Farah marries white girl islamizes her

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That woman could have much better character and intelligence than you. But you have reduced her to her looks asit seems thats all you judge on people. For me just to judge a person on their looks is sad. Also the last pick you send is of 16 year olds. Now we jealous of kids as well. :ftw9nwa:
How the f*ck am i jealous? And yeah i do judge on looks no need to lie everbody does but keep thinking that you gaaraxs you would clap for any faraax that marry out even if they look like a albino monkey:susp:
The white worship lots of Somali men on this site tend to have needs to stop. Lots of you guys rant about random s off YouTube or Twitter married to anjnabis and then come here to slander the good Somali women of SSpot. How many times do girls like me have to call madows Madow and whites pigskins for some of you guys to understand that we don’t worship black and white men. Not all of us are like the random es from the corners of the internet you manage to uncover for proof that all Xalimos are inherently evil. The constant rants against Somali women should be focused on these particular girls you guys have a problem with.
And from what I’ve seen us girls on this site are just as racist as our male counterparts. Don’t lump all Somali women together when I’ve been an open Somali nationalist since I came on this site. I feel insulted at the constant insinuation that I as a Xalimo would ever be so open and accepting of non-Somalis. It's not a part of my culture and only brain dead Somali women would throw away their entire lineage for a worthless anjnabi.


Small numbers actually and they're marrying low quality men. No need to lie.
Am just telling you get your white women ,asian whatever but i have to say somali women are marrying out more than the men i always wonder why halimos on the internet chat shit about you faraaxs now i understand:sass2:


Am just telling you get your white women ,asian whatever but i have to say somali women are marrying out more than the men i always wonder why halimos on the internet chat shit about you faraaxs now i understand:sass2:

I'm not insutling Somali women but the self-haters. Big difference. If you're a self-hater then you deserve that meme which is partially true.
How the f*ck am i jealous? And yeah i do judge on looks no need to lie everbody does but keep thinking that you gaaraxs you would clap for any faraax that marry out even if they look like a albino monkey:susp:
Why you. Keep insulting this womans look and make her value on her looks alone? You are the only person who has said her consistently im gonna marry a white guy(Italian) and here you se a woman who converted and you keep dissing her looks.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Let's be honest here. Most Somali women that marry out are usually bum low caste ex-con reverts.

Somali woman marries an escaped murderer from America.


Somali woman marries a revert gang banger from the prison.


An ex-con revert marries two Somali woman.


What is it with Somali women fetish for fat ginger reverts? :cosbyhmm:


I can show you many more but you get my point.
Let's be honest here. Most Somali women that marry out are usually bum low caste ex-con reverts.

Somali woman marries an escaped murderer from America.


Somali woman marries a revert gang banger from the prison.


An ex-con revert marries two Somali woman.


What is it with Somali women fetish for fat ginger reverts? :cosbyhmm:


I can show you many more but you get my point.
There was one in my city who had 5 children and decided to marry an ex con revert and bring her to her house with the 5 kids after divorcing her husband. Made her pregnant and divorced her while pregnant. Was married less than 6 months


As i live and breathe
The celebration of "dating out" on both sides often speaks to the racial or ethnic insecurities of the people in question.

I love how you people have made a competition out of it, much like the black community. Tell me again how Somalis are different from them. I'm having a hard time seeing it lately.
The celebration of "dating out" on both sides often speaks to the racial or ethnic insecurities of the people in question.

I love how you people have made a competition out of it, much like the black community. Tell me again how Somalis are different from them. I'm having a hard time seeing it lately.
well we are becoming like them in every sense. Its funny we come to the west and decided to let our culture and our religion go. So instead of taking after the more successful people, we decided to take after the lowest people of the new society we came to. The health of a community is based on the respect people have for each other and we are disliking each other more and looking for acceptence other places


As i live and breathe
well we are becoming like them in every sense. Its funny we come to the west and decided to let our culture and our religion go. So instead of taking after the more successful people, we decided to take after the lowest people of the new society we came to. The health of a community is based on the respect people have for each other and we are disliking each other more and looking for acceptence other places

Somalis came here as low class people, i'm not surprised that we chose to emulate a low class culture of the western variety.

Some Somali women are becoming indistinguishable from black women in behavior. And the same can be said for some of the faraxs out there rapping and gang banging. The diaspora is done for, the future is back home. :axvmm9o:


As i live and breathe
The white worship lots of Somali men on this site tend to have needs to stop. Lots of you guys rant about random s off YouTube or Twitter married to anjnabis and then come here to slander the good Somali women of SSpot. How many times do girls like me have to call madows Madow and whites pigskins for some of you guys to understand that we don’t worship black and white men. Not all of us are like the random es from the corners of the internet you manage to uncover for proof that all Xalimos are inherently evil. The constant rants against Somali women should be focused on these particular girls you guys have a problem with.
And from what I’ve seen us girls on this site are just as racist as our male counterparts. Don’t lump all Somali women together when I’ve been an open Somali nationalist since I came on this site. I feel insulted at the constant insinuation that I as a Xalimo would ever be so open and accepting of non-Somalis. It's not a part of my culture and only brain dead Somali women would throw away their entire lineage for a worthless anjnabi.

People on this site are outliers. Don't take the stuff said here too seriously.
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