Eyewitness account by Western journalist on war crimes commited by Barre's regime

*Waiting for the Siyaad Barre sympathizers and genocide deniers from a certain community*

Anticipation Popcorn GIF

No bro it’s getting tiring, how long are you gonna cry for? It’s like me posting a black square on Instagram with the hashtag #blackouttuesday thinking that will suddenly stop racism
There's too many in your community who continue to deny it.Maybe if your community stopped denying it or minimizing what happened, we can all move on but instead your president takes photo ops with the criminals

There's too many in your community who continue to deny it.Maybe if your community stopped denying it or minimizing what happened, we can all move on but instead your president takes photo ops with the criminals

Horta Is Tuke Free To Come To Somaliland Cause He And His Ancestor Lived There I Think I Read Somewhere That Your Family Must Have Been There Since 1960 It's In Your Constetution Or Something
There's too many in your community who continue to deny it.Maybe if your community stopped denying it or minimizing what happened, we can all move on but instead your president takes photo ops with the criminals

so tukeh is a criminal but riyaale is cool with you lol
Horta Is Tuke Free To Come To Somaliland Cause He And His Ancestor Lived There I Think I Read Somewhere That Your Family Must Have Been There Since 1960 It's In Your Constetution Or Something
He will be treated like Adolf Eichmann, tried in court and eventually hanged for his crimes against humanity
Why'd you ignore @Aden22 point about Landers making one of Afweyne's top jajuus, Dahir Riyale, their president. He was responsible for spying, torturing, and killing countless of your SNM kin.
I think the key takeaway from this is not the journalists re-telling of the documented happenings between 1982-1991.

It is how much better off Somaliland is today as an unrecognised but independent nation, than they were being a part of a recognised but disastrous union with Somalia. As the journalists recounts everything from schooling, medicine, telecommunications was basically non-existent in Somaliland when it was part of the Somali Republic. Somaliland has made huge strides in all these areas in last 30 years.

Somaliland today is far from perfect, but it is night and day better off on its own than as part of the failed union. The developments of the last 30 years, FAR surpass anything Somaliland saw in the 30 years it was a part of the Somali Republic.
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Why'd you ignore @Aden22 point about Landers making one of Afweyne's top jajuus, Dahir Riyale, their president. He was responsible for spying, torturing, and killing countless of your SNM kin.
prob just gonna get the default response “he asked for amnesty”

@Al-Ma'mun can tukeh become president of samosa land if he says sorry? :dead:
prob just gonna get the default response “he asked for amnesty”

@Al-Ma'mun can tukeh become president of samosa land if he says sorry? :dead:
You think I'm pro-riyaale? He only became President because Cigaal died (he was VP as a token symbolic Samarone nothing more) and then the treacherous Habar Yoonis supported him in the upcoming election against the SNM Siilanyo.There's a reason Beesha Subeyr will never allow HY to have any signficant influence anymore, they will do anything to spite HA even supporting some ex-faqash like Riiyoloe :pachah1:
prob just gonna get the default response “he asked for amnesty”

@Al-Ma'mun can tukeh become president of samosa land if he says sorry? :dead:
Let's see your uncle set foot in Somaliland first, and you'll have your answer soon enough...

This is what happened to another of your facqash uncles for merely talking sh*t in SL..

Lol, sneaking in for 2 mins to hide under a tree in the middle of fxcking nowhere is not quite what I had in mind.

His house in Hargeisa is still in good nick. He should come visit it, the current resident Mujaahid Biixi would give him a warm welcome I'm sure....

Or even visit LaasCanood, Tukaraq, Yubbe or anywhere near where SL army is.
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Lol, sneaking in for 2 mins to hide under a tree in the middle of fxcking nowhere is not what I was referring to.

His house in Hargeisa is still in good nick. He should come visit it.

Or even visit LaasCanood, Tukaraq, Yubbe or anywhere near where SL army is.
Kkk Morgan was an hour drive away from Caynaba and left untouched :mjhaps:

