Farmaajo restarting civil war in Mogadishu as he hands out Banaadir MPs to all Federal states (Non-HAGs).....

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Say what you want about Hawiyes and there is alot to be said, elections are held on time and they leave office when when they lose.

Aden caade
Sharif Dalxis
Hassan Qoslaaye.

Knew we lived there historically but didn’t know we still had gudoomiye :damedamn:
Former governor AUN she was killed last year was mj, and yeah fishermen and traders from PL settled there

Darood build Mogadishu, Hawiye just do unukaa leh, this is why I can't understand PIM, you are relinquishing your ancestral rights to Banadir.
Italians built Mogadishu for the most part, and it's not ancestral rights lol our ancestral home is PL with your logic we should claim areas in Oman, Eritrea and Djibouti. JL is another story though, it's now our home.


Italians built Mogadishu for the most part, and it's not ancestral rights lol our ancestral home is PL with your logic we should claim areas in Oman, Eritrea and Djibouti. JL is another story though, it's now our home.
Actually if we go further back Arabs and Persians build the city.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Actually if we go further back Arabs and Persians build the city.

probably true, somalis never real built major structures themselves because they deemed it below their status. even in history it is reported that somalis used slaves to construct major structures. an more modern historical reference is that the ajuraan sultanate used slaves to do the constructing.
why not pay arabs and persians to build major structures in xamar.

not you personaly, I don't get why some people have to think if an certain infrastructure influenced by an certain culture. it has to be that they ruled because some infrastructure is influenced by their cultures. as if it was not known that the somali rulers where wealthy and therefore could actually fund the projects.


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
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Guddiga doorashooyinka labada aqal ayaa soo saaray shaxda qaabka loo qeybinaayo xildhibaanada labada aqal ee DF, taasoo lagu dheeli tiray dowlad goboleedyada dalka ka jira.

MOL oo heshay nuqul ka mid ah dokumentiga kama danbeysta ah ee la rabo in lagu dhaqan geliyo doorashada xildhibaanada labada aqal ayaa waxaa lagu dooran doonaa shaxdan hoose

  1. Puntland (Aqalka Hoose =37, AQ Sare = 11)
  2. Somaliland (Aqalka Hoose = 46, AQ Sare = 11)
  3. Galmudug (Aqalka Hoose =36, AQ Sare = 8)
  4. HirShabelle (Aqalka Hoose =37, AQ Sare = 8)
  5. Koofur Galbeed (Aqalka Hoose =69, AQ Sare = 8)
  6. Jubbaland (Aqalka Hoose = 43, AQ Sare = 8)
  7. Banaadir (Aqalka Hoose = 7, AQ Sare = 0)
Sida aad ku aragtaan shaxda kore, waxaa Gobolka Banaadir loo qoondeeyay 7 xildhibaan oo ah aqalka hoose waxaana loo kala qeybiyay sida hoose

  1. Puntland (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  2. Somaliland (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  3. Galmudug (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  4. Koofur Galbeed (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  5. HirShabelle (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  6. Jubbaland (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
  7. Banaadir (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan)
Wadarta guud ee xildhibaanada ka soo galaaya Gobolka Banaadir waa 7 Xildhibaan taasoo loo qeybiyay beelaha hoos ku qoran

  1. Majeerteen (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) – Puntland
  2. Isaaq (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) Somaliland
  3. Mariixaan (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) GalMudug
  4. Abgaal (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) Hirshabelle
  5. Digil & Mirifle (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) Koofur Galbeed
  6. Ogaadeen (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) Jubbaland
  7. Reer Xamar (Aqalka Hoose Banaadir 1 xildhibaan) Banaadir
Lama oga sida ay uga falcelin doonaan beesha Muddulood oo si ula kac ah looga saaray Gobolka Banaadir.

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An Marexan from Galmudug, walahi these folks are extremely deluded :russ: :dead:
There is no way mariixan, majeerten, isaaq, rahanweyn and ogaden are gonna have representation in banadir and HG, murusade and mudulod wouldn't. :icon lol:
There is no way mariixan, majeerten, isaaq, rahanweyn and ogaden are gonna have representation in banadir and HG, murusade and mudulod wouldn't. :icon lol:

Why should non residents of Benaadir have any Benaadir representation? zero for MX, zero for MJ, zero OG and so forth. Unless they live there. Next step is to make Benaadir a Federal Member State if federalism is real. Otherwise, HAGites should politically lynch the biidhiqaate who agrees to disenfranchise the MOST POPULOUS region of the South. Haawiye would be agreeing to politically handicap themselves if they accept this level of disenfranchisement


in your feelings yet? yall too sensitive for me.
Why should non residents of Benaadir have any Benaadir representation? zero for MX, zero for MJ, zero OG and so forth. Unless they live there. Next step is to make Benaadir a Federal Member State if federalism is real. Otherwise, HAGites should politically lynch the biidhiqaate who agrees to disenfranchise the MOST POPULOUS region of the South. Haawiye would be agreeing to politically handicap themselves if they accept this level of disenfranchisement
Exactly. Banadir will become a federal state soon and the only people who will get representation are hawiye and cadcads.
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Hawiyes give darood who don’t live in Mogadishu a district but nothing for the 800k raxanweyn. This is some raaciyad behaviour.


probably true, somalis never real built major structures themselves because they deemed it below their status. even in history it is reported that somalis used slaves to construct major structures. an more modern historical reference is that the ajuraan sultanate used slaves to do the constructing.
why not pay arabs and persians to build major structures in xamar.

not you personaly, I don't get why some people have to think if an certain infrastructure influenced by an certain culture. it has to be that they ruled because some infrastructure is influenced by their cultures. as if it was not known that the somali rulers where wealthy and therefore could actually fund the projects.
Somalis have two old professions Wadaad & Waranle, today is not that much different, the Waranle evolved into Ciidan, hogaamiye and then into politician, while the Wadaad evolved into trader and business man.

I have a cousin in the construction industry in Caabudwaaq, he told me the major problem with work is, Somalis do not want to earn money through anything that is labour intensive, they rather fight and argue over limited positions as manager, director etc. While the Madow and Oromo happily fill the gab and earn a good living, they are flourishing now in Caabudwaaq. If only they knew thats not how life works in industrialized counties, a good example is America, the african americans took majority of the workforce post slavery, until the white realised if they don't do something about their superiority complex, the African American would have more economic power, knowledge and skills in the future, they quickly started their institutional racism in the job marked, the Arabs are only now starting to do that in the Gulf, but places like UAE & Oman has already fallen to Indians

Our case will be far more difficult, we have generational kibir, our ancestors chilled on the shade of a tree doing absolutely jackshit for generations but watch their livestock graze and d FKD about their battles. It will be hard to turn them into a industrious workforce, especially when you have abundance of cheap labour all around you.
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