Finger pointing - Self righteous feel good.

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If you misdiagnose a problem you might go to sleep thinking that pain in your head is a headache and treat it with Paracetamol. When you wake up it's a terminal cancer.

We like to single out stupid things and blame them for the condition in Somalia - Clan, Religion, Ethiopia, Old men etc. You ask how in depth have you actual studied the issues? I myself have and studied these issues a lot There are two types of problems in this world.
The symptoms (my head is hurting) and the Root ( the tumor caused by say smoking).

You would think the logical thing to do is to stop smoking and not chop of your head.

But when people only need answers that satisfy their bias or what makes easy sense to them, they often discard any serious assessment of reality.

So what we are left with is a society full of people pointing fingers for the sake of feel good. :fingerwag:
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