Entire History of the Somali Civil-War [Timeline ]

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This is my best to detail the causes of the Somali civil war and it's different components

The Coup-Dissent and Arrests
-In 1969 President Abdirashid Ali Sharmaarke was assassinated by one of his own body guards, 2 years into his presidential term. Major General Siyaad Barre, Lieutenant Colonel Salaad Gabeyre (Abgaal), and Chief of Police Jaamac Qorsheel (Warsangeli) orchestrated a bloodless Coup d'état .

-This automatically created rivalries, and people who were against the coup spoke up against it. Chief amongst them being Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf, Mohamed Farrah Aidid, and other generals/political figures who were opposed to his seizure of power and were all arrested arrested right away.
Easing Tensions
Years from 1970-75 was spent by the regime Socializing the country, bringing substantial proportions of the economy under state control. The government nationalized banks, insurance companies, petroleum distribution and other firms, creating jobs. (This eased political opposition and uprisings because life was getting a little better)

Disastrous War
Years 1975-77 was spent preparing for the disastrous Ogaden war. Abdullahi Yusuf and Aidid were both released from prison along with other generals and told to let bygones be bygones, and to help fight the war to free Somali Galbeed and to recruit people from their tribes for the war.
Low Moral- Rebellion
-1977 Somalia fought the disastrous Ogaden war and lost horrible. Bringing morale down in the country, and giving way to opposition and hate for the government regime.
-1978 Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf and army soldiers from his Majeerteen clan tried and failed to do a Coup d'état,
Human rights atrocities-Tribalism
-Resulting in 17 alleged ringleaders of the attempted coup getting, summarily executed. All but one of the executed were Majeerteen. As a retaliation and to prevent further attempts Siad Barre's Duub Cas (Red Berets) smashed reservoirs and wells, resulting in over 2,000 Majeerteen civilians dying of thirst. Also the Victory Pioneers raped large numbers of Majeerteen woman in gaalkacyo.
Official Rebel Groups are created
-1979 Abdullahi Yusuf escapes to Ethiopia and starts the Somali Salvation Front (SSF), which was later renamed the Somali Salvation Democratic Front (SSDF).
-1981 Succession of various political organizations of mainly Isaaq Businessmen students, former civil servants and former politicians who lived in the United Kingdom founded the Somali National Movement (SNM) in London. They then moved their headquarters to Dire Dawa in 1982 where Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud (Siilanyo) became Chairman.
-1987 United Somali Congress (USC) created in Rome, and established headquarters in Ethiopia in 1989 where Mohamed Farah Aidid then became Chairman
-1982-87 Skirmishes and Guerrilla tachtics used by both the SSDF and SNM against the regime
More Human rights atrocities-Tribalism
-1988-91 This is when Siad Barre went off the cuffs and turned into a psychopathic dictator like many others in Africa and the Middle-East. In the North he bombarded and leveled the cities of Burco and Hargeisa killing thousands of civilians in the process. He also set up fake military courts that went around "convicting" then killing supposed SNM cooperatives who were mainly civilians.
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-And in the South in Mogadishu Barre's Red Barrets shot at and killed almost 500 demonstrators protesting the arrest of prominent Muslim clerics. The next day after the shooting 47 people mainly isaaq, were taken to Jaziira beach and executed. (This is when the U.S government started distancing itself from Barre)
-In June 1990 one-hundred prominent Somali figures sign a Manifesto in Mogadisho calling for Siad Barre to resign and a transitional government to be established till country wide free elections take place.
-July 1990 people at a soccer match started anti Siad Barre protests after the game ended, which deteriorated into a riot. Causing Barre's body guards to panic and open fire on the protesters, killing 65 people and injuring many.
- later in July Barre arrested and sentenced to death 45 of the 100 Manifesto initiators. As a result demonstrators surrounded the court trial proceedings, and started protesting. Barre shaken, for the first time conceded defeat and freed the detainees, as the city celebrated Siad Barre retreated back to his barracks.
- He then knowing the situation of pending civil war, agreed to hold multi party parliamentary elections for February 1991. But after a couple of days later he turned around and reneged on his promise and said that elections won't be taking place
The Fall
- in mid 1990 Having already controlled most of the villages surrounding Mogadishu, the USC moved in on December 1990. Fighting what little remained of the SNA troops in Mogadishu, and 4 weeks later in January 1991 the USC took full control of Mogadishu, and what we know as the Siad Barre regime officially collapsed and ended.

