Egyptian doctor butchers Somali family

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I saw a very sad image today, I won't share it because you might say something other than Ilaahey ha u naxariisto.

A Somali family, a mother, two small children and their father were found with their internal organs removed. All of them. And stitched back up in the most mediaeval manner possible. The stitches looked like something from a horror movie. The image was the saddest, most horrific thing I have ever seen. They did not even leave the babies. The family were on tahriib to Italy together and have been identified.


We always hear about it, we know it happens and yet we continue qabyaalad. The arrogance of the Somali militias and their henchman. The arrogance of Somalis in the diaspora who are qabiilist. These deaths are on your heads.


The reporter broke down in tears, he was struggling to read the news. And then you hear of the arrogance of these people holding the country back bc of their egos and shamelessly stealing the country'sresources and no one speaks out because the diaspora will defend them tooth and nail. I hate what we are.


Jet life till my next life
Qabyaalad is not that bad!
Its like a weapon that we can use both to our advantage and our destruction
The problem is the mindset of these people, thinking Europe is a place where you can collect money from the floor
when in fact its nothing but harsh life. I have heard dozens of similar stories


Xayd honestly you think qabyaalad isn't responsible for the war and violence? That's like saying racism wasn't behind the holocaust or Apartheid. There's nothing wrong with being pride about your colour but we know that went too far. Same with qabiil, it has it's uses but it should never have reached government local or national or interfered with normal life. Extremist qabiil is qabyaalad and its always evil. Qabyaalad killed millions and is holding Somalis back.

They did not leave for money. They left for safety. This is why I didn't share.


Jet life till my next life
Xayd honestly you think qabyaalad isn't responsible for the war and violence? That's like saying racism wasn't behind the holocaust or Apartheid. There's nothing wrong with being pride about your colour but we know that went too far. Same with qabiil, it has it's uses but it should never have reached government local or national or interfered with normal life. Extremist qabiil is qabyaalad and its always evil. Qabyaalad killed millions and is holding Somalis back.

They did not leave for money. They left for safety. This is why I didn't share.

Come on now!
Somalis are economic migrants, everyone knows that.
Those that left for safety are minority, the rest just want to money tbh
I don't see why a boy/girl from SL, Puntland would risk their life for an uncertain future
But I do agree with you that Qabyalad is bad when it interferes with the government, not getting a job because of your Qabil not your lack of qualifications


Tell us what happened. Where they killed for their organs or something else?

More details

Their whole torso was ripped open which suggests that they also removed the heart and this means that they were alive as each organ was taken and it was done by a skilled person who had the transportation equipment.
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