'dudes who marry back home got no game'......... thoughts?

lmao. so you have to import one from abroad cause you dont got the game to court one with the desired attributes you look for at home lol. a lot of you make the false assumption that all western somali girls are bila dhaqan and deen, and all girls back home are obediant dogs who follow the deen to the T. yall in for a suprise
No western Somali girls (not all of them) are a lost cause. You have better chance of getting a pious clean Somali girl from back home than the west. This ‘you got no game’ argument is used by females who were formerly s and cannot get a husband.
1. Trust - Like it's a big thing... too many reformed western halimos out there saying astagfirullah all the time acting all pious. Even if i know you for a year it's not enough.

2. Lack of power - if i start to like a girl but then find out shes out clubbing every other night... shes not wifey material is she? Is it my place to tell her what to do? Her life, Her freedom and her choices...but they come with consequences.

2. Education - If a girl whose 26-27 has a phd every single conversation will lead to that phd... lack of life experience maybe but it can be a real turn off. PHD comes with debt usually. I got accepted into 2 top masters in finance programs and i couldnt be bothered.

3. Drama - currently can't handle drama or have no time for it

4. Time - In the back of my mind i know time is on my side. If i work hard and smart, keep fit i'll be spoiled with choices so let me sit back and enjoy the rollercoaster ride that life is. Balls in your court ladies.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
majortiy of educated somalis are female, and somali dudes disproportionately make up crime stat numbers. so its no suprise this mismatch exists. issue is the non-acceptance and rectifiying of our problems in our community, and instead calling one another insecure instead of dealing with it.

this is not the guys falt tho, its the family. women are more often than not made to live stricter lives, staying home, culturally reserved etc. whilst the men are babied by hooyos and aabos dont care too much about them, so they look to gang life and crime etc. so the girl ends up graduating and earning early whilst some of the men are still engaging in youthful time wasting crime activities. fix the latter then we'll become more compatible
(not saying we're not now, keyword is more cause at the end of the day, no other men is more compatible for somali women)
Why tf r u whining if a brotha marries back home whats wrong? Wallahi these girls be having superiorty complex against their fellow ppl back home
women marry their level and above
men marry their level and below

that's how society is a farax would marry a poor girl from back home but would a xalimo marry a geeljire?
That’s because men are less greedy and materialistic. We marry for love and family. They marry for money


Somali guys back home have more confidence and game, but that’s if you are into insults and stuff. They just don’t care, with that attitude you will go places. Some of the ones here don’t have that attitude. Don’t know why it bothers them so much that some people marry “back home” because who is stopping the women from doing the same. Some of these women are coming across bitter. If you don’t know Somali you should get a fob so your kids don’t turn out Hoyoo ma taalo like you.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Somali guys back home have more confidence and game, but that’s if you are into insults and stuff. They just don’t care, with that attitude you will go places. Some of the ones here don’t have that attitude. Don’t know why it bothers them so much that some people marry “back home” because who is stopping the women from doing the same. Some of these women are coming across bitter. If you don’t know Somali you should get a fob so your kids don’t turn out Hoyoo ma taalo like you.
I think fobs are culturally superior to disapora folk ngl.

we have no reason to look down on them


Western xalimos absolutely despise the fact that us somali men have options, Godspeed to all the faraxas that choose to marry from back home

Don’t kid yourself, despise kulaha.

I think fobs are culturally superior to disapora folk ngl.

we have no reason to look down on them
Not all of them, some of them come to the West and act crazy. It’s disgusting wallahi.
I personally don't know any successful young guys in the west that got married back home. Its either dhaqan celis, fobs or older guys looking for a second wife. Either way xalimos are not disadvantaged by this pattern.

Also I've been wearing hijab since childhood and noticed most faraxs give more attention to non-muslim or scantily clad xalimos. Most guys will be very friendly to them and in most cases do not even say salam to me. But yet xalimos are soo westernized , don't dress modestly and rude etc.

The thing is men will defend each other until their last breath even though they are in the wrong. So the idea that they are done with westernised xalimos when they much more likely on average to smoke,drink, fornicate and get into crime is all nonsense.

