Been there, done that
I was wondering why Indians were so inherently misogynistic and rapey in their culture and found out one of the leading causes
To any farax the act of getting paid to marry a woman would be a sweet deal but I found out this shit is actually uglier than it looks
>More than 8,000 women die as a result of India’s dowry system each year. Sometimes a woman is murdered by her husband or in-laws when her family can’t raise the requested dowry gift. Other times, women commit suicide after facing harassment and abuse for failing to meet the dowry price.
>India has the most child brides in the world and this phenomenon is partly driven by the dowry system. The younger a girl is, the lower her dowry price will usually be, so to save money, families marry off their daughters at young ages.
>Because women are viewed as a financial burden on a family, many parents abort girls or allow them to die after birth. This leads to both to the chronic undervaluing of women, and a huge gender disparity.
More can be found here
To any farax the act of getting paid to marry a woman would be a sweet deal but I found out this shit is actually uglier than it looks
>More than 8,000 women die as a result of India’s dowry system each year. Sometimes a woman is murdered by her husband or in-laws when her family can’t raise the requested dowry gift. Other times, women commit suicide after facing harassment and abuse for failing to meet the dowry price.
>India has the most child brides in the world and this phenomenon is partly driven by the dowry system. The younger a girl is, the lower her dowry price will usually be, so to save money, families marry off their daughters at young ages.
>Because women are viewed as a financial burden on a family, many parents abort girls or allow them to die after birth. This leads to both to the chronic undervaluing of women, and a huge gender disparity.
More can be found here