Fidel Castro "plan for Somalia" LEAKED!!!!!

Imagine if somalia ruled all of that land.



It's all so tiresome
We would've been a step closer to Somaliwheyne if we conceded.

No doubt no country like that would stay together indefinitely and we would've been able to walk away with the Galbeed without a fuss.

We could've even lobbied for an annexation of NFD with the power we could've held within this new state. Yemenis would've supported it and the Soviets too.

that was not capitalism, it was some rich Lords picked by the state, the royal family in UK, thee men were well connected members of the royal family and house of lords,

hwoever, if it was a capitalist, no Indian would die since the capitalist main objective is and was to make money, so why would a capitalist refuse to import and sell food to the indians since he will make tonnes of money?

the UK government did the same to the Irish potatoes starvation of 1840s despite even the Ottoman empire wanting to donate food and even many capitalist saying hey lets sell food, the UK government refused as they got worried about security and up rising,

the Irish were killed by rich well connected landlords who wanted to protected the security of Ireland rather than allow food importers, what you call capitalist, to actually sell food and make money

some times i noticed communist do not have common sense, but then your more like a champagne socialist rather than a real hardcore communist,
By the way @Radical Canjeerorism

you are either one clueless dude or twsiting the turth,

Kulaha the indian famine caused more death than communist,

warya, communist killed way way more humans,

the indian famine was not even deliberate but bad polcies and climate drought lack of rain and being worried about indians buying food from abroad and thus also buying qwepaons too,

that is the 1870s fmaine,

Victims of the Great Famine of 1876–78 in British India, pictured in 1877. The famine ultimately covered an area of 670,000 square kilometres (257,000 sq mi) and caused distress to a population totalling 58,500,000. The death toll from this famine is estimated to be in the range of 5.5 million people.[8]

Communist on the other hand killed between 100- 200 million

100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead

Don't celebrate Karl Marx. His Communism has a death count in the millions.

Stalin, Lenin, khemar rouge, chinas Mao, cuba, Russian gulags, latin america, siad barre, African Marxist dictators et el,

around 200 million were starved, shot, killed, worked to death,

dont you dare compare a famine that killed several million, still we do not deny that to the evils committed by evil communist dictators

@Radical Canjeerorism champagne socialist communist, read some history my friend, please, i implore you brother,

Nacala ku yasha on Marx and Hegel and Engels and all their ideological slaves

Thisi guy is a muslim Turk who wrote and produced this series by the way, so not some right wing crazy yank, in case anyone wishes to throw that accusation,

Read about eh first communist, they go back to 1200s, in Italy,

the first commune, communist mystic, started it, then a couple years later it broke into homosexuality where they banned marriage and and started to kill each other off, literally,

communist actually is not newish like some people think from the french atheist revolution, it goes back in Europe to the 1200s till 1600s, in England, Italy, they all practised gay relations, encouraged lesbianism, bastard children who do not know their father in the communist commune, :francis:

this is how you can tell its very ungodly, unnatural and against the laws of God, its inspired by Satan himself,

seriously, read about it, listen to Murray Rothbard, from the Austrian school economics, he goes deep and way back to the origins of satanic communist

The roots of Marxism were in messianic communism

Murray Newton Rothbard,


The Emergence of Communism
He’s seen as a saint by Africans and black ppl yet the majority of soldiers sent to Africa by him were black , he banned Afro hairstyles and didn’t want black Cubans to identify with their African identity . It was only in the 90s when Afro Cuban culture became mainstream again bc it could be used for tourism Malcolm x didn’t trust him bc all the revolutionaries and leaders even to this day are white and the black panthers worshiped him until they actually went to Cuba .


Been there, done that
By the way @Radical Canjeerorism

you are either one clueless dude or twsiting the turth,

Kulaha the indian famine caused more death than communist,

warya, communist killed way way more humans,

the indian famine was not even deliberate but bad polcies and climate drought lack of rain and being worried about indians buying food from abroad and thus also buying qwepaons too,

that is the 1870s fmaine,

Communist on the other hand killed between 100- 200 million

Don't celebrate Karl Marx. His Communism has a death count in the millions.

Stalin, Lenin, khemar rouge, chinas Mao, cuba, Russian gulags, latin america, siad barre, African Marxist dictators et el,

around 200 million were starved, shot, killed, worked to death,

dont you dare compare a famine that killed several million, still we do not deny that to the evils committed by evil communist dictators

@Radical Canjeerorism champagne socialist communist, read some history my friend, please, i implore you brother,

Nacala ku yasha on Marx and Hegel and Engels and all their ideological slaves

Thisi guy is a muslim Turk who wrote and produced this series by the way, so not some right wing crazy yank, in case anyone wishes to throw that accusation,

Twisting the truth? Your entire argument could be used against you, and where did you get that 200 million number? Even your sources say it's 100 million, which is still false by the way, Stop making up numbers, I'll debunk that in a bit but first let's discuss India

Churchill did in fact say:

“I hate the Indians, they’re a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their fault for breeding like rabbits.”


