Farmaajo finally talks about Berbera deal

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If someone here is a qabialist it's certainly you and abdullahi. Don't accuse people 4 what u are doing.
The girl asked u a simple question and made a good point. You guys are hypocrites wallahi. Especially u. One minute u calling 4 a United somaliweyn the other you are calling 4 daroods unite and fight hawiyes and isaaqs. Have noticed u hype mjs when they do good and diss hawiyes and isaaqs. I see u, u only like to see mjs do good.
Caadi iska dhiga

That's a lie I never called for darood unity I don't even believe in harti unity besides I criticise even harti tribes including MJ & I have made threads that are critical of puntland. Besides I hate dhulbhante more than I hate hawiye & Isaac so how am I a qabiliste? If three men were lined up before me and I was told that I had to shoot one and their tribes were Isaac dhulbhante and hawiye I wouldn't hesitate pulling the wig back of the dhulbhante prostitute send him to his maker swiftly the vermin utter pestilence.

Yes I love MJ but I despise dhulbhante the motherfuckers illahay naarta haku foogayo, see Iam not a qabiliste I hate dhulbhante who are my tribe of harti more than I hate Isaac & hawiye.
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That's a lie I never called for darood unity I don't even believe in harti unity besides I criticise even harti tribes including MJ & I have made threads that are critical of puntland. Besides I hate dhulbhante more than I hate hawiye & Isaac so how am I a qabiliste? If three men were lined up before me and I was told that I had to shoot one and their tribes were Isaac dhulbhante and hawiye I wouldn't hesitate pulling the wig back of the dhulbhante prostitute send him to his maker swiftly the vermin utter pestilence.

Yes I love MJ but I despise dhulbhante the motherfuckers illahay naarta haku foogayo, see Iam not a qabiliste I hate dhulbhante who are my tribe of harti more than I hate Isaac & hawiye.

Isku xishod. U are cursing innocent people. you are liar. Just like u lied about @embarassing being qabialist u are lying now. The reason u "hate" is bc dhulbahantes stand up to puntland.
We have a richer history, and We do not discriminate bc of qabil. And we dont want to be part of puntland. Just because you hate dhulbahantes more doesn't mean u can't be a qabialist?

As an dhulbahante I don't have hatred against mjs isaaq or hawyie for that matter.

If some random white racist said: all somalis are terrorist.
What would ur answer be?

Oooh don't generalise. Most somalis aint like that.
That's the exact same thing ur a doing, actually even worse. Bc U generalizing ur country men with qabil nonsense.
Do you now what people like you are called? They are called munafiquns.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Isku xishod. you are liar. Just like u lied about @embarassing being qabialist u are lying now. The reason u "hate" is bc dhulbahantes stand up to puntland. We do not discriminate bc of qabil. And we dont want to be part of puntland. Just because you hate dhulbahantes more doesn't mean u can't be a qabialist?

As an dhulbahante I don't have hatred against mjs isaaq or hawyie for that matter.

If some random white racist said: all somalis are terrorist.
What would ur answer be?

Oooh don't generalise. Most somalis aint like that.
That's the exact same thing ur a doing, actually even worse. Bc U generalizing ur country men with qabil nonsense.
Do you now what people like you are called? They are called munafiquns.
somaliland needs dhulbhante for icitiraaf but why does Puntland need dhulbhante land? Mohamud saleeban alone lives in three gobal, Puntland is a federal state already cause it fulfills the somalia constitution which stipulates that a federal state needs to have labo gobal iyo wax ka badan, that calculation you done didn't add up I suggest you use a calculator.

I respect Isaac cause they control their regions, I respect hawiye cause no other somali tribe can enslave them except al shabaab iyo AMISOM & dhulbhante I have no respect for cause they are enslaved by Isaac who hates them and who've been killing dhulbhante indiscriminately for the past 26 years, when a Isaac says he's not feeling well to a dhulbhante the dhulbhante replies back by saying are we sick boss
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Dafuq is wrong with you, are u seriously retarded.

Dhulbahante is a subclan while isaaq is a whole clan. They outnumber us. Dhulos is barely 1 mil and isaaqs are 2-3 mil if not more.
Don't @ me


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dafuq is wrong with you, are u seriously retarded.

Dhulbahante is a subclan while isaaq is a whole clan. They outnumber us. Dhulos is barely 1 mil and isaaqs are 2-3 mil if not more.
Don't @ me
I couldn't care less what complaints you have about your slave master who controls most of your land but don't ever say Puntland needs dhulbhante land cause they don't Cause they're already a recognised federal state internationally withOut dhulbhante land. Puntland occupy three gobals besides puntland doesn't seek recognition like somaliland is that's why Puntland doesn't occupy no dhulbhante land so again emancipate dhulbhante from this bondage.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Dafuq is wrong with you, are u seriously retarded.

Dhulbahante is a subclan while isaaq is a whole clan. They outnumber us. Dhulos is barely 1 mil and isaaqs are 2-3 mil if not more.
Don't @ me
Warsengeli live next to Isaac too and they number less than dhulbhante yet somaliland doesn't control an inch of their land I wonder why? Fadlan ku shuubo:nahgirl:


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
i don't think Somalia can stop it but they can slow it down and when Hargeisa capitulates, the deal can be canceled or fixed


Weeping for the Nation of 68
It would be silly for any president to talk about Berbera when we are dealing with terrorists.
We should talk about Berbera from a position of strength. Right now we are weak as f*ck.
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