FGS & FMS Spend

No worries they use this manual and the associated codes its still confusing for me but best I could find I don't have business accounting background.

a) What does 'International trade & transaction' entail? code 115 in manual (115) are taxes that become payable when goods cross the national or customs frontiers of the economic territory, or when transactions in services exchange between residents and nonresidents. Th ese taxes are classifi ed into various subcategories according to the nature of the exchange and whether the exchange is related to imports or exports

a) How does the said differ from 'Customs & other import duties'? code 1151 84 Customs and other import duties (1151) cover revenue from all levies and duties payable on goods of a particular kind because they are entering the country or services because they are delivered by nonresidents to residents. Th e levies may be imposed with the intention to raise revenue or discourage imports in order to protect resident producers of the same goods or services. Th e duties may be determined on a specifi c or ad valorem basis, but they must be restricted by law to imported products. Included are duties levied under the customs tariff schedule and its annexes, including surtaxes that are based on the tariff schedule, consular fees, tonnage charges, statistical taxes, fi scal duties, and surtaxes not based on the customs tariff schedule. Th is category covers taxes that fall on imports only. Imports that fall into a wider category of goods that are subject to the tax should be recorded under general taxes on goods and services (1141) or excises (1142). If excises are levied on imported goods under the same law to comparable domestically produced goods, then the revenue from the tax should be classified as arising from excises rather than from import duties

b )What is the difference between:
i) Sales tax, and ii) VAT taxes Im not sure what this one would look like inside somalia. Below document talks about it a bit

Here is a detailed report on different customs tariffs and duties.

Screenshot_20230415_093039_Samsung Notes.jpg

We even have set a duty rate on importing nuclear reactors, guul.

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Dadkaan ahay waa Duriyad Saare iyo Dawolad! πŸ‘‘
Hirshabelle's two gobols collect money independently, they are yet to reach revenue sharing agreements.
Interesting, I know they had disagreements as of late. That explains their shortcomings. I wonder what would it be collectively!
Interesting, I know they had disagreements as of late. That explains their shortcomings. I wonder what would it be collectively!
I don't want to derail the thread:

But I'm not sure, but all I can say is.
That the road from Xamar to Balcad will generate ton of money from now on, I want reer Middle Shabelle to have proper talks with Hirshabelle admin on how that revenue will be shared.
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FGS revenue without grants 356M. World class ports make all the difference. I see why garcad was built. Somaliland also has more robust tax system it seems with different taxes they list.

The port development hasn't really led to increased import revenue.It's just that the demand has increased which would've been met even with the pre developed port.

The port hasn't even generated a profit yet where in which SL owns 41.5% of revenue generated from the port. The reason why there's not been a profit is because the port is underutilised with last year only handling less than 20% of capacity (waiting on the "road" corridor and trade agreement with Ethiopia).

The difference is actually governance and I'm sure you going through FGS/PL documents and SL there is stark difference in quality and depth of the reports.

TAX reforms have been underwhelming and there needs to be a change of hands with the head of Finance as he's been at the helm for a long time.Fresh and innovative ideas is needed particularly in the corporation and income tax sectors.

As for potential new revenue streams the government will receive fees from the Berbera Economic Zone.
They blow all states out of the water with their domestic revenue generation of 264 million. Puntland was 71 million FY22. Attached report for reference everything is using their currency and looks like they require anything under 100USD to use somaliland shilling to keep market stable.
SL collects taxes properly, after customs tariffs and duties they also collect 5% sales tax while the merchandise still at the port. PL, on the other hand, barely collects proper taxes, and they started introducing sales tax late last year but only 0.2%.
You can see that in this video, in Bosaso port they demanded $185, but in Berbera port his total taxes were $3000 on the same goods. so PL taxes were 0.6% and SL 10% on his goods ($30k). that's why PL collects $100 million and SL close to $300 million.
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SL collects taxes properly, after customs tariffs and duties they also collect 5% sales tax while the merchandise still at the port. PL, on the other hand, barely collects proper taxes, and they started introducing sales tax late last year but only 0.2%.
You can see that in this video, in Bosaso port they demanded $185, but in Berbera port his total taxes were $3000 on the same goods. so PL taxes were 0.6% and SL 10% on his goods ($30k). that's why PL collects $100 million and SL close to $300 million.

You confused government taxes with actual port usage fees which is included in the $3000 figure.

The significant cost advantage Bosaso has over Berbera will be gone once DP world complete their construction and takeover.Significant port usage fees will be applied.

However, this an opportunity to modernise and develop a comprehensive tax system which works best for the state.Also PL do well in certain aspects such taxing income from NGO/Aid employees which other states don't do even FGS.
You confused government taxes with actual port usage fees which is included in the $3000 figure.

The significant cost advantage Bosaso has over Berbera will be gone once DP world complete their construction and takeover.Significant port usage fees will be applied.

However, this an opportunity to modernise and develop a comprehensive tax system which works best for the state.Also PL do well in certain aspects such taxing income from NGO/Aid employees which other states don't do even FGS.
He said taxes, it may include port usage fees but most of that,I think, will be government taxes. in any case SL has more robust tax system and that's why they collect more taxes than everybody including the federal government.


Let him cook
The port development hasn't really led to increased import revenue.It's just that the demand has increased which would've been met even with the pre developed port.

The port hasn't even generated a profit yet where in which SL owns 41.5% of revenue generated from the port. The reason why there's not been a profit is because the port is underutilised with last year only handling less than 20% of capacity (waiting on the "road" corridor and trade agreement with Ethiopia).

The difference is actually governance and I'm sure you going through FGS/PL documents and SL there is stark difference in quality and depth of the reports.

TAX reforms have been underwhelming and there needs to be a change of hands with the head of Finance as he's been at the helm for a long time.Fresh and innovative ideas is needed particularly in the corporation and income tax sectors.

As for potential new revenue streams the government will receive fees from the Berbera Economic Zone.
Yeah reading through the report i linked for 2022 data, you guys have very robust system. Lots of details on livestock, agriculture,port.. etc.. I like the goal the report states to tax 15% of gdp. Probably something rest of us need to work towards in the future once we stomp out al shabab and remove corruption. Otherwise will break back of citizens due to getting double tripple taxed. I also like how you guys use local currency, I am hearing we will be eventualy going towards a east african shilling as part of EAC, guessing there are benefits of using local currenices.


According to the World Bank, tax revenues above 15% of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) are a key ingredient for economic growth and, ultimately, poverty reduction.1 This level of taxation ensures that countries have the money necessary to invest in the future and achieve sustainable economic growth. Developed countries generally have a far higher ratio. The average among members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development was 33.8% in 2019.2
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Even without a port, SWS should be putting up much better numbers. There are 3 Gobols! :drakewtf:

SW is prob the weakest State after Jubbland, RX cant Run 3 gobals, they added Shabella Hose so they can keep it away from HG.

Reality is Shabella Hose and Banadir should be 1 state.
Thanks again; there is some good data, albeit incomplete. Now, could you do a couple of more things:

a) In 2022, there had been 817,766,307.00 million USD in Grants, and Rev-Grants for the FGS in Xamar alone; could we find out:
i) How those funds had been expensed?
ii) And for what?

This inflates Xamar's revenues, for if you were to remove 817m out of the equation, the numbers would read differently.

b) Are any, and all purchases by Aid agencies, AMISOM, and other international organisations subject to taxation? With their usage of Xamar airport, and port to bring in their wares, war machinery related or otherwise, are taxes levied at port of entry?
i) Or are theirs tax exempt?

ii) If any are not tax exempted, do we know how those items are taxed? If so, under what category are those grouped?

Are you by any chance able to get your hands on a break-down of the source of Grants, and Rev-Grants?

An injection of that much money, into a single city, in a year, speaks to the inflation, and rising cost of living in Xamar, which is rather worrisome.


Thanks again; there is some good data, albeit incomplete. Now, could you do a couple of more things:

a) In 2022, there had been 817,766,307.00 million USD in Grants, and Rev-Grants for the FGS in Xamar alone; could we find out:
i) How those funds had been expensed?
ii) And for what?

This inflates Xamar's revenues, for if you were to remove 817m out of the equation, the numbers would read differently.

b) Are any, and all purchases by Aid agencies, AMISOM, and other international organisations subject to taxation? With their usage of Xamar airport, and port to bring in their wares, war machinery related or otherwise, are taxes levied at port of entry?
i) Or are theirs tax exempt?

ii) If any are not tax exempted, do we know how those items are taxed? If so, under what category are those grouped?

Are you by any chance able to get your hands on a break-down of the source of Grants, and Rev-Grants?

An injection of that much money, into a single city, in a year, speaks to the inflation, and rising cost of living in Xamar, which is rather worrisome.

You do understand the grant/donor projects in FGS also includes grants/donor to PL/FMS.

It's wrong to equate it to a single city.
It's best to go through the individual projects by searching on the respective websites.

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You do understand the grant/donor projects in FGS also includes grants/donor to PL/FMS and even some projects in Somaliland too.

It's wrong to equate it to a single city.
I do, but I did not include those, and only talled those earmarked, and listed on the budget for the FGS.

I intentionally draw a clear distinction between Xamar and Banaadir, for the two are not synonymous, and what was once Banaadir is no longer what is Xamar now, ergo my referring to it as a city.


Let him cook
Thanks again; there is some good data, albeit incomplete. Now, could you do a couple of more things:

a) In 2022, there had been 817,766,307.00 million USD in Grants, and Rev-Grants for the FGS in Xamar alone; could we find out:
i) How those funds had been expensed?
ii) And for what?

This inflates Xamar's revenues, for if you were to remove 817m out of the equation, the numbers would read differently.

b) Are any, and all purchases by Aid agencies, AMISOM, and other international organisations subject to taxation? With their usage of Xamar airport, and port to bring in their wares, war machinery related or otherwise, are taxes levied at port of entry?
i) Or are theirs tax exempt?

ii) If any are not tax exempted, do we know how those items are taxed? If so, under what category are those grouped?

Are you by any chance able to get your hands on a break-down of the source of Grants, and Rev-Grants?

An injection of that much money, into a single city, in a year, speaks to the inflation, and rising cost of living in Xamar, which is rather worrisome.
Here this might help. I was combining all the monthly reports the released last year. So for total puntland grants it came out to 25M when I combined those figures

I just stumbled upon this summary report, that was released recently as I didn't see it when i first started combining reports. It shows puntland received 21M maybe adjustments after facts. This document also has good expense information as I mostly pulled revenue data