-January 1991 At this point the country hasn't had too many casualties from the war, only a couple of cities including Mogadishu are damaged, and Civilwar against factions didn't start yet. They did it, everybody's goal was to topple Barre, but the problem was that they didn't really have a common political vision to install after toppling him. So the usual thing that happens after every power-vacuum happened. Aidid and Ali Mahdi both claimed to be the president of Somalia, SNM refused to recognize the legitimacy of their claim. SNM then later called for them and the USC to form a transitional federal government together and workout what's best for the country.

What we call Officially Somali Civilwar started

-May 1991 Secessionists bark louder than Unionists in the SNM and Somaliland is declared
-September 1991 Interim governmental rebel factions start battling in Mogadishu between those loyal to Farah Aidid and Ali Mahdi. It then deteriorates and degenerates into civilians from the leaders respective clans getting involved and battling it out in the streets. Civilians and some militia men in Mogadishu start clan-cleansing darood, hundreds and thousands living in the area are killed. Presumably as a reprisal for the Beledweyne Massacre committed by Siad Barre's forces on their retreat from Mogadishu. 1991-993 People who aren't ethnic to South Central Somalia qax and migrate to their ethnic cities.
-1992-95 UN forces enter Somalia to give Humanitarian Aid to the civilians. Aidid attacks and fires at UN forces, he is declared an enemy warlord and is hunted by the UN and US. They Battle for control if Mogadishu and the famous black hawk down happens incident in 1993, the US is defeated strategically and they leave Somalia all together a year later.
-1998 Businessmen, elders and politicians gather in Garowe and establish the Puntland state of Somalia
-Late 1999 Rahanwayne Resistance Army Leaders and officials meet and declare the southwest state.
-200-2006 Appositely nothing tangible happens with regards to gains and wars. just political spat and clan control/lawlessness in the south.

-Islamic Courts Era-
This could be it's own Thread

-Basically the Islamic Courts Union an ultra conservative wahhabi group somehow Capture almost all of Somalia expect Puntland and Somaliland with in the time-span of 7 months only. Abdullahi Yusuf sends his own troops from Puntland to fight the insurgents in the south (This is when Somaliland takes advantage the lack of PL forces in PL to move in and take parts of the deputed SSC). Abdullahi Yusuf also allowed Ethiopian Troops to enter Somalia to help fight the ICU. And with in the next 11 DAYS only, the ICU lost control of everything and splintered off into little faction militant groups that lead to the creation of Alshabaab.

-Thus starting the second phase of the Somali civil war. The 2009-Present civil-war, between extremist militants and the SFG



What do you guys think, did I miss anything, did I make any historical inaccuracies? Let me know


Suldaanka Gobyare
You mist the Intra Isaaq clan wars. and that map is inaccurate and made by a amateur Somali, not backed by a source.

You mist the Intra Isaaq clan wars. and that map is inaccurate and made by a amateur Somali, not backed by a source.

Ow ok, the Maps are just there for visualization they don't really matter that much, the written piece is more important and has the necessary info.
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By all means, correct my wrongs. What did I say that was inaccurate?
You didnt mention the massstarvation of Rahanweyn for example. Or ethiopias role in supporting various group to destroy Somalia. Its way onesided and all blame is put on Siyad Barre but then again we have different perspective on this event. All clans have their version.
Thats the perspective of Harti/MJ. We have all our own narratives of what happened.
Yeah it was very MJ centric especially in the beginning.

Abdullahi Yusuf wasn't as important a person in the post-coup d'etat arrests as PM Maxamed Ibrahim Cigaal and other senior govt officials

Nonetheless this is a very good summary of the history of the Somali Civil War. I will direct this thread to people if they want to know what happened.
You didnt mention the massstarvation of Rahanweyn for example. Or ethiopias role in supporting various group to destroy Somalia. Its way onesided and all blame is put on Siyad Barre but then again we have different perspective on this event. All clans have their version.
Thanks for the input, if you could tell more about that starvation it'd be appreciated. you see this is why I created this thread. So we can talk about what happened in the Civil-War. The Original Post is just the limit of my knowledge, it's not being biased. I genuinely don't know and I/We would like to know about the other atrocities and things that happened.


Thanks for the input, if you could tell more about that starvation it'd be appreciated. you see this is why I created this thread. So we can talk about what happened in the Civil-War. The Original Post is just the limit of my knowledge, it's not being biased. I genuinely don't know and I/We would like to know about the other atrocities and things that happened.
Basically it was man made famine, forced starvation by Aideed forces and Kacaan forces and there are estimation that over 300 000 died as results of this. We are naturally biased due to our upbringing and dont take it personal. Im biased towards Kacaan and got it trough the breastmilk. But good thread anyways bro.:nvjpqts:
Your timeline is correct but you should not forget Ethiopian/SSDF invasion to Somalia in 1982. The invaders occupied Balanbale and Goldogob until 1988.

You did not mention Ethiopia-Somalia peace agreement in 1988.
It was a movement that safeguarded the interest of beesha Dir in the south. Including Isaaqs from the south.

"The Mahe Dir clans and the Isaaq when in Southern Somalia act as such and many Isaaq pay the Diya ( Mag) with the above clans and they receive direct protection as cousins. Moreover, when the SNM came into existence it found most of its non-Isaaq support first from the Southern Xinifter Mahe Dir clans like Biymaal subclan Gadsan and also the non Xiniftire clans who are Mahe or other Dir groups. As a matter of fact, the Mahe Dir clans adopted in 1991 the Isaaq founded movement’s name SNM adding just Southern."

"When the Barre goverment collapsed in 1990, most Southern Dir were seen in Mogadisho and other areas rescuing fleeing Isaaq and those who remained were protected by Dir millitias even without the asking of the Isaaq."


A somewhat biased pro Dir site but the above seems true/factual.

Also found this:


https://books.google.co.uk/books?id...HTAA#v=onepage&q=ssnm isaaq rahanweyn&f=false
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"The Mahe Dir clans and the Isaaq when in Southern Somalia act as such and many Isaaq pay the Diya ( Mag) with the above clans and they receive direct protection as cousins. Moreover, when the SNM came into existence it found most of its non-Isaaq support first from the Southern Xinifter Mahe Dir clans like Biymaal subclan Gadsan and also the non Xiniftire clans who are Mahe or other Dir groups. As a matter of fact, the Mahe Dir clans adopted in 1991 the Isaaq founded movement’s name SNM adding just Southern."

"When the Barre goverment collapsed in 1990, most Southern Dir were seen in Mogadisho and other areas rescuing fleeing Isaaq and those who remained were protected by Dir millitias even without the asking of the Isaaq."


A somewhat biased pro Dir site but the above seems true/factual.

Also found this:

View attachment 22632


https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_8D0gYZZVKEC&pg=PA207&lpg=PA207&dq=ssnm+isaaq+rahanweyn&source=bl&ots=5XNEAT4fto&sig=EGtBpFnuSRsbuR_VRdDG8Oln5JI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuqNjJuPXUAhWsCsAKHXdKB9MQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=ssnm isaaq rahanweyn&f=false
"Sheikh Isaaq was the eldest son of Sheikh Mohammed Xiniftire Mahe Dir." :deadrose:


Your superior
"The Mahe Dir clans and the Isaaq when in Southern Somalia act as such and many Isaaq pay the Diya ( Mag) with the above clans and they receive direct protection as cousins. Moreover, when the SNM came into existence it found most of its non-Isaaq support first from the Southern Xinifter Mahe Dir clans like Biymaal subclan Gadsan and also the non Xiniftire clans who are Mahe or other Dir groups. As a matter of fact, the Mahe Dir clans adopted in 1991 the Isaaq founded movement’s name SNM adding just Southern."

"When the Barre goverment collapsed in 1990, most Southern Dir were seen in Mogadisho and other areas rescuing fleeing Isaaq and those who remained were protected by Dir millitias even without the asking of the Isaaq."


A somewhat biased pro Dir site but the above seems true/factual.

Also found this:

View attachment 22632

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=_8D0gYZZVKEC&pg=PA207&lpg=PA207&dq=ssnm+isaaq+rahanweyn&source=bl&ots=5XNEAT4fto&sig=EGtBpFnuSRsbuR_VRdDG8Oln5JI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuqNjJuPXUAhWsCsAKHXdKB9MQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=ssnm isaaq rahanweyn&f=false

some truth to it but greatly exaggerated

sad to see isaaq ignore southern dir when they are being taken over today tho
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