Ex Muslim reverts back to Islam after 3 years

Niggro I grow up in Somalia and studied Islam for over a decade, I am fluent in Arabic and know for sure Islam is human made religion so if you really think you video will bring me back into a fold then you are wrong, bring me a solid evidence or GTFH, a man made book don't do shit.
How many rakat in surah fatiha
How come the only proof Islam is the right religion is always the Quran or it's preservations, like I said in that "atheist come in thread" I believe The Quran was finally completed in 1924, none of us saw the old original Book, have you seen it with your own eyes? Nope, it is hear say shit.
Actually the oldest copy is actually from the prophets life time this is confirmed through scans done on the university of Birmingham.
"The result of radiocarbon dating of the parchment on which the text is written places the manuscript in the period between 568 and 645 with 95.4% probability. The testing was commissioned from the University of Oxford and carried out in 2014. This result suggests that the manuscript dates back to the first century of Islam, close to the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (about 570–632) and the rule of the first three Caliphs."
That funny thing about Islam is if you ask any Sheikh what will happen to the women who go to the heaven do they get 72 virgins as well or 72 virgin male, they can't answer you, the whole religion is full of loopholes. :pachah1:
The women get their husbands from the dunya.
Do you not know anything about Islam?
So women are even sidelined in Heaven too?:damn:
The husband only gets one chick and not 72 virgins like others,:dead:
War waxaan fiiri, show me one single hadith or anywhere in Quran it mentions so, I dare you.:feedme:
Here you go
“Our Lord! And make them enter the ‘Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens) which you have promised them and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their offspring! Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise” [Ghaafir]
As you can see the verse says wives
Answer these questions then

1. Per your logic How can a man satisfy 72 virgins when Allah allowed only 4 in Dunya.

2.Who is this mysterious husband of women in heaven? why is man not getting 72 virgins like others?

3.Will Allah create him for her only and only for that purpose?

4.And how come there is no mention of women's fate in heaven anywhere in the Quran and Hadith?
1. Anything is possible with allah and in heaven
2. Women get their husbands from the dunya if they were single they get a husband created by allah.
3. Yes
4. It is mentioned in tafsir ibn kathir and in the Quran

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
Allah misguided Manafesto, we don't know how Allah works but I guess it's part of his plan to doom some of his own creations while guiding others to paradise.

Life is like a gamble i guess, sorry @Manafesto
Nigga start with your action. Move UAE or saudi arabia. You talking about worshiping ur own nafs. Start with ur action first

refute what i said, cause you can't, secularism is shirk and being a "secular muslim" is an oxymoron you're either a secular or a muslim

Enjoy jahannam

That Ayaha says you and your wives will enter janaha which means women will get restructed as one of the virgins.

So if the libido is not an issue why is it only limited to men and not women too, if men can satisfy 72 women why can't women also get this super power and take care of 72 men, it is just don't make no sense, there are quite many other contradictions in Islam, I will make a thread about it yesterday, I am going to sleep now.

There is no contradiction, remind me couple months ago manurefesto you claimed you knew tafsir which you learned in somalia.

Well one of the attributes a master of tafsir knows is ayah abrogation, some ayahs in the quran have been abrogated by Allah aza wajal after revealing a new ayah.

A so called master of arabic and tafsir should know this


Allah, may He be exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning):

“Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?

Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Allah you have neither any Walee (protector or guardian) nor any helper.”

[al-Baqarah 2:106-107]

