Ethiopia has been successful in dividing Somalia

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You are easy to fool and easy to control. Also gullible. Ethiopia also makes you fight OLF supporters.

Ethiopia makes you fight each other and you are too stupid to notice. When you notice, it will be too late and the damage is already done.

Mogadishu, Somaliland, Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug, Somaliland = Ethiopia's property.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
His right, Ethiopia has its eyes and ears in every corner of the country but at least we know that and that's something we can work on. It not like the Government federal or regional don't know Ethiopia wants to keep the peninsula divided. they know you watch them, listen to their calls and have informers in every level of government. However, that's the thing they know it there and that something they can work on. The best way to cure a disease is to know you have one first.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Its time Puntland secede from this union.

Would rather have better ties to Ethiopia than to Xamar
Fuk off, ur a xabashi bum as far as I'm concerned and your shitty broke ass country can own shit.

Don't speak with emotions. Accept the reality. Somalia is at its lowest point and it can only go down from here. Ethiopia also profits off Somalis with Ethiopian Airlines. Somalis prefer to use Ethiopian Airlines than Somali owned airlines. Ethiopian Airlines flights to Somalia is 100% Somali passengers.
Ethiopia also drugs you with khat, 1/3 of your GDP. You cannot grow your own khat for whatever reason.

You rely on Ethiopia for everything and control you in all ways imaginable.

We definitely own you
Don't speak with emotions. Accept the reality. Somalia is at its lowest point and it can only go down from here. Ethiopia also profits off Somalis with Ethiopian Airlines. Somalis prefer to use Ethiopian Airlines than Somali owned airlines. Ethiopian Airlines flights to Somalia is 100% Somali passengers.

plz, no one is emotional, it's your country that's falling to peaces not ours, and as for economy we're doing just fine.

We got our camels, wifi and our land
What have you got?
Ethiopia also drugs you with khat, 1/3 of your GDP. You cannot grow your own khat for whatever reason.

You rely on Ethiopia for everything and control you in all ways imaginable.

We definitely own you
you're not habashi though so whos "We", do you have any leadership positions in the central gov ?
plz, no one is emotional, it's your country that's falling to peaces not ours, and as for economy we're doing just fine.

We got our camels, wifi and our land
What have you got?

Your economy is reselling khat sold to you by Ethiopia which is already 1/3 Somalia's economy. The other economy is reselling fruits and vegetables you buy from Ethiopia and money transfer from diaspora and some tea shops and shitty hotels.

Ethiopia is the world's fastest growing economy this year.

Ethiopia is the fastest-growing economy in 2017, according to the World Bank's latest edition of GlobalEconomic Prospects. Ethiopia's GDP is forecast to grow by 8.3% in 2017. By contrast, global growth is projected to be 2.7%.

400 NEW foreign investment projects in Ethiopia in 2016 alone totalling tens of billions of US dollars. Africa's most modern and largest airline.

Ethiopia is Africa's best.

What did you say? What does Ethiopia have? We have all that and we have Somalia as our property.

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
His right, Ethiopia has its eyes and ears in every corner of the country but at least we know that and that's something we can work on. It not like the Government federal or regional don't know Ethiopia wants to keep the peninsula divided. they know you watch them, listen to their calls and have informers in every level of government. However, that's the thing they know it there and that something they can work on. The best way to cure a disease is to know you have one first.

This is exactly why we need decisive leaders in Somalia, not the spineless fools we have now, who willingly bend the knee. They need to stand up and say NO.

Its time Puntland secede from this union.

Would rather have better ties to Ethiopia than to Xamar

Don't let the Xabashis dupe you brother. Would you rather have your people become slaves to the raw meat eater? How shameful!

I am Ethiopian Somali. I never hid the fact I am Somali.

You cannot dispute facts I said.

This is not reverse psychology. I say it with pride.

You are not Somali and you shall never be Somali. You are a Xabashi raw meat eater. Your so called pitiful excuse for a country that is Ethiopia shall be broken into many states soon enough. Why don't you address the rising tensions with your Oromo brethren and the like, wanting to break up from Ethiopia? Ethiopians are a weak people, Somalis have always been the better. We crushed you fools battle after battle and it was only the white man who saved you from utter destruction.
Out of the 99 major economic, social and political challenges facing Ethiopia--Somalia isn't one of them. Your countries fertile land is going through the greatest land grab by foreign interest in Africa's history. How can you own Somalia when your farms and natural resources are leased to non-Ethiopians?

Focus on trying to keep what you're government hasn't given away.

Our #1 priority is simple and it's always distracted by chasing squirrels like Ethiopia, GCC conflicts, Qabil or Corruption.

Somalia needs Education fullstop.

An educated Somali populous will never fall victim to blaming Ethiopia or others for our mistakes and challenges.

Just remember kiddo. "Somalia faces the world and Ethiopia faces Somalia".

Until you understand that, you will never comprehend why 2 million people landlocked a colonial population of cushites into hills.

The mistakes Ethiopia is making today will teach Somalia tomorrow. We need 50 years to get our country together; I just hope we avoid your mistakes.

:ufdup: "When the sun rises in Africa, it greets the Somali first"


how do i use this
Your economy is reselling khat sold to you by Ethiopia which is already 1/3 Somalia's economy. The other economy is reselling fruits and vegetables you buy from Ethiopia and money transfer from diaspora and some tea shops and shitty hotels.

Ethiopia is the world's fastest growing economy this year.

400 NEW foreign investment projects in Ethiopia in 2016 alone totalling tens of billions of US dollars. Africa's most modern and largest airline.

Ethiopia is Africa's best.

What did you say? What does Ethiopia have? We have all that and we have Somalia as our property.
The claims of Ethiopia having double digit growth led by agricultural production is a myth exposed by the 20 million on food assistance.
Ethiopia has NEVER had a single year of double digit growth. EU study found out they lie about agricultural output.


As i live and breathe
Its time Puntland secede from this union.

Would rather have better ties to Ethiopia than to Xamar

Couple of months ago you were preaching unity, and now you want secession. Nacala, you're a flip flopper. In 6 months time you'll be a Somaliweyn cheerleader once again :trumpsmirk:
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