When they turn their life around they expect a religious, educated sister to accept them. We are more educated and should not settle for bums. I know of many women who have and have only single motherhood and heartbreak. These guys will never appreciate you for settling and they will mock you for it one day.

The xalimos back home are also catching on to their mess and I have family members back home that are looking for successful guys in Somalia and not interested in guys from the diaspora. They are lied to and told they will save up and bring them over soon but get divorced after a few years and left to raise the children alone.

The deadweight from the community need to fix up and own up to their wrongdoings and not blame women for their shortcomings. Its not our fault or responsibility.

End of story!


Proud American
What makes someone inferior for picking someone from back home? That insinuates that our fellow sisters are inferiors which is false. The truth is maybe they bring something to the relationship that she doesn’t possess.

But I’ll stick to western Xalimos :kanyeshrug:
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I personally don't know any successful young guys in the west that got married back home. Its either dhaqan celis, fobs or older guys looking for a second wife. Either way xalimos are not disadvantaged by this pattern.

Also I've been wearing hijab since childhood and noticed most faraxs give more attention to non-muslim or scantily clad xalimos. Most guys will be very friendly to them and in most cases do not even say salam to me. But yet xalimos are soo westernized , don't dress modestly and rude etc.

The thing is men will defend each other until their last breath even though they are in the wrong. So the idea that they are done with westernised xalimos when they much more likely on average to smoke,drink, fornicate and get into crime is all nonsense.

When they turn their life around they expect a religious, educated sister to accept them. We are more educated and should not settle for bums. I know of many women who have and have only single motherhood and heartbreak. These guys will never appreciate you for settling and they will mock you for it one day.

The xalimos back home are also catching on to their mess and I have family members back home that are looking for successful guys in Somalia and not interested in guys from the diaspora. They are lied to and told they will save up and bring them over soon but get divorced after a few years and left to raise the children alone.

The deadweight from the community need to fix up and own up to their wrongdoings and not blame women for their shortcomings. Its not our fault or responsibility.

End of story!
Life aint fair, why should we fix up when theres no tangible incentive for us to do so.We can live it up in the west and then head back home for a righteous wife, the same privilege doesn't exist for
xalimos .Now u can pull the deen card and say that u wont end up with a righteous wife, but the principle still stands.Somali men have way more options then somali females, its unfortunate but it is what it is


Your feet look like two sacks of shit
I personally don't know any successful young guys in the west that got married back home. Its either dhaqan celis, fobs or older guys looking for a second wife. Either way xalimos are not disadvantaged by this pattern.

Also I've been wearing hijab since childhood and noticed most faraxs give more attention to non-muslim or scantily clad xalimos. Most guys will be very friendly to them and in most cases do not even say salam to me. But yet xalimos are soo westernized , don't dress modestly and rude etc.

The thing is men will defend each other until their last breath even though they are in the wrong. So the idea that they are done with westernised xalimos when they much more likely on average to smoke,drink, fornicate and get into crime is all nonsense.

When they turn their life around they expect a religious, educated sister to accept them. We are more educated and should not settle for bums. I know of many women who have and have only single motherhood and heartbreak. These guys will never appreciate you for settling and they will mock you for it one day.

The xalimos back home are also catching on to their mess and I have family members back home that are looking for successful guys in Somalia and not interested in guys from the diaspora. They are lied to and told they will save up and bring them over soon but get divorced after a few years and left to raise the children alone.

The deadweight from the community need to fix up and own up to their wrongdoings and not blame women for their shortcomings. Its not our fault or responsibility.

End of story!

Are you ugly? Why are guys looking away from you?
Life aint fair, why should we fix up when theres no tangible incentive for us to do so.We can live it up in the west and then head back home for a righteous wife, the same privilege doesn't exist for
xalimos .Now u can pull the deen card and say that u wont end up with a righteous wife, but the principle still stands.Somali men have way more options then somali females, its unfortunate but it is what it is



King Of NSFW
I think it's quite the opposite. You girls over here are too easy to score on so why tf would I marry dat? I think your starting to realize that Somali men have options and your getting salty cuz of dat