F*ck The Houthis! Fuel Tanker Hit By Houthi Missile & Is Now On Fire Near Somaliland Waters! Massive Environmental Damage Expected!

Unintended consequences, I doubt the Houthis have anything against Somalis. If the dumb British and my country America want to air strike them because they put a blockade on ships heading to Israeli ports, the blame should be on them. Chinese and Russian oil tankers are not being hit btw. Being neutral pays well in the high seas.
Always stay neutral it will benefit you look at Switzerland they got rich from only being Neutral during the entire wars in Europe thus that's why most bankers And Rich people moved there to keep their wealth safe.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
The houthis 🇾🇪 are defending their Arab brothers in gaza Palestine 🇵🇸 😂 where the fake Disneyland prostituting for Ethiopia and abiy ahmed against thier somali brothers
You think only Isaaq live along the gulf of Aden coast? Your harti cousins in sanaag are fucked too


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Unintended consequences, I doubt the Houthis have anything against Somalis. If the dumb British and my country America want to air strike them because they put a blockade on ships heading to Israeli ports, the blame should be on them. Chinese and Russian oil tankers are not being hit btw. Being neutral pays well in the high seas.



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
I don't blame the Hadramouts for wanting to leave. The houthis have turned yemen into a complete shithole!

Now their bs is starting to effect somaliland. These idiots are not even hurting israel they are just hurting themselves and neighbouring muslim countries. F*ck them!
Somaliland doesn’t exist
🚨Environment Disaster In Somaliland Waters Averted🚨

"Yesterday, the Iranian-backed Houthis struck the Marshall Islands-flagged, Bermuda-owned M/V Marlin Luanda with an Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) in the Gulf of Aden. Marlin Luanda is transporting for commercial use a cargo of Naphtha, a highly flammable liquid hydrogen mixture. Following the missile strike, a major fire ensued in one of the cargo holds. USS Carney (DDG 64), the French Navy Frigate FS Alsace (D656) and Indian Navy Frigate INS Visakhapatnam (DD66) all responded quickly, providing critical firefighting material and assistance to the civilian crew, who had depleted their organic firefighting capability. The multinational crew, the lives of which the Houthis endangered, was made up of 22 Indian and 1 Bangladeshi crew members.

Thanks to this rapid response by the U.S., Indian and French navies, the fire is now extinguished. There were no casualties in the attack, the ship remains seaworthy, and has returned to its previous course.

Many thanks to our Combined Maritime Forces partners for their great teamwork at sea, averting a disaster that threatened lives and the seaworthiness of the ship and risked major environmental damage.

These unlawful actions have nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza. Neither the vessel nor its crew have any affiliation to Israel. The Houthis have fired indiscriminately into the Red Sea, targeting vessels impacting over 40 countries around the world." - U.S. Central Command

@Almis @CurrentlyOnline @Yami @Itsnotthateasy Major environmental disaster in somaliland waters averted thanks to US, French and Indian help. They managed to stop the fire which in tern stoped the ship from exploding and leaking its contents . Somaliland waters are free from chemical contamination :rejoice: Thank Allah!

Salute To US, France & India :salute:They saved us from these suicidal houthi f*ckers!
İf The US and UK want to stop this they have to tell Israelis to get out of the Gaza strip Houthis will not stop this until they do that it doesn't matter how much they airstrike them these fuckers are still targeting ships they were been bombed by Saudis for Almost 9 years