FGS cabinet signs off on Turkish Naval agreement, which is to be implemented within 24 hours!

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
I just realised this agreement is beyond the scope of propaganda. It has already been ratified by the Parliament and will be going live within hours. There is no international power or institution that can reverse it. This was not an amateur MOU concocted as a diversionary tactic by a neighbouring genocidal regime dealing with famine, bankruptcy and conflict, this is a robust win / win deal with a country that is in the top 20 world economies in an era where the arms embargo is fully lifted.
Its silly MOU that South Somalia will gain none, again great job southies :mjcry:.

Retarted who cant do nothing keep begging outsiders and ask ajnabi to secure is black ass like Amisom doing, We advice you guys, we will see navy after 10 years, there will be none and you will request to renew MOU. Similar Amisom movie like unend circle. Clever southie.
Your logic:

PMPF working with UAE = Good, Smart

FGS working with Turkey = Bad, Dumb

Care to explain how Somalia can develop a green water navy with no shipyards, defence expertise or any modern experiance in building frigates, destroyer and submarines? Does Puntland have this ability? Is that why you had to made deal with the UAE to acquire some fishing boats as a "navy".

Nothing in this world is free.
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PMPF working with UAE = Good, Smart

FGS working with Turkey = Bad, Dumb

Care to explain how Somalia can develop a green water navy with no shipyards, defence expertise or modern experinance in building frigates. destroyer and submarines? Does Puntland have this abiility? Is that why you had to made deal with the UAE to aqquire some fishing boats at a "navy".

Nothing in this world is free.

Somalia is not ready for any of this or at this scale.

It's just a payday for the Turks while it probably doesn't even stop the MoU.
There is no free lunch. Turkey is now our colonial masters.

30 percent for an imaginary threat of ethiopia? I am suspecting this whole ethiopia thing was orchestrated to get the somali public to swallow turkey taking over our sea.

This is 100 times worse then the somaliland ethiopia deal
It’s as you said. There’s no free lunch.

Beggars can’t be choosers sxb.
I dunno, this seems like a decent deal. I was a bit taken aback by the 30%, but considering that Somalia barley makes any money from the resources in our oceans, and it's mostly stolen by random foreign companies, perhaps this deal could allow Somalia to finally be able to tap into our own resources with the maritime protection from Turkey.

It's not like would have a fully functioning navy with the next 10 years. Somalia should not resist being courted and pursued by wealthier countries, such as Turkey, the US, etc.

South Korea, Taiwan, Japan are all countries that have had some TLC, investment and military protection from more powerful countries, namely the US. As long as Somalia has a parliament that ensures whatever agreements we enter are in our best interest/more favorable to us (which we don't have, but that's a separate issue), we should really welcome help and investment from Western countries. Lugaha ha la kala furo :silanyolaugh:




Press conference held in Muqdisho with President Sheikh Sharif and Erdogan at the time PM of Turkey in 2011.

We welcome the turks
Somalia is not ready for any of this or at this scale.

It's just a payday for the Turks while it probably doesn't even stop the MoU.
What I'm saying is that the goverment urgently needs a navy. It doesn't have to be the most advanced or capable in the world. Just enough to protect our littoral waters. Somalia looses about 300 million a year due to illegal fishing. The real number is probably higher. Not to mention the dumping ground incidents. All made possible without a coast guard or navy protecting the sea. This is bigger than the MoU.


Somali supremacist
At least can we get tanks, anti mine vehicle and some jet fighters. If turkey going to get 30% of the resources at least they should give us tanks and advanced weapons.


Turkish defence official: “We cannot reveal the details as it has a long way to be ratified”. Both parliaments need to ratify it. Ratifying Finland’s NATO membership took them nearly a year. But where there’s a will there’s a way, especially since money is involved.


So how is this any different to the somaliland ethiopia deal?
These guys are a Muslim power that don’t eat raw meat and wipe after they poop. This alone is 1-0 Turkey. Turkey has a very large economy and global influence unlike your friends. And this is a 10-year deal not 50.
This is better than the 5 US bases Turkey is a regional/global power and is not a malign enemy like the gulf countries.
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Yeah it's over.
Everytime i hear u over-isolationist/protectionist ninjas. I ask myself what is the alternative ? We have enemies that want to see us in shambles, we have ressources that we can´t protect nor extract. So im genuinly asking whats the alternative? A navy and money does not fall from the sky.
I don´t like that deal either but i don´t like that because of the fact that we as a country are so low that we depend on foreigners. But thats the reality.