Energy drink addiction

I drink one a day and I am not sure if it’s good for you but maaaaaaan do suffer if I don’t have that caffeine in take . Like lazy , not thinking straight and sometimes minor headaches . I need help y’all please someone with experience..

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It's not good for your heart. If you don't stop you'll eventually develop heart erythema or heart palpitations. Stop while you're ahead Sxb.
I drink one a day and I am not sure if it’s good for you but maaaaaaan do suffer if I don’t have that caffeine in take . Like lazy , not thinking straight and sometimes minor headaches . I need help y’all please someone with experience..

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Energy drink addiction is likely due to some of the nutrients they add.

Do you have any health conditions? You might be deficient in a few things. Check your VIT D levels and B-vitamins at the minimum.

They are basically caffeine and liver boosters so you're relying on it for energy due to potentially compromised metabolism and or liver/gut issues.
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Energy drink addiction is likely due to some of the nutrients they add.

Do you have any health conditions? You might be deficient in a few things. Check your VIT D levels and B-vitamins at the minimum.

They are basically caffeine and liver boosters so you're relying on it for energy due to potentially compromised metabolism and or liver/gut issues.
I had a blood last year and he said I was extremely low on one of these or some other one . I haven’t checked up with him since
Just know your heart is a timer to your life the faster it beats or ticks the less time you have to live. You really should be figuring out how to have a healthy and low heart rate. If it ticks too fast you can get a heart attack and yes it even does happen at a young age.
I had a blood last year and he said I was extremely low on one of these or some other one . I haven’t checked up with him since
Get on that asap if it is b12 like I kinda suspect you don't want to experience the symptoms of long-term b12 and or folate deficiency. Amongst other things it causes a type of anaemia.

If you can, try eating some lamb or beef liver 1-2 a week this should more than cover any missing Vit B complex gaps and it is relatively cheap. If it doesn't then you might have other deficiencies and things to resolve. You can also use an app like Chronometer and input your meals (a bit OTT yes) but you'll be able to identify what you need to get more of.
Get on that asap if it is b12 like I kinda suspect you don't want to experience the symptoms of long-term b12 and or folate deficiency. Amongst other things it causes a type of anaemia.

If you can, try eating some lamb or beef liver 1-2 a week this should more than cover any missing Vit B complex gaps and it is relatively cheap. If it doesn't then you might have other deficiencies and things to resolve. You can also use an app like Chronometer and input your meals (a bit OTT yes) but you'll be able to identify what you need to get more of.
Definitely not b12 something like iron deficiency I am not sure tho


Definitely not b12 something like iron deficiency I am not sure tho
Get your blood done, and by someone competent, I was low on Vitamin D.

I would switch to just coffee and reduce it, I mainly drink coffee for the benefit of slowing down the release of dopamine by blocking the reabsorption into our bodies, I also do an 18-hour dry fast on days I don't work out(recently).

I implore you guys to stop, I woke up one night a few years ago, and my heart was beating irregularly and I thought I was having a heart attack, I went through 4-5 energy drinks that night. I stayed up to study and dozed off sometime around the early morning.
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Y’all I might just start doing no sugar monster drinks I will force myself to end all energy drink consumption end of the year . Im a man in his early 20s who’s only acquired this this addiction last year or this year .

Before than I was out of the country I lived with a couple of buddies in a flat where I didn’t have Access to that specific drink .

Thanks for the advice every one and @XuseenS I’ll adopt cofee and fully transition by next year thanks Walal. Also @Omar del Sur I don’t know about the tea thing but I heard of an Argentinan Yerba mate don’t know if it will benefit me but I’ll try it