Failmaajo got lost in the sauce

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Whole time this nigga Failmaajo bootyclapping for Eritrean sanctions to be taken off while his own country is crushed with sanctions .

They gave somalia new sanctions for Failmaajos efforts :chrisfreshhah:
Removing weapon sanctions on Somalia means Al shabab will get new shiny weapons. It is double-edged sword.

They are already getting the weapons even with the sanctions. Al Shabab now gets government weapons they don’t ship stuff in anymore


Whole time this nigga Failmaajo bootyclapping for Eritrean sanctions to be taken off while his own country is crushed with sanctions .

They gave somalia new sanctions for Failmaajos efforts :chrisfreshhah:

Your military is bad with the tools it has now, what makes u think it will be better with new tool, the same id00r is behind it, rag-tag it wont matter your not darawish. He can 10 rag-tag of yours who spray n pray, he is well coordinated and trained and superior in all aspects of war and strategy. Your the weakest clan in somalia, all u have is rag tags u conscript from badiyaha kkkk

Your military is bad with the tools it has now, what makes u think it will be better with new tool, the same id00r is behind it, rag-tag it wont matter your not darawish. He can 10 rag-tag of yours who spray n pray, he is well coordinated and trained and superior in all aspects of war and strategy. Your the weakest clan in somalia, all u have is rag tags u conscript from badiyaha kkkk

Hey you idiot can we do this on another thread ? I swear you have cyber turrets


Hey you idiot can we do this on another thread ? I swear you have cyber turrets

Just show your troop quality, that's all I want and i will shut up. U know kings are giving caare darawish training at his base to lift him up to our standards, that's why his driving jeegaan 300 kilometers now. He said the quality of our training bases are superior and so modern to him. He said there is no training in somaliland, they just get kids in badiyo and give them a gun, that is the military caare said.

U dont even have one base waryaa. Not even one training base. Thats how fucked it is in jeegaan


I love this picture tho @Pureblood it reminds of a high on khat jeegaan kkkk dreamng of the queen of elizabeth and aqoonsi while he has a crown on his head trying to be king osman but his the CRAZY VERSION OF HIM KKKK THE JINNI BOQOR TYPE with his crown half slipping on his head. while his eyes are glazing over, has his princes on the robe, while he sings to isaaq WE WUZ KANGZ @Reiko @Abdalla @Farm Equipment @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Crow

An Isaaq Kingdom would be like the JINNI VERSION OF THE MAJERTEN KINGDOM, like totally all out of wack and wild id00r shit

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Just show your troop quality, that's all I want and u will shut up. U know kings are giving caare darawish training at his base to lift him up to our standards, that's why his driving jeegaan 300 kilometers now. He said the quality of our training bases are superior and so modern to him.

Why do you always come on here after drinking your all time favorite Gin & Juice? Or as you like to call it Jinn & juice :lolbron:
I love this picture tho @Pureblood it reminds of a high on khat jeegaan kkkk dreamng of the queen of elizabeth and aqoonsi while he has a crown on his head trying to be king osman but his the CRAZY VERSION OF HIM KKKK THE JINNI BOQOR TYPE with his crown half slipping on his head. while his eyes are glazing over, has his princes on the robe, while he sings to isaaq WE WUZ KANGZ @Reiko @Abdalla @Farm Equipment @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman @Crow

An Isaaq Kingdom would be like the JINNI VERSION OF THE MAJERTEN KINGDOM, like totally all out of wack and wild id00r shit


War niinkaan ma Jay Cow miya? Oo albumka fanaanka KOD ( Khat oo diid)


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
She gonna be like

“New sanctions yeessss Somalia moving FORWARD”
She would say something along the lines "If Farmaajo had taken Kheyre's advice the sanctions would be lifted" :dabcasar:
Removing weapon sanctions on Somalia means Al shabab will get new shiny weapons. It is double-edged sword.
You see the latest UN security council report? :pachah1:Al Shabaab have taken over Somalia's intelligence service :pachah1:ma kuwaas baad wax ka filisaa inaadeer? :pachah1:
I respect a man who is open about his love for his kin :manny:laakiin closet qabilists who masquerade as wadanis are the lowest of the low:susp: ... I am sure you've worked out what I am attaining at :bell:
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