Drunk Farax touches the ass of random girl and her man puts him to sleep twice


First he gets put to sleep inside the store cause he touched the ass of a dudes GF

Second part outside the store


Somali’s need to stop drinking man shit ain’t for us.
No evidence that he is Somali or East African, he could be Dominican but yeah he deserved it you cant be harrassing dudes GFs like that irl and not expect a violent reaction.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I saw this.


He looks Ethiopian, not our L.

He is 100% Somali...that’s on Hudson and McGuffey. It’s right before you get to Hudson and Cleveland ave on the North of Columbus. This guy will die soon walahi. He is in the middle of the scariest ghetto/hood section of the city. This is where the prostitutes walk around. This store is owned by Arabs. That place looks apocalyptic whenever I’m driving through it. No cadaan person dares drives less than 50 miles per hour in this side of the city. This dude is seeking death.

Btw what’s wrong with his legs, is he deformed?
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Certified Liin Distributor
looks somali :(