Fighting in Beledweyne between Hirshabelle and Hiiraan state


Madaamaa aan afuray @macawawiisleey islaaya getting rid of Nuur Dheere and more islaaya. I welcome Guudlaawe effort although he may not reach his aim xawaadlaa isdhameynaa
Ditoore, MJs slaughter each other over politics and ideology. We don’t war over primitive low iq stuff like wells and destitute lands. This Beledweyne war is over caqiido and which direction Hiiraan is going. Two relatives will fight each other. It’s honorable. Don’t compare it to the cawaans we saw 6 months ago gloating about burning each others huts. Ulululu anaa gubay gurigiisa Saas uu olala buu yiri cawaankaan

Reer miiyi is dagaalay wa mid, oo Somalia dhan ka dhacdaa

What FGS to us is the equivalent of Puntland to you. Deni said I will disarm clan mitlitias, jufo jufo aad u kala baxdeen lol

Somalia wax aan unuga ogoleen maka shaqneyaan, qadka/socials liska aflagaadeeyo xee taree? Kalay miiska wada hadalka goobta garta Somalia lugu gooyo iskeena, 1 iska dhaaf dhowr nin Abgaal Cismaan aa kaa horeeyo

Allaha mahad iskaleh oo Mudulood ka dhigay dad isku kalsoon. Bad, Beer, Webi, Tiro, Hub, Hanti, Masuul iyo Muqdisho isku wada haysto:rejoice:
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Exactly. This is a similar war Wallahi.

We have to keep our own in check if they fall out of line. This sets a new precedent in the future that will allow us to deal with any member of our clan who does something we don’t like or want.

Our interests must be protected & anybody including our own blood brothers that come against it must be put in the grave.

The inside trojan working for another clan interest is far more dangerous then the external clan threat itself. The internal trojan or domestic enemy inside clans cause the most bloodshed as they actually can gain supporters from their tol even if the duli is working against their whole clan interest. This baffled me why will ppl inside their clan defend such people. Their should be some sort of lama taabtan clan charter.
Its only a 'parasitic' federal state when you're not president yaabka yaabkiis. We only resort to this inner city fighting against FGS and would definitely not go to this extent because of a xawaadle man. Guudlaawe gacana u taagay the average abgaal cismaan doesn't care about whats going in Hiraan honestly

Its funny how people in this thread claiming a few reer miiyi skirmishes is similar to 2 sides fighting with heavy weaponry such Zu23s in a densely populated city during ramadan lol
Sxb how many abgaal were killed by other abgaal since 2000? Hundreds.
How many Xawaadle? 3 people
Abgaal will kill more than 3 abgaal soon and we both know that. It took years for these grievances to build up before it got to this point. In that time abgaal killed each other on multiples occasions. We arent the same.

We have sellouts who sell out their own qabil for peanuts. They tried dialogue. These goons dont care. Abgaal dont do dialogue the gunshots come before speech.

The fact abgaal doesn't care will make it all the more easy for hiiraan secession.
You're right they don't give a single f*ck which is why hiiraan is underfunded underdeveloped and held back. They wont want to put xawaadle in positions so they can make hiiraan get its fair share, and they dont want us to secede
Every tribe in Somalia will now claim a state. We must get used to this
Yes. Whats the actual point of uniting federal states with different qabils who show hostility to each other. The qabil in power will hold the other ones back and use their power to leverage their own lands development not others. Somalis cannot be trusted with centralization theyre too xaasid. We need a lot of federal states who get a fair % of govt funding based on population size
Not really....


You will never one up Abgaal politically. And its only Guudlaawe putting you through this here. Imagine if it was a collective effort sxb.
Why does this bullshit need to happen when we can just be different states you xasid piece of shit. Why do u want to be united with people you dont care for and purposefully mismanage in order to keep more for yourself. Wallahi ur sick


The most hated man in here
War iga fuq baalo kula tagte
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


Hansare Iyo baarsare
Yes. Whats the actual point of uniting federal states with different qabils who show hostility to each other. The qabil in power will hold the other ones back and use their power to leverage their own lands development not others. Somalis cannot be trusted with centralization theyre too xaasid. We need a lot of federal states who get a fair % of govt funding based on population size
This will create endless conflict and make the idea of Somalis becoming one state more and more impossible
If every village raised its own flag Somalia would be a failed country forever




Waa Munaafiq. He wants his clan interests to be protected but doesn’t want Banadir & Hiiraan to get their xaq
Hiiraan, Gedo, and from what I understand SSC are all incapable of securing a budget internally.

Hirshabelle itself isnt economically viable but only exists due to Hawiyes wanting a state like PL. If oil money comes during this term(very unlikely imo) portions should be given to these non-productive regions so they can become stand alone and not forced to compete with larger clans in greater states.
I am not worried about jubbaland. ahmed madoobe actions speak louder than words he needs someone to hold him on power. Why do you think he is so subservient to ulusow?

If blackie was confident in his position he would have told ulusow to get lost. So whether it is next week or 15 years from now xalane mafia will leave somalia and jubbaland will return.
and what exactly does HSM do for Madoobe to hold him in power? Werent you saying Abgaal are amisom ku nool and now you say they are holding up administrations on the other end of the country. Sounds like your coping techniques are conflicting:duck:

You're the same guy who said Mx live in Kulbiyow. Ilaahay iyo Islaamkaba ka maadan xishoonin. I don't know why anyone takes you seriously
Nobody does. This entire ideology lives and dies between 10 or so english speaking somnet users and most of them have even lost hope.

