European Somalis

Do somalis from Europe seem a whole lot nicer than the ones from the uk.
What is the difference?

Compared to them yes. Compared to North American and American somalis we have more dhaqan. Don’t even get me started on how they struggle with af somali. For the most part we are cultured.
From my observations:

You lot are more social (I find it alarming how you lot try to befriend the whole world :rolleyes:,) more likely to 'turn up', free- mix and more likely to integrate into North American society. (Reer Minnesota are exempt). I've noticed that Canadian habayars and adeeros speak better English and are more Ilbaax.

UK Somalis are usually a lot more religiously inclined, more conservative, not as friendly and more traditional. I believe we also speak better Somali.
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I could be wrong, but I've always felt that European Somalis are fobbish.

The least fobbish Somalis are the Canadian and British. We are definitely the 'cool kids' of the diaspora.
I could be wrong, but I've always felt that European Somalis are fobbish.

The least fobbish Somalis are the Canadian and British. We are definitely the 'cool kids' of the diaspora.
We need a bit a fobbishness though. Otherwise if we’re not careful English breakfast will become our norm.