Ethiopian troops holding a buffet in Garbahareey


Farmaajo appointed Gedo commander Warfaa Faroole eating as a special guest inside a Habeshi tent


Every day, more and more I'm starting to understand why Somalis in the Diaspora are disassociating from their origins, I can't believe this is my life.
Every day, more and more I'm starting to understand why Somalis in the Diaspora are disassociating from their origins, I can't believe this is my life.
Broh our only thing to do is to realize we will be diaspora forever. Do not lose hope my friend. The best thing we can do is to get educated, get rich, make our own school where our children and ourselves become fluent in our language. Look at Jewish diaspora, I always bring this up but Jews are the perfect example for us. They as religious as we are(orthodox Jews) we have the same morals but the difference is they rich, upper class and respected. Another example of a rich diaspora are the cubans. Someone said that if Cuba democratize, the cuban diaspora will immediatly make the country rich. So what we should do is to

1. Preserve our faith, our language, culture.
2. Best thing we can do as second generation diaspora is get educated, be more knowledge and connected with our faith, and of course be well acquainted with our language, if we fluent in somali and we marry with ourselves my friend even if Somalia sinks tomorrow in the indian ocean Somalia still exist and we can do a Jewish style takeover of Tanzania or Djibouti. My friend
3. Marry within our ethnicity. Even better marry within your qabil, this is good cause it will keep our somali race pure
4. If you cannot find a suitable wife; modest, fertile and beautiful we always have the option of find a wife back home
5. Have minimum 4 children, 3 is also fine but 4 minimum. We need our fertility rate to be triple the natives. We will outbreed them
6. The masjids and somali schools will be our gatherings always keep yourself close to your people.

My friend I believe the diaspora will save Somalia. We just need to be better than those backhome. We already educated, wealthier now let us be better than them when it comes to faith and language. Let us be ready to help every somali who comes to the land of gaalo. So they dont secularize.


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