Ethiopia recognizes NW secessionist movement

There’s a weak leader in charge, so they seized the opportunity. This comes after he told them to leave.

there’s probably going to be those saying this isn’t recognition. Yes it is

Throwing their dog a bone.

Mogadishu had only one choice which was to recognize Somaliland in 1960s borders. It didn't have any other choices. They thought they did but didn't really and the rest will be history. Mogadishu thought they could deal with parts of Somaliland but this only speeds up our recognition pursuit and complete seperation.

Call it what you want. FGS are keeping SSc dangling for some future proxy war but that is some time away (were they throwing their dog a bone? - that's for the audience to decide).

It looks like they've gone the hundred year route which is to say they understand they are powerless now but they will keep the door open for their return in the distant future.


This is part of the same MoU that is repeatedly declared dead, null and void, etc but keeps springing back to life and full health.


FGS showed their weakness by attempting to close the Ethiopian Consulate now Embassy in Hargeisa. Not only didn't it close it was upgraded, lol.

This should be a lesson to the Somali super patriots and ultranationalists. You cannot project strength you do not have. Going futher to say you can't even kick out all the NGOs and International Organizations that make you look weak if you don't have the capacity to replace them, etc.
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Mogadishu had only one choice which was to recognize Somaliland in 1960s borders. It didn't have any other choices. They thought they did but didn't really and the rest will be history. Mogadishu thought they could deal with parts of Somaliland but this only speeds up our recognition pursuit and complete seperation.

Call it what you want. FGS are keeping SSc dangling for some future proxy war but that is some time away (were they throwing their dog a bone? - that's for the audience to decide).

It looks like they've gone the hundred year route which is to say they understand they are powerless now but they will keep the door open for their return in some hundreds of years.


This is part of the same MoU that is repeatedly declared dead, null and void, etc but keeps springing back to life and full health.


FGS showed their weakness by attempting to close the Ethiopian Consulate now Embassy in Hargeisa. Not only didn't it close it was upgraded, lol.
I don’t read or respond to black Zionist’s.
i blame your boy farmaajo for trying to do centralisim and getting on puntlands case. He would be president right now
PL choice was strategic. Hassan is easier to deal with than farmaajo. People hate PL for what they did, so did I when it first happened, but they know that if cheese got a second term, there would be no more FMS. that means no more autonomous PL.
PL choice was strategic. Hassan is easier to deal with than farmaajo. People hate PL for what they did, so did I when it first happened, but they know that if cheese got a second term, there would be no more FMS. that means no more autonomous PL.
Are you a centralist?
Rashid Cabdi is a TPLF mouth piece since when anyone listens to what he has to say?

That being said Ethiopia either recognize us or there is no Naval Base. Abiye can't play on both sides here, he gotta pick one soon.
Rashid Cabdi is a TPLF mouth piece since when anyone listens to what he has to say?
Rashid Abdi was wanted by interpol for leaking state secrets from villasomalia so often after FGS put him on a wanted list awhile ago. Same with Matt bryden. He’s a reliable source, most of the time, it’s just his predictions that end up wrong.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Somaliland has 0 grounds to claim secession in 2024 and they know it

Apart from Greed and wanting their own seat at UN what other reason does somaliland have


Forza Somalia!
Rashid Abdi was wanted by interpol for leaking state secrets from villasomalia so often after FGS put him on a wanted list awhile ago. Same with Matt bryden. He’s a reliable source, most of the time, it’s just his predictions that end up wrong.
He made big lies, like most of the 5000 thousands of the eritrean trained Somalis dying in Tigray, with his absolute confident of what he's saying.

He made several lies like this one


Which makes his reports a propaganda