El OH EL this is why hormonal teenage girls don't need to get married.

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I don't think so, it's because there's no concept of childhood and they are given responsibility at an early age. Even well off families back home have 5 years who'll look you up and down and profess that they're grown. It's actually quite hilarious.
lol true but why do you think they given responsibility at a such a young age? It's because life is tough and families need all the help they can get which forces young ones to be responsible from early on. It actually works out quiet well for them.


lol true but why do you think they given responsibility at a such a young age? It's because life is tough and families need all the help they can get which forces young ones to be responsible from early on. It actually works out quiet well for them.
It also has to do with people being from big families and needing to support their family even if they are not destitute. I am the oldest of six and I was given responsibility by the age five years old. My mother would make me help out by sending me to get milk. I was so small I couldn't see over the counter. I didn't even come from a poor family but middle class. It came from being poor and continued on as a cultural mentality. The only difference is my mother didn't favor my younger brothers. She instilled responsibility in them as well.
It also has to do with people being from big families and needing to support their family even if they are not destitute. I am the oldest of six and I was given responsibility by the age five years old. My mother would make me help out by sending me to get milk. I was so small I couldn't see over the counter. I didn't even come from a poor family but middle class. It came from being poor and continued on as a cultural mentality. The only difference is my mother didn't favor my younger brothers. She instilled responsibility in them as well.
Exactly! Growing up, my mother was the one that assigned the responsibilities. Both my parents were business people and the strange thing was they didn't have the same business. We left all of Africa in 1992, and somalia 1991. My mom said all my older siblings at that time each had a responsibility. We came from a poor background so everyone had to chip in. My brother who was six year older than me used to take care of the cattle and sometimes camel. It wasn't unusual for him to travel to the miyi alone with no food or drinks on journeys that'd take a day or close to a day and bring back a cow or a camel to sell when things go tough. My sister older than him was pretty much our second mom. i never got to experience any of this but I learned from it regardless.


Exactly! Growing up, my mother was the one that assigned the responsibilities. Both my parents were business people and the strange thing was they didn't have the same business. We left all of Africa in 1992, and somalia 1991. My mom said all my older siblings at that time each had a responsibility. We came from a poor background so everyone had to chip in. My brother who was six year older than me used to take care of the cattle and sometimes camel. It wasn't unusual for him to travel to the miyi alone with no food or drinks on journeys that'd take a day or close to a day and bring back a cow or a camel to sell when things go tough. My sister older than him was pretty much our second mom. i never got to experience any of this but I learned from it regardless.
I was born in the West and my family left Somalia in 1988. My mother was always the one running the house, I speak Somali like her, and I even identified myself with her. I had no one to look up to so I looked up to her because I was the second mother. I remember she used to have this detector in the house that would make a noise anytime anyone would come in (they use the same one in Somali stores). She said they had a similar mechanism for the live stock in particular camels. They'd have this thing they'd tie around it's neck or something so they'd know where their live stock was all the time. I saw it when I went back this year. It's amazing how much wisdom there is in Somali culture.
I was born in the West and my family left Somalia in 1988. My mother was always the one running the house, I speak Somali like her, and I even identified myself with her. I had no one to look up to so I looked up to her because I was the second mother. I remember she used to have this detector in the house that would make a noise anytime anyone would come in (they use the same one in Somali stores). She said they had a similar mechanism for the live stock in particular camels. They'd have this thing they'd tie around it's neck or something so they'd know where their live stock was all the time. I saw it when I went back this year. It's amazing how much wisdom there is in Somali culture.
You are talking about bells lol. Yah I heard about that too. My mom said they even branded animals with a special kind of signs. I guess every clan and even subclan had their own unique signs. This was useful because sometimes the cattle would get lost and if anyone finds them, they'd not only know what clan it belongs but they'd know what sub clan it belongs and they all knew where reer hebel settle. My mom also said her town was full of people form the same clan which is why they branded their animals with signs of each specific clan. They said they'd tie the camels' tails together and they'd all follow each other and not wonder around separate from the pack. Some of the stories I have from my mom are incredible. I guess every clan and even subclan has has their own unique sign. Would you believe it that I know and I can draw what the sign for my subclan looks like? :mjlol:


You are talking about bells lol. Yah I heard about that too. My mom said they even branded animals with a special kind of signs. I guess every clan and even subclan had their own unique signs. This was useful because sometimes the cattle would get lost and if anyone finds them, they'd not only know what clan it belongs but they'd know what sub clan it belongs and they all knew where reer hebel settle. My mom also said her town was full of people form the same clan which is why they branded their animals with signs of each specific clan. They said they'd tie the camels' tails together and they'd all follow each other and not wonder around separate from the pack. Some of the stories I have from my mom are incredible. I guess every clan and even subclan has has their own unique sign. Would you believe it that I know and I can draw what the sign for my subclan looks like? :mjlol:
Yes that's what I was talking about my mom didn't go into full detail because my father told me more about his clan practices. They're different clans. It was interesting to learn about nomadic culture. They have a proverb for everything. Inshallah I will threaten my children with sending them miyi if they act up. :icon lol:
Yes that's what I was talking about my mom didn't go into full detail because my father told me more about his clan practices. They're different clans. It was interesting to learn about nomadic culture. They have a proverb for everything. Inshallah I will threaten my children with sending them miyi if they act up. :icon lol:
First you'll need to create a clear picture of what miyi looks like in their heads. these kids these days don't know miyi from a mall because they haven't heard the stories.


First you'll need to create a clear picture of what miyi looks like in their heads. these kids these days don't know miyi from a mall because they haven't heard the stories.
It would be akin to saying you're dumping them in the Everglades or Appalachia. Put the fear of God in them you won't even have to bring out uusha.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I can't see the tweet. Did someone screenshot it? :mjcry:
It would be akin to saying you're dumping them in the Everglades or Appalachia. Put the fear of God in them you won't even have to bring out uusha.
Horta is it me or are somali kids in general more hyper than other kids? The ones I've seen are a headache from the age of 2.


Horta is it me or are somali kids in general more hyper than other kids? The ones I've seen are a headache from the age of 2.
They have too much energy and the diet doesn't help and keeping them cooped up inside. In Africa they get to run around wey soo dalayaan.
They have too much energy and the diet doesn't help and keeping them cooped up inside. In Africa they get to run around wey soo dalayaan.
I always suspected the high carb diet that we abuse. you are right tho, confining them inside walls probably adds to it.


I always suspected the high carb diet that we abuse. you are right tho, confining them inside walls probably adds to it.
I think it's genetics too. Clans are extended families and all Somalis when it comes down to it have a common ancestor. Traits (phenotype) such as behaviors will show up more.
I think it's genetics too. Clans are extended families and all Somalis when it comes down to it have a common ancestor. Traits (phenotype) such as behaviors will show up more.
:ohhh:will a behavior from an ancestor thousands of years ago manifest today?
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