Former Foreign Minister says Somalia takes orders from Ethiopia

When you see Abiy and Farmaajo together, it is embarrassingly clear who is in charge.

I made a topic about how Abiy dominates Farmaajo whenever they meet:


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President IOG has already exposed the cheese . Nobody is suprised , maybe Farmajos affection for amxara comes from the times of theadrous goita or maybe even befor that :hmm:


Should we not create a law or contract that prevents former government officials, especially those holding top cabinet positions, presidency or PM, from speaking against the government in a way that damages the prestige and the nation's image, I am very disgusted with how the former foreign minister behaved, I know him personally.
I remember y'all were screaming for the Arms embargo when Egypt almost violated a year ago now. Now Egypt is seen as a good samaritan yet y'all were calling sanctions against them for giving the government arms. Make it make sense.



What a liar. This whole story is a fabrication. Egypt gives Somalia arms, aid, and armored vehicles.

doesn't surprise me that is it fake news. Fired politicians in Somalia usually make shit up
He was fired for poor performance and nepotism. It's well know he hired his nephews in missions like in NYC. He lost access to the gravy train. Of course he is upset.
Egypt almost single-handedly got us independence.

Read about Kamal-uddin Salah and Gamal Abdel Nassers contributions to Somali independence.
Egypt or any arab countries also the entire 'ummah' doesn't give a bat about Somalia. This minister was sacked for poor performance and for hiring his nephews inside embassies.


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