Theres a reason Mx have Gedoland parties and not Middle Jubba parties lol
I don't think you are understanding what I am saying.
The constitution can be changed. It's just that to many parties in power are not going to agree to make that happen. This isn't tribal interest, it political-realism.

The whole "Just allow Hiiraan state to exist" isn't something happening in a vacuum, it has consequences for Somali politics. If we allow one gobol state, that means Somalia is going to be filled with them. That and the conflict it will ensue is something, I believe, we should prevent.

Also, the barrier is so low for you, that someone disagreeing with you is enough for you to call them a munafiiq? You are drunk of the tribal koolaid, re-read my posts and try to comprehend them.
Somali people/ politics makes no sense, so you need 2 states to become a state hahahaha wtf?
This will create endless conflict and make the idea of Somalis becoming one state more and more impossible
If every village raised its own flag Somalia would be a failed country forever
there needs to be a limit, but the states currently are too big. theyre led by select people from certain clans who dont treat people equally. why are abgaals who dont give af ab hiiraan running hiiraan. Once it gets too small itd be easy to prevent anyways. unifying states was retarded.

either treat people fair or let them split off. its been years and hiiraan got left in the dust by ppl who dont care about it. blame the administration for mismanaging them
Knee jerk reaction. You're asking the federal government to change the constitution to benefit you clan specifically. If we are going to use any map of the region it should be the 1990 version.

- Puntland is not going to give up control of north - mudug. Not going to happen.
- States vary widely in size and population
- Khaatumo stops existing, de facto Isaaq take over. Not going to happen.
- This map is a defacto Darood lose, Hawiye marginal win and pretty much spells out a Hawiye - Isaaq government. Not acceptable for the second largest clan in Somalia and largest in all of Somaliweyn.
we are being mistreated sxb what arent u understanding what has hirshabelle done for hiiraan. they expect macawiisley to fight and die to fight shabaab and they dont help them whatsoever
I don't think you are understanding what I am saying.
The constitution can be changed. It's just that to many parties in power are not going to agree to make that happen. This isn't tribal interest, it political-realism.

The whole "Just allow Hiiraan state to exist" isn't something happening in a vacuum, it has consequences for Somali politics. If we allow one gobol state, that means Somalia is going to be filled with them. That and the conflict it will ensue is something, I believe, we should prevent.

Also, the barrier is so low for you, that someone disagreeing with you is enough for you to call them a munafiiq? You are drunk of the tribal koolaid, re-read my posts and try to comprehend them.
explain the conflict that will happen? other underfunded underdeveloped areas that are in a political strangehold by larger qabils will also leave? I welcome that. these states are BS
Somali people/ politics makes no sense, so you need 2 states to become a state hahahaha wtf?
exactly bro wtf. hes saying you cant have a state and need to remain under the thumb of other qabils who show hostility to you.... cuz HSM wrote it down? Hes acting like Hirshabelle is in the Quran or something. Give me that constitution so I can wipe my ass with it.
exactly bro wtf. hes saying you cant have a state and need to remain under the thumb of other qabils who show hostility to you.... cuz HSM wrote it down? Hes acting like Hirshabelle is in the Quran or something. Give me that constitution so I can wipe my ass with it.
makes no sense brotha, everybody should do as they please- most sub clans even sometimes subdivision have plenty of land- they should be able to make an administration/state- it's the only way we can agree and everybody is satisfied
makes no sense brotha, everybody should do as they please- most sub clans even sometimes subdivision have plenty of land- they should be able to make an administration/state- it's the only way we can agree and everybody is satisfied
right. theyll act like it will keep happening until every tuulo has a state which I doubt. i think as long as ur supposed state would have at least maybe 200k people, it should be allowed to become a state. If we had 50 states, whats the issue? i think theyd run better that way. it would decrease at least some corruption if the administration had blood ties to the people they manage. Mega states is so braindead. These guys can't even adequately support the concept. People from powerful clans dont want to feel that their clans are losing their grip and whats more sad is people from politically sidelined clans who are too weak to stand up for themselves would rather be against it out of jealousy or to win over the favor of the powerful so they can get crumbs thrown at them.

If you treat people terribly and also refuse to allow them to manage themselves you're a shabaab asset whether you like it or not.
My understanding is Hawaadle settle in Middle Shabelle in addition to Hiiraan. Even if it is a few towns in Middle Shabeele that Hawaadle settle, they can argue they fulfill the requirement of 2 regions making up a federal member state. The Interim constitution doesn't say the 2 gobols must be fully made up in a fms; it says 2 and more gobols can make up a fms.

Hawaadle also settle part of the Martabaan district in Galguduud. Add these to their existing degaans in Hiiraan & Middle Shabeele, and there you have Hiiraan state fulfilling the interim constitution requirements.

I stand corrected if my statements are incorrect.
My understanding is Hawaadle settle in Middle Shabelle in addition to Hiiraan. Even if it is a few towns in Middle Shabeele that Hawaadle settle, they can argue they fulfill the requirement of 2 regions making up a federal member state. The Interim constitution doesn't say the 2 gobols must be fully made up in a fms; it says 2 and more gobols can make up a fms.

Hawaadle also settle part of the Martabaan district in Galguduud. Add these to their existing degaans in Hiiraan & Middle Shabeele, and there you have Hiiraan state fulfilling the interim constitution requirements.

I stand corrected if my statements are incorrect.
Matabaan isn’t in GM. It’s a district in Hiraan with a Cayr DC.

As for Hawaadle claiming Middle Shabelle as another region for a ‘Hiraan state’, anyone who knows the lands properly will laugh at that. Stick to SSC. Clearly you do not know anything about the South which is understandable as you do not border Hirshabelle or any of its clans.
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