“If they are starving, why is Gandhi still alive?”

Read here for the rest

In short: he exported everything he could out of India to support the war effort, leaving millions to starve. With clearly racist motivations as he thought White English people were far more important.

Now let's talk about this imaginary 100 million number, The Ukrainian famine is called "killing" in the West and is assumed to be an act of the USSR which in reality the USSR even sent emergency food & did other things to try to help.

"The 1932 reductions in state procurements and exports proved hopelessly inadequate. **So did the regime's attempt to deliver food relief.** In a series of decisions in 1932-33, the Politburo reversed its policy to reserve grain relief for the cities. In March 1932, it 'substantially reduced' the food rations... The urban death rate doubled in the main famine regions. Between August 1932 and January 1933, **the Politburo reluctantly reduced grain collection plans by 4 million tons, and the state failed to collect a planned 1 million more. In 1932-33, it released 2-3.5 million tons of grain collections for rural consumption** as food, seed, and fodder, of which 330,000 tons were for food... Most state agencies, even including the repressive apparatus, were largely overwhelmed by the scale of the famine tragedy."

Same thing could be said about China as they were going through similar things even before communism, also that book you've posted is notorious anti-socialist propaganda that is known to gloss over the nuances during such periods and sensationalize everything.

Now let's introduce some rationality to this dialogue...we're both grown men. I presume.

First, I think any real discussion of this issue needs to acknowledge the widely varying estimates of deaths, maybe due in part to different understandings of what it means for an economic system to kill people, and the different ways each system can be defined. I don't think either side should be making hyperbolic, unfounded claims. I think we also have to differentiate between the intentional actions of individual leaders or regimes, the effects of particular economic systems, and the things that aren't really attributable to either of those things (e.g. war in general obviously preceded both systems). When can we call something that happens in or is done by a country an effect of its economic system? I don't think it really is possible to judge or completely disentangle all of those things, but I think we should at least recognize the problem.

Second, expanding on one of the points above, countries that get called capitalist or communist aren't all uniform. These questions depend on how you define these systems or how broad your definition is. I think there are a lot of ways to "do" communism and capitalism. So I don't think the authoritarian political/economic system of the USSR, for example, exhausted all the possibilities for what we can call communism. When I say "communism," I have in mind a more communal, broadly democratic (not just politically but economically), and egalitarian system, just abstractly speaking.

I don't deny some of the atrocities in those "communist" countries. I don't find the distinction between atrocities against a country's own citizens versus others very meaningful, so with that in mind, the US alone, a capitalist country, caused up to 1.2 million deaths in the Iraq War, up to 3 million in the Vietnam War, up to 1.2 million in the Korean War. Add to that deaths caused by slavery in the US, numerous colonial conflicts, and totalitarian regimes installed or supported by capitalist countries. Capitalist (or at least proto-capitalist) countries were responsible for colonialism itself, at the very least, it was sustained by capitalism. Add to that the internal effects of poverty and inequality and environmental destruction. Now please tell me how many people has capitalism killed? Clearly more than 100million, or even your imagery 200 million, more than double. More than triple in fact. We're not making up numbers here, I'm just telling you the objective truth
I hate communists of every Hue and Flavour, May Allah burn them and their evil ideologies in hell for eternity Insha Allah,

I curse them,
Read about eh first communist, they go back to 1200s, in Italy,

the first commune, communist mystic, started it, then a couple years later it broke into homosexuality where they banned marriage and and started to kill each other off, literally,

communist actually is not newish like some people think from the french atheist revolution, it goes back in Europe to the 1200s till 1600s, in England, Italy, they all practised gay relations, encouraged lesbianism, bastard children who do not know their father in the communist commune, :francis:

this is how you can tell its very ungodly, unnatural and against the laws of God, its inspired by Satan himself,

seriously, read about it, listen to Murray Rothbard, from the Austrian school economics, he goes deep and way back to the origins of satanic communist

The roots of Marxism were in messianic communism

Murray Newton Rothbard,


The Emergence of Communism
These two comments painfully indicate that you're arguing from emotional impulse rather than using any logical steps, created by Satan? Why would Satan care about workers rights? Which is the core foundation of communism, you're a funny individual

The obvious anti-social bad faith inherent in spreading those lies is one of the reasons I'd like to point out that even if the 100 million number were true (which it is very much not), capitalism still puts communism to shame. It took communism a century to amass that staggering figure of 100 million dead, but CAPITALISM HAS SUCCESSFULLY KILLED HALF A BILLION PEOPLE JUST SINCE 1991

Yes half a billion in just 30 years. And that number still increases as we speak, while 1% of the population are too busy profiting off of those deaths and using it to buy fancy yachts, so if Satan had indorsed an economic system (because why the f*ck would he not?) it would be Capitalism.
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I cannot understand how anyone thinks communism can ever work, maybe in 3000 or so years when every sector of life from the macro to the micro is automated, and were nearing a type 2 stellar civilization.


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