ethiopia insight:Oromo and Amhara nationalisms are on steroids.


''Both the Oromo and their Somali cousins belong also fundamentally to the same eastern Hamitic branch of the Caucasic division.
Of all Hamitic peoples, the Oromos, who call themselves Ilm'Orma, ''Sons of the Brave,'' are by far the most numerous, being estimated at from 7 to 8 Million, spread over a territory of some 400,000 square miles, including the whole of South Ethiopia, [Oromo-land proper], besides large tracts in Northern Ethiopia/Abyssinia, and most of the little known region which extends through the Lake Rudolf [Samburu] depression to and beyond the Tana River.
The typical Oromos of Kaffa and surrounding uplands are perhaps the finest people in all Africa, tall, of shapely build with high broad foreheads, well-formed mouth, Roman nose, oval face, coppery or light chocolate colour, black kinky hair, often worn in ''finger curls,'' or short ringlets round the head-altogether noble representatives of the Caucasic family.
In general the Oromo features are quite European, and even the complexion is no darker than in some districts than that of the Andalusian peasantry.
The Somalis also, whose domain compromises nearly the whole of the eastern Horn of Africa, ''are a very handsome race, of good physique, with excellent features.''

[Ethnology: In Two Parts: I. Fundamental Ethnical Problems. II. The Primary Ethnical Groups
Book by Augustus Henry Keane
Pages 387-388]

Are you still pushing this none sense even when I proved that we’re of two separate origins (somalia from north Somalia, oromos from western Kenya)

