Eugenics in Somalia

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I believe the secret to raising your iq & revitalising your whole body in general lies in the food we eat.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In 25 to 50 years from now most of the autosomal genetic mutations for human intelligence will be known and can be ''inserted'' into individuals through gene therapy. Of course it will be very expensive but over time the price will fall.

That's a bit more humane than not allowing certain individuals to breed. :lol:
They plan so too does Allah & Allah is the best of planners.
yeah we agree that IQ-score only is not the way to measure intelligence. It was never meant to be, just to weed out outliers at both ends (aka retards and einsteins). There are also different kinds of intelligence. But overall intelligence is a real thing and you can select for it (eductional systems do, jobs do, entertainment industries do, high end military positions do, sports squads do etc. etc.).

IQ-score is not a measurment of Intelligence to begin with that is the misleading part. It measures Your adaptability to modernity..i.e Technology)

And how do you actually measure overall intelligence to start of, when its made up of several factors and accounts? We are not arguing if intelligence is real or exist, but how you can measure it.

I would agree with you if you said

Genetic potentiall for intelligence + Good Education + Good Socialization --> Intelligence close to genetic potential

Not every person in nation or population is a retard. The size of the retard group depends on the AVERAGE IQ though. Especially if there is like a 10-20pt difference with other nations.

I disagree no one is inherently stupid by default based of genetics by singificant margin yes heritability exists but its insignificant and not race related. Otherwise Einstein himself would be a pre-determined dumbo. IQ test like i stated flop and does not measure your intelligence but how well you adapt to modernity.

Intelligence is mostily determined by Culture, Education and Socialization. These are the agents in play.
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In 25 to 50 years from now most of the autosomal genetic mutations for human intelligence will be known and can be ''inserted'' into individuals through gene therapy. Of course it will be very expensive but over time the price will fall.

That's a bit more humane than not allowing certain individuals to breed. :lol:

I know about that though. and nothing is certain for now because of "ethical" issues :rolleyes:

- it will be limited to individuals and expensive af.
- really want to do that on a population level?? 30million somalis??
- islam and genetic engeneering :yloezpe:

somalis rather use that genetic information like clan certificates :wow:


I know about that though. and nothing is certain for now because of "ethical" issues :rolleyes:

- it will be limited to individuals and expensive af.
- really want to do that on a population level?? 30million somalis??
- islam and genetic engeneering :yloezpe:

somalis rather use that genetic information like clan certificates :wow:

Average smartphones today are more powerful than NASA's computers during the apollo moon landing. The price of technology can fall rapidly. So we can't say governments won't be inserting smart genes on mass scale in two generations from now.
IQ-score is not a measurment of Intelligence to begin with that is the misleading part. It measures Your adaptability to modernity..i.e Technology)

And how do you actually measure overall intelligence to start of, when its made up of several factors and accounts? We are not arguing if intelligence is real or exist, but how you can measure it.

I disagree no one is inherently stupid by default based of genetics by singificant margin yes heritability exists but its insignificant. Otherwise Einstein himself would be a pre-determined dumbo. IQ test like i stated flop and does not measure your intelligence but how well you adapt to modernity.

Intelligence is mostily determined by Culture, Education and Socialization. These are the agents in play.

Its like you understand but refuse to aknowledge at this point haha.

You make it seem like there is no correlation between IQ and intelligence.

Ok explain the difference in IQ in a developed country like Germany?
- Top notch nutrition (at least not bad enough to temper with development of the nervous system)
- Germans have the same culture overall
- Germans go through the same entry level education and LATER on devide into acedemically high achievers, average and below average
- Germans have same socialization overall
- Germans are exposed to technology from young age

YET IQ have a distribution in lower than average, average, above average, genuis. They are just closer to their genetic potentials because most parameters are okay/top notch.


What would be awesome is to insert human intelligence genes into a chimp. LOL that would be fun.

Or bring back the Neanderthals.
Average smartphones today are more powerful than NASA's computers during the apollo moon landing. The price of technology can fall rapidly. So we can't say governments won't be inserting smart genes on mass scale in two generations from now.

lets hope so we can make farax look like whites obamadatazz:whew:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What would be awesome is to insert human intelligence genes into a chimp. LOL that would be fun.

Or bring back the Neanderthals.
How about we get the genes of a tyrannosaurus Rex & inject it in to you kkk
Its like you understand but refuse to aknowledge at this point haha.

You make it seem like there is no correlation between IQ and intelligence.

There is a correlation between IQ and your adaptibility to modernity yes and it doesn't fall on intelligence. You can Google ''Flynn Effect'' if you like. The whole debate on IQ is a controversial one and the notion linking it to genetics and intelligence is a contested one.

As far as i see ''Flynn Effect'' disproves it.

Ok explain the difference in IQ in a developed country like Germany?
- Top notch nutrition (at least not bad enough to temper with development of the nervous system)
- Germans have the same culture overall
- Germans go through the same entry level education and LATER on devide into acedemically high achievers, average and below average
- Germans have same socialization overall

YET IQ have a distribution in lower than average, average, above average, genuis. They are just closer to their genetic potentials because most parameters are okay/top notch.

All Things you mention would matter if IQ was an actually a measurement of intelligence and also if one would hypotetically measure them from an overall stand point would include individuals discrepencies. Individual discrepencies(differences) would need individual analysis and measurement. If some germans do better than others from an individual standpoint than that is solely dependant on their upbringing and the amount of socialization they recieve which varies from person to person.
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There is a correlation between IQ and your adaptibility to modernity yes and it doesn't fall on intelligence. You can Google ''Flynn Effect'' if you like. The whole debate on IQ is a conterversial one and the notion linking it to genetics and intelligence is a contested one.

The Flynn Effect has stopped in the West. There is a plateau to it when a certain economic level is achieved in a country.
The Flynn Effect has stopped in the West. There is a plateau to it when a certain economic level is achieved in a country.

Can you elaborate?. I think Flynn illustrates perfectly how modernized world view & conceptual thinking is what is warranted for one to do well in an IQ test

Hence a need for a more precize definition of IQ test measurement. They give a score not for intelligence as such but peoples adaption to modernity.
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