Ethiopians rape woman in Germany

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Niggas who rape should be castrated and sent to max security prison until they are 60 and then released. Or Just killed.


As i live and breathe


Germany enjoying that diversity :damedamn:
Sad story if true, but I haven't heard the case so I can't judge. You Somalians are quick and irrational, calling on white supremacist to take over etc. You think more with your hearts than your brain, which is why somalia is failing.

Sentiments like this only highlight why Somalia and Somalis are in dire straits. These idiots are peddling Stormfront propaganda and clamor for fascist take-over. Bunch of qaxootis rooting for Hitler wannabes! Even a comedian couldn't make it up!


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
I know, right? Talk about grade A ass kissing.

To a habashi no less. I hope my children will never be so self-hating as to justify themselves to a lowly habash.

When did the ass kissing occur? Stupid ass nigga this is exactly why Somalis will never be successful because of this mindset


You guys all suffer from internalized white supremacist ideas.

The high crime rate of MENA migrants has nothing to do with culture or race, but is all socio-economic and can be fixed over time. Pointing out to their crime stats is racist and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so.

Let them in, wir schaffen das!
You guys all suffer from internalized white supremacist ideas.

The high crime rate of MENA migrants has nothing to do with culture or race, but is all socio-economic and can be fixed over time. Pointing out to their crime stats is racist and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so.

Let them in, wir schaffen das!

The Vietnamese and Haitians and Ethiopians (except this example) and many, many others were all poor and uneducated when they got here so why aren't they committing a lot of crimes like the Arabs? They have crime rates even lower than Westerners.


People who mention ethnic crime rates = secret Neo-Nazis.

Luckily all the mainstream German media outlets never talk about it. Only English media and fringe sites talk about it.
When did the ass kissing occur? Stupid ass nigga this is exactly why Somalis will never be successful because of this mindset

Don't be so vulgar and common. Control your language, we haven't spoken before.

"Somali people are very hateful
, they even hate on each other because of clanism.* The most pointless shit every. It's like someone from North London hating someone from East London. The shit is stupid and pointless. Somalia is failing because we won't unite**."

* In case you didn't know, this is THE very definition of ass kissing.

**I see you have no knowledge of geo-politics.

I'm sorry if you feel embarrassed by the way that I called you out, it wasn't my intention to offend you or make you feel bad.

I do hope nonetheless, that this situation provides you with the material for self-examination.

Be proud of who you are. You yourself haven't done anything wrong. And contrary to most preconceived myth's, most Somali's are NOT clannist. The ones back home are suffering, so they confuse resource scarcity with clannism.

Don't ever apologize or excuse for other people's actions.


You guys all suffer from internalized white supremacist ideas.

The high crime rate of MENA migrants has nothing to do with culture or race, but is all socio-economic and can be fixed over time. Pointing out to their crime stats is racist and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so.

Let them in, wir schaffen das!

What's your damage? I also saw your other post about actually putting racists on a registry :cryinglaughsmiley:What's your vendetta, seriously?



What's your damage? I also saw your other post about actually putting racists on a registry :cryinglaughsmiley:What's your vendetta, seriously?

Having studied history and political economy it has made me develop an anti-white bias.

*At the group level, not for individuals.
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