Food Abuser and known Youtuber/TikToker Akafi Ail goes on a Live with INFAMOUS Somali LGBT+ Member Ms.Muse


Does his mom know what this nigga gets up to on social media?
Him being gay jokes were funny but now I'm starting to think that he might actually be one. If your giving platform to these LGBT weirdos and you already behave in a flamboyant way then you have to have gay tendencies. There's no way around it.
Word on the street on twitter that's what he is fam. Niggas already flaming him on FKD memes :deadrose:
we gone have to avoid that shit on a laf laf level:jcoleno::wowsweat::gucciwhat:, I'll only take the L if this guy is a wacbudhan warrior.I have a feeling hes waceysle,they were soft from the get :manny:


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Now I feel guilty:mjkkk:

