different things. I have also read a lot of literature related to these theories.

For those of you who have read The Misandry Bubble and are otherwise aware of the current state of affairs....Western society has severely devalued the needs & importance of males. I won't repeat the facts, go read the article in the sidebar if you are interested.

However, I have made a very interesting observation.

The link above is on the Advocate, a popular gay news source.

If you don't want to read it, I'll summarize the interesting points.

Andy Cohen stepped in it last month while interviewing Nicki Minaj. He asked the singer, “Who has the biggest dick in the music industry?” Minaj responded that she’s only been with one man for 10 years and shut that conversation down. Cohen’s invasive line of questioning, in which he also asked to take a selfie with Minaj’s butt (to which she politely said no), is another example for the conversation in media on whether gay and bi men are being sexist while making offhand misogynistic comments. A few celebrities have attempted to speak out about the misogyny they've experienced from queer men. Their arguments, though, were lost amid usage of homophobic slurs or spouting of overused gay tropes. Still, there is truth to gay and bi men being sexist.

Nicki Minaj, who raps about "anacondas", fat asses, and markets herself as an extremely sexual offended by a gay man asking her a sexual question. How sexist of him!!!

Furthermore, Nicki Minaj, who flaunts her bare naked ass in numerous music videos, claims a gay man is being "sexist" for wanting to take a photo with it. Are you serious? She made her ass a pop culture icon!

When I turned to social media to ask my female readers about misogyny they've encountered at the hands of queer men, I was inundated with responses. Stories of gay and bi men fat-shaming, -shaming, and doling out harshly critical (usually unsolicited) advice on beauty standards were common. Comments like “You would be pretty if you smiled more” or “wore more makeup” or “dressed better.” This is a clear example of gay and bi men asserting authority over women by critiquing their appearance as needing to become more feminine or conventionally beautiful. While for gay men there may not be a sexual attraction involved, there is still a clear need to appease male-appointed standards. Whether or not it's weighted in sexual attraction, misogyny continues to affirm a patriarchal society. So there is no difference between straight male misogyny and that of gay and bi men.

So, basically, gay men are giving women pointers on how to be more attractive to men. Is telling them to wear more makeup, lose weight, and encouraging them to smile more really that bad? Gay men, like straight men, are remarkably similar in the fact that they are both VISUAL creatures. A gay man, who understands the importance of appearance, is actually acting in his female friends BEST INTEREST by giving them this type of advice. They claim this is sexist...but I believe it's helpful advice.

Because gay and bi men are systemically oppressed because of our sexuality, we cannot go on believing that our other identities — such as our gender or race — automatically mean we cannot oppress others. That is absolutely false. We can oppress people of all genders if we are not intentionally working to dismantle patriarchal structures, starting within our community. We cannot exchange a heteropatriarchy for a homopatriarchy when it still oppresses and silences women in and out of our community. We must deconstruct the patriarchy, listen to the concerns raised by women, and work on creating safe spaces for their voices to be heard.


Don't get me wrong, INSECURE gay men are definitely quick to jump on the feminist bandwagon and love to help push their agenda. After all, by helping women to secure their "rights", gay men may be helping to secure their own. It's almost a partnership, in a way. The feminist agenda is more important for gay males who are extremely feminine and struggle to fit in with heterosexual males. For them, a world dominated by females doesn't sound so bad.

The reality is, however, that the MAJORITY of gay men are not as feminine and women-worshiping as the media makes us out to be. Think about it....the only gay men you commonly see are the ones who are obviously gay. They talk like females, walk like females, etc...but there are many gay men who do not act like this. Our sexuality is not immediately obvious, and because of that, we do not face the "wrath" and "oppression" of straight males as commonly as a feminine gay male would.

Thus, as the situation for males continues to get worse, in my belief, gay men will eventually become some of your strongest allies. Think about it. Gay men gain NOTHING from a society dominated by women. In fact, gay men can't even play the "white knight" role. The extra chance at getting laid because they're vocally pushing their agenda is totally useless to them. They do not care about "female admiration". They do not care about the sexual rewards that may come from putting them on a political pedestal.

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