Ethiopia recognizes NW secessionist movement

Some boring liars or just ignorant people on this forum.

When the US takes a position. They normally do and say nothing in support of it, their awesome power simply speaks for itself.
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Take the hint, they are saying Somaliland should not be recognized.
They are literally saying for countries to follow international law by respecting Somalia' territorial integrity. It even says right there that the African Union, IGAD and other organizations follow the same beliefs because its enshrined within their laws. But let me guess Americans also forced them to make those.

Regardless, you are also wrong since Ethiopia and UAE has been dealing with Somaliland for years now without America saying anything.
They are literally saying for countries to follow international law by respecting Somalia' territorial integrity. It even says right there that the African Union, IGAD and other organizations follow the same beliefs because its enshrined within their laws. But let me guess Americans also forced them to make those.

Regardless, you are also wrong since Ethiopia and UAE has been dealing with Somaliland for years now without America saying anything.

Like they tell Israel to respect international law? They are making a real point of it, no one get involved in US interests. Do not recognize Somaliland. They are telling other states not to excercise their rights to recongize another country like they did with Kosovo. It is not against international law to recognize another country.

Quit your nonsense and acccept the plain facts.

They might allow some deal making but recognition is their red line as we can plainly see. We didn't know until Ethiopia even hinted at it then they put their foot down.
They are telling other states not to excercise their rights to recongize another country
America isn't omnipotent. Other countries aren't recognizing Somaliland for the same reasons America isn't: because Somalia is far more valuable and strategic to them than Somaliland is.

. It is not against international law to recognize another country.
So why haven't a single country done so yet? Remember, Somaliland has been independent since 1991 yet no one so much as bothered to do so. And before you bring up America, Americans were burned out of Somalia in the 90s due to the the civil war and black hawk incident. The U.S only regained interest in the country after 2011.

There was literally over a decade where Somalia didn't exist whatsoever and yet Somaliland STILL didn't get indepedence. Stop making excuses.
America isn't omnipotent. Other countries aren't recognizing Somaliland for the same reasons America isn't: because Somalia is far more valuable and strategic to them than Somaliland is.

So why haven't a single country done so yet? Remember, Somaliland has been independent since 1991 yet no one so much as bothered to do so. And before you bring up America, Americans were burned out of Somalia in the 90s due to the the civil war and black hawk incident. The U.S only regained interest in the country after 2011.

There was literally over a decade where Somalia didn't exist whatsoever and yet Somaliland STILL didn't get indepedence. Stop making excuses.

No one had a real strategic interest to be the first country. Now Ethiopia does. You can admit the US is putting the breaks on now but you are switching the goal post to a different era which has it's own different factors.

I don't even know why you are argueing - you want to believe that Somalia riddled with terrorrists and autonomous regions where the government just about controls the capital is more valuable than Somaliland, then be my guest.

Countries have their objections to a principle which is called unilateral declarations. Even some EU countries don't recognize Kosovo but most followed the US lead.
but you are switching the goal post to a different era which has it's own different factors.
No I'm not. Your premise that America is blocking other countries from recognizing Somaliland completely falls apart when you realize Somaliland has been around since 1991 and Somalia's current government was only established in 2011. Its asinine to suggest America was protecting a nonexistent Somali state in the 90s and 2000s.

you want to believe that Somalia riddled with terrorrists and autonomous regions is more valuable than Somaliland.
It is more valuable. Somalia has more resources, is richer, has a bigger population. Somaliland literally has nothing to offer to anyone. Not even military bases since Djibouti covers that niche. There is a reason why only Ethiopia and UAE cares about Somaliland since the former wants coastline badly while the latter is opposed to Somalia's relationship with Turkey.

. Even some EU countries don't recognize Kosovo but most followed the US lead.
So why would they recognize Somaliland? Like I said most countries respect international law so unless its significantly to their benefit, they won't recognize Somaliland at all. Kosovo was the same deal, it is supported by the U.S due to their opposition to Russia,
On this extremely rare occasion, I must agree that for a number of reasons, the US is not interested in recognising Somaliland.
These children just don't get it. America has invested billions into Somalia and is currently building bases and training troops in the country. Turkey's involvement in Somalia are also an extension of America's will. You think America will just flush all that work away just to recognize some tribal state?
No I'm not. Your premise that America is blocking other countries from recognizing Somaliland completely falls apart when you realize Somaliland has been around since 1991 and Somalia's current government was only established in 2011. Its asinine to suggest America was protecting a nonexistent Somali state in the 90s and 2000s.

It is more valuable. Somalia has more resources, is richer, has a bigger population. Somaliland literally has nothing to offer to anyone. Not even military bases since Djibouti covers that niche. There is a reason why only Ethiopia and UAE cares about Somaliland since the former wants coastline badly while the latter is opposed to Somalia's relationship with Turkey.

So why would they recognize Somaliland? Like I said most countries respect international law so unless its significantly to their benefit, they won't recognize Somaliland at all. Kosovo was the same deal, it is supported by the U.S due to their opposition to Russia,

Look back at your earlier comment. You switched from saying nothing is blocking Somaliland's recognition to US hasn't always blocked Somaliland's recognition.

Can you acknowledge these are two seperate points? I'm actually getting bored of you. You love moving goal posts.
These children just don't get it. America has invested billions into Somalia and is currently building bases and training troops in the country. Turkey's involvement in Somalia are also an extension of America's will. You think America will just flush all that work away just to recognize some tribal state?
I'm not agreeing with him per se

I'm just saying in 1991 the policy was (and kinda still is) to maintain a 'status quo' . Egal was rejected in the rudest way possible.

Nobody wants a renewed Somali state of any kind to emerge whether it is a restored Somalia or a divided one constituting two or more functioning Somali states.
You switched from saying nothing is blocking Somaliland's recognition to US hasn't always blocked Somaliland's recognition.
I switched nothing. My argument has always been that the U.S has not and never in the past or now blocked anyone from recognizing Somalia. I brought up the 90s to show you how futile Somaliland recognition is since even in the best situation, Somaliland still didn't get recognized.
I switched nothing. My argument has always been that the U.S has not and never in the past or now blocked anyone from recognizing Somalia. I brought up the 90s to show you how futile Somaliland recognition is since even in the best situation, Somaliland still didn't get recognized.

Okay then that's your view and I accept it. I've provided what evidence I can to the contrary.
Your evidence was other organizations following the laws they set, nothing about Americans blocking anyone. Don't be dishonest

Pretty unambigious for people who are not in some kind of denial.
>MOU gets announced
>multiple countries and organizations, some of which aren't affiliated with america condemn it and ask for somalia's territorial integrity to be respected
>even fucking china says the same thing and states somaliland is apart of somalia

You lost.
I love how you ignore this part

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But yes big bad America putting down Somaliland is the true narrative.

Again you are just deflecting. First you said you don't accept it the US was blocking it and I said okay fine. Then you said I presented no evidence, I took exception to that.

Now you are on to the AU. Here's a earlier statement by the AU chairman, as you can see he keeps it to Somalia and Ethiopia. He doesn't go as far as the US to suggest that Somaliland's status can only be resolved by Somalia, which has security interests in the south.

as you can see he keeps it to Somalia and Ethiopia.
That quite literally proves that America isn't forcing anyone to not recognize Somaliland. What, did Americans twist that AU chairman to say those things? Was it all a script? Nothing you posted proves that America is preventing other groups from recognizing Somaliand when other organizations independent of America are flat out saying that Somalia's territorial integrity is to be respected.
That quite literally proves that America isn't forcing anyone to not recognize Somaliland. What, did Americans twist that AU chairman to say those things? Was it all a script? Nothing you posted proves that America is preventing other groups from recognizing Somaliand when other organizations independent of America are flat out saying that Somalia's territorial integrity is to be respected

Did the AU chairman suggest how the Somaliland status should be resolved? Nope.
Did he say it shouldn't be resolved by external actors? Nope

So you can see that the US is actually holding a firmer line than the AU is.

Anyway. I can't be bothered. Look into these things in your own time.