East African Privilege.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The black and white label is very stupid and keeps changing. You know 100 years ago the Irish Italians Greeks weren't considered to be white but now they do. Arabs have been added to the white group just now lol.
Latinos were also classed as Negros/black but they somehow managed to get their own race now.

Bangaladeshi, Pakis, Indians aren't white for some reason and deserve their own race when they have white features?

Africa was all labeled as black back then. Then North and South were split and the Subsaharan bullshit was created. Now it's time the subsaharan splits and we get our own race > Horn/East African. That's where our genetics clusters and that's where people that look like us and share the same culture as us live.

Its unfair that other continents get to be diverse and feature different races and cultures but Africa is forced to be one and the same. I have 0 in common with a South African but we are somehow the same just because we share a land mass but Chinese and Indians are different???

Africa is HUGE 3 times as big as Europe and almost the same size as Asia. We should not allow this.

I don't think other continents get to diversify

South America is just Latino land. Europe is cadaan Central. Asia splits into three, Muslim Brown folk (all the same in most people's eyes), mongoloids, and Indians. Africa black people and that's about it.

Asia gets split up because of their various empires usually.

I don't care for an African split at all tbh. Not in a globalized world where every ethnic group represents itself. We're already split as is. Plus those genetic clusters have groups in Rwanda like the tutsi and groups like rendille and maasai who are generically similar to us to a certain extent. Obviously no cultural ties, but you can't split groups up like that because generally you get oddities. If a country like morroco can happily bolster the continent than I'd like to join in.

I think you're putting too much stock into the old racial classifications. Those mean very little. It's mostly regional now and generally speaking countries within Africa share resounding similarities like poverty, colonialism, resources, climate and so on.


Cultural revolution
The only thing that matters is Ethnicity. I'll keep marking "Other" until we get a Somali option like the UK gives sometimes :manny:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
East African privilege kulaha :drakelaugh::dead:

My I'm really getting tired of the professional victims. I hope these Somali SJWs learn something from this. But I doubt it. :kanyeshrug:


I'm checking my East African privileges as we speak.

From now on, I'm checking "other" on forms and writing EAST AFRICAN PRIVILEGE SUCKAZ in the space provided.


South Sudan is in East Africa and they are the darkest of all Africans.

East Africa has large racial differences. Not uniform at all.
South Sudan is in East Africa and they are the darkest of all Africans.

East Africa has large racial differences. Not uniform at all.
When they say East Africa, they are talking about the horn+north Sudan. These nogs don't know geography so they'll just blurt out 'east africa'
We all know what they mean though


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
East Africa goes all the way from Eritrea down to Uganda and over to South Sudan. It's a vast area with a diverse group of people.

Of course these people have a gripe with specifically Horn of Africa. Saw an Eritrean girl few weeks ago saying she isn't "black" and they camped her mentions lol.


cismaan maxamuud

These fucking people.....:wtfdis::mindblown::draketf::kanyehmm::snoop:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
not gonna lie ogaden people light as f*ck and tall for no reason

this site has literally made me ask my dad the qabils of my old boys and i'm discerning a pattern :lolbron:

Height is also dependent on your nutrition just as much as genetics. If you eat lots of meat and drink milk you are going to become one tall ass nigga. Not sure what the light skin has to do with but I have been told the same thing by parents. K5 somalis are tall and light af, OG's more than others surprisingly.

Why are these nappy hairs hating on us though, many of us got fuller lips and dark skin? African Americans and their slave mentality wallahi :ileycry:.
Hating on their fellow blacks cause they don't exactly look 'black'.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga

Same color as South Sudanese people.

If you want to see Somalis look at the men, who are always dark for some reason. It's rare for me to come across a light skinned Somali guy.

The difference between males and females comes down to lifestyle. When I went to Somalia I turned into Michael Blackson when I was wondering around in Bosaso. When I came back to Australia I soon returned to my natural colour and become a light skin nikka.

You sit under the sun long enough and you will cop a wicked tan. That's really it.
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