Duufaan Army disintegrates with many escaping it, this comes after their salary have been compromised by PM Rooble

More fake stories from a tabloid owned by opposition.

Nothing Roble has done so far has made a difference.

Which of his many decrees have come into fruition? None.

The only thing Roble has control over is the SNTV FB page.
More fake stories from a tabloid owned by opposition.

Nothing Roble has done so far has made a difference.

Which of his many decrees have come into fruition? None.

The only thing Roble has control over is the SNTV FB page.
you will see the result soon.
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β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya askartaan goosatay. Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in ragga goostay ay Al-Shabaab u galeen iyaga iyo hubkooda, halka warar kalane ay sheegayaan in ay joogaan xaafado ka mid ah Muqdisho, isla markaana ay hubka dhigeen kadibna ay dib ugu laabteen ehelladooda.
This article claims they joined AS lol we supposed to believe this?
These Duufaan troops understand that it is a suicide mission. Hawiye city with 3 million + and a heavily armed Babaado Qaran army. Waran, Gahshaan, NISA and other heavily armed troops have already sided with Roble. They know where their interest are.

Their bodies will be dragged through the streets of Mogadishu.. It happened before and will happen again.

Roble cutting funding has made things worse. They don't even have money for fuel. Who will give them medicine if they become injured. The local population will ripped them up to pieces and finish them off.
Oh no, how will Duufaan afford to dance for their Aabbo Farmaajo on TikTok